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sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Series of questions from the jury verdict set

A series of questions from jurors about Alexandre Nardoni and Anna Jatoba define the future of the couple, accused of killing the girl Isabella. Algumas das perguntas são dividias em dois itens. Some of the questions are divided into two items.

São elas, basicamente, para Alexandre: They are, basically, to Alexander:

1a) A esganadura provocou a morte de Isabella? 1a) esganadura caused the death of Isabella?
1b) Isabella foi jogada pela janela? 1b) Isabella was thrown through the window?

2a) Alexandre deixou de socorrer Isabella durante a esganadura? 2nd) Alexander left to rescue Isabella during esganadura?
2b) Foi Alexandre quem jogou Isabella pela janela? 2b) It was Alexander who played Isabella the window?

3) O jurado absolve o réu? 3) The jury acquitted the defendant?

4a) O crime foi cometido de maneira cruel em relação à esganadura? 4a) The crime was committed in a cruel manner towards esganadura?
4b) O crime foi cometido de maneira cruel em relação à queda da janela? 4b) The crime was committed in a cruel manner in relation to the fall of the window?

5a) Houve emprego de recurso que impossibilitou a defesa da vítima em relação à esganadura? 5th) There was use of resource that prevented the defense of victims in relation to esganadura?
5b) Houve emprego de recurso que impossibilitou a defesa da vítima em relação à queda da janela? 5b) There was use of resource that prevented the defense of victims in relation to the fall of the window?

6) O crime foi cometido para esconder a esganadura? 6) The crime was committed to conceal the esganadura?

7) O crime foi cometido contra menor de 14 anos? 7) The crime was committed against minor 14 years?

8 ) O réu mexeu no local do crime com o intuito de enganar a Justiça? 8) The defendant moved the crime scene in order to mislead the Court?

9) O réu lavou alguma roupa no local para impedir a coleta de provas? 9) The defendant has washed some clothes in place to prevent the collection of evidence?

10) O jurado absolve o réu? 10) The jury acquitted the defendant?

11) O réu lavou alguma roupa no local para eximir-se da culpa? 11) The defendant has washed some clothes in place to escape the blame?

Para Jatobá, as perguntas são as mesmas, com a exceção da número 2 (aeb). To Jatoba, the questions are the same, with the exception of paragraph 2 (b). Neste caso, são elas: In this case, they are:

2a) Anna Jatobá deixou de socorrer Isabella durante a queda da janela? 2nd) Anna Jatoba left to rescue Isabella during the fall of the window?
2b) Foi Jatobá quem esganou Isabella? 2b) was Jatobá who strangle Isabella?

A decisão do júri se dá por maioria simples. The jury's decision is given by a simple majority. Portanto, bastam o voto de quatro jurados para absolver ou condenar o casal. So enough of the four jurors voting to acquit or convict the couple.

Em seguida, o juiz abordará a acusação de fraude processual. Then the judge will address the charge of procedural fraud. O pai ea madrasta de Isabella são acusados de tentar modificar a cena do crime, lavando as manchas do sangue de Isabella no apartamento. The father and stepmother to Isabella are accused of trying to change the crime scene, washing the blood stains in the apartment of Isabella. Também aqui será perguntado se houve um crime, se os réu causaram o crime e se eles são inocentes. Here, too, will be asked if there was a crime, if the defendant caused the crime and if they are innocent. (Com informações da Globo News) (With information from Globo News)


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