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sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Colonel of the safety board said it would ask for strengthening the effective

With the number of people gradually increasing in front of the Forum de Santana, Avenida Engenheiro Caetano Alaves in the north of Sao Paulo, as you approach the verdict in the trial of the couple Nardoni, accused of killing girl Isabella, at night this Friday (26) Colonel Ricardo de Souza, responsible for the security of the site, admitted that he should ask for strengthening the number of police. No momento, 34 policiais militares estão no fórum, cuidando da segurança. Currently, 34 police officers are on board, taking care of security. Segundo ele, mais oito homens da Rocam estão se dirigindo ao local. He said the eight men Rocam are flocking to the site. E, se for preciso, mais reforços se integrarão ao efetivo que está no fórum nas próximas horas. And, if necessary, more reinforcements will integrate the effective forum that is in the coming hours.


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