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terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Students protest at an event in which Lula won a doctorate

Ex-president became "doctor honoris causa" from the Federal University of Bahia. Outside, students asked for more money for education Thiago Guimaraes, Bahia iG | 20/09/2011 15:41 A student protest of the UFBA (Federal University of Bahia) marked this Tuesday (20), in Salvador, the ceremony of the title "doctor honoris causa" of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. With claims and other general point, as the allocation of 10% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for education in the country, around one hundred students took the entrance to the rectory of the university during Lula's speech. During the speech the former president, security guards barred the entry of students in the hall that housed the ceremony. As the protests grew louder and the protesters remained outside, Lula began to speak off the cuff and said "we never have a space that fits everyone." "It's unfortunate, but people need to learn that this space is," he said, then to dedicate the new law for "people who could not get into." After receiving the title, Lula went to talk with students After the end of the ceremony, protesters arrived to exchange jostling with security guards and managed to break out and get closer to Lula. Chanting slogans like "It's not a joke or a hall, have money for the World Cup, but has for education" and "Lula sai (sic) the ground and to support education," students remained in place until the exit the former president, who came to talk to some of them. In an interview after the ceremony, Lula said he considered "correct" the students' claim for more resources for education. "We have to study seriously, is not any one thing [to place 10% of GDP to the sector]," he said. The former president also said the reference to the World Cup by students by saying that the 2014 event "has no public money." "It's private, has nothing to do with the federal government." The delivery of the title "doctor honoris causa", the sixth of Lula, had been defined by UFBa on October 30, 2002. The honor is conferred by universities to people who have distinguished themselves by knowing or acting on behalf of the arts, sciences, philosophy, letters, or better understanding among peoples. Lula arrived last night in Salvador. Later, he dined with the governor, Jaques Wagner (PT). On the evening of Tuesday, he will give a lecture closed executive of Nestlé.

Students protest of the university in honor of Lula

It was under protest from a group of about 100 students connected to the Main Directorate of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) that former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was in the early afternoon, the title of doctor honoris causa of the institution . The group came to the rectory building of the institution to charge increased to 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the amount must be invested in education in the country

As there was no room in the hall where the event occurred, students had to stand outside. Then get into the hall where accompanied the end of the tribute to Lula and again shouted slogans - as they took autographs of the former president in their own placards were written claims.

"This is a new claim," said Lula. "Until another day, students spoke in 7% (of GDP) - which was placed in the plan of government of President Dilma (Rousseff) 2014. I even joked the other day, that make this claim before, while I was President, maybe we had met. "

For Lula, it is natural that the amount of GDP spent on education grow gradually. The former president, however, said his government got "much progress" in the area. "We did 14 new federal universities, university extensions 126, 214 technical schools, and yet I gathered a Prouni" enumerated. "We still have to do much for education to get where we want. We just do not want to remain exporters of fresh products or commodities. We want to be exporters of knowledge, intelligence."

About the award offered by UFBA, Lula said he had accepted 67 such titles. "And I will continue to accept those that are offered me," he said. "Certainly there is a retrograde portion of the elite of this country that does not conform. If they know that I will receive in 27 days, the title of doctor honoris causa at Sciences Po Paris (Institute of Political Sciences in Paris) is that they will get sick . I'll be the first Latin American to receive that title. "


During his speech, Lula said he also intended to make a book about his government. "Every former president who has just left the office in six months with a book is ready," he joked. "I decided that I was not right even make a book because the book of a former president will never be true. I do not know if you read the book (former U.S. President Bill) Clinton. Monica Lewinsky (who intern Clinton had an affair) is not there. A book I was not going to tell all - and I would not do a book to tell just what you have read in the newspaper. "

According to Lula, the solution was to write a book that many people give testimonials about their government. "We'll make an impersonal book, we will put the company to say what were the eight years of the Lula government."

Protesto de estudantes causa tumulto durante homenagem a Lula

Cerca de 100 universitários ligados á UFBA realizaram manifestação para pedir aumento da verba destinada pelo governo federal para a Educação; ex-presidente recebeu título honoris causa

20 de setembro de 2011 | 15h 43
Tiago Décimo, correspondente de O Estado de S.Paulo
SALVADOR - Foi sob protestos de um grupo de cerca de 100 estudantes ligados ao Diretório Central da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) que o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recebeu, no início da tarde desta terça-feira, 20, o título de doutor honoris causa da instituição. O grupo chegou ao prédio da reitoria da instituição para cobrar aumento para 10% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) o montante a ser obrigatoriamente investido em educação no País.
Estudantes gritaram palavras de ordem durante homenagem a Lula - Roberto Stuckert/Instituto Lula
Roberto Stuckert/Instituto Lula
Estudantes gritaram palavras de ordem durante homenagem a Lula
Como não havia espaço no salão onde ocorria o evento, os estudantes tiveram de ficar do lado de fora. Depois, conseguiram entrar no salão, onde acompanharam o fim das homenagens a Lula e voltaram a gritar palavras de ordem - enquanto pegavam autógrafos do ex-presidente nos próprios cartazes nos quais estavam escritas as reivindicações.
"Essa é uma reivindicação nova", disse Lula. "Até outro dia, os estudantes falavam em 7% (do PIB) - o que foi colocado no plano de governo da presidente Dilma (Rousseff) até 2014. Eu até brinquei, dia desses, que se fizessem essa reivindicação antes, enquanto eu era presidente, talvez a gente tivesse atendido."
Para Lula, é natural que o montante do PIB destinado à educação cresça gradualmente. O ex-presidente, porém, disse que seu governo conquistou "muitos avanços" na área. "Nós fizemos 14 universidades federais novas, 126 extensões universitárias, 214 escolas técnicas, um Reuni e ainda o Prouni", enumerou. "Ainda é preciso fazer muito para a educação chegar aonde a gente quer. Nós não queremos continuar sendo apenas exportadores de produtos in natura ou de commodities. Nós queremos ser exportadores de conhecimento, de inteligência."

Sobre a condecoração oferecida pela UFBA, Lula disse já ter aceitado 67 títulos como esse. "E vou continuar aceitando os que me forem oferecidos", afirmou. "Certamente existe uma parcela da elite retrógrada deste País que não se conforma. Se eles souberem que vou receber, no dia 27, o título de doutor honoris causa da Sciences Po Paris (Instituto de Ciências Políticas de Paris) é que eles vão ficar doentes. Eu serei o primeiro latino-americano a receber esse título."
Livro. Durante seu discurso, Lula também disse ter a intenção de fazer um livro sobre seu governo. "Todo ex-presidente que acaba de deixar o mandato em seis meses está com um livro pronto", brincou. "Eu resolvi que não era correto eu mesmo fazer um livro, porque o livro de um ex-presidente nunca vai ser verdadeiro. Não sei se vocês leram o livro do (ex-presidente americano Bill) Clinton. A Monica Lewinsky (estagiária com quem Clinton teve um caso) não está lá. Um livro meu também não ia contar tudo - e eu não ia fazer um livro para contar apenas o que vocês já leram no jornal."
Segundo Lula, a solução foi fazer um livro em que várias pessoas dão testemunhos sobre seu governo. "Nós vamos fazer um livro impessoal, nós vamos colocar a sociedade para dizer o que foram os oito anos do governo Lula."


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