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domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Rogers Cable tries on flexible channel packages in Ontario, will customers like the fit?

If current one-size-fits-all pay-TV packages aren't doing it for you, then look to the north where The Globe and Mail reports Rogers is testing pay-per-package plans in the Ontario area. It starts by offering a $20 basic cable offering with 86 channels, to which customers can add up to 15, 20, or 30 more channels as they wish from "over 100" possibles. If that's not enough choice, try Quebec, where Videotron and Bell are also doing battle with a la carte channel packages, a trend that apparently does not extend to Bell's offerings outside the region. Behind all these new options is a CRTC mandate to offer customers greater control, so we'll wait to hear from Canucks if these are viable options when they open up November 8th. Check out the details in the press release after the break or head over to Rogers' site to price a package for yourself.


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