Autor defende que Bono deixe de promover 'iniciativas filantrópicas mal conduzidas'.
Petição angariou até agora US$ 400, que só serão doados se Bono desistir da vida pública.
Um abaixo-assinado na internet quer que o vocalista do U2 deixe de participar de ações solidárias. Publicado no endereço, o manifesto defende "Afastar Bono da vida pública (para que ele deixe de promover iniciativas filantrópicas mal conduzidas e contraproducentes)".
Os signatários devem fazer pressão contribuindo para um fundo de caridade. O criador do manifesto diz que o dinheiro só será doado se Bono abandonar a vida pública de vez. Até agora, o site angariou cerca de US$ 400.
“Vamos contribuir com o fundo global para Aids, tuberculose e malária”, diz o autor. “Mas só pagaremos se atingirmos nosso objetivo.”
Bono encabeça iniciativas como a marca RED, acusada de monopolizar recursos.
No momento, o U2 está finalizando seu próximo álbum de músicas inéditas, sucessor de “How to dismantle an atomic bomb”, de 2004.
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We've raised more than the RED Campaign! announced 1 day ago
- To get Bono to retire from public life (so he'll stop leading misguided counter-productive philanthropy efforts) ....and, simultaneously.... to make a huge donation to fight AIDS
- We will give money to: Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
But we will only pay if the objective is met
Bono’s philanthropy efforts are self-righteous, ineffective, & counter-productive.
The RED campaign has managed to spend $40 million more on marketing that it has raised from RED product sales, while sending consumers a dangerous message. Read more
Many involved in the global fight against AIDS worry that RED will make it harder to raise funds, and that the oversimplified & disempowered image of Africa that Bono perpetuates. , as exemplified in these incredibly condescending lyrics from the Band Aid Xmas song Bono helped create, obscures and undermines the assets African nations must focus on to defeat AIDS and poverty.
The grassroots leaders of the global fight against AIDS didn’t ask for Bono to be their frontman. Its time for Bono to step down. We’ll all pledge donations to the Global Fund, but no pledges are collected until Bono retires from public life. If he wants to moan bland melodies he’ll have to do it quietly in his bedroom. If he want to fight AIDS he can make a direct donation instead of buying a sweatshop GAP T-shirt. As the pledges grow, Bono will have to decide what matters more, fighting AIDS effectively, or him being the movement’s frontman.
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the RED Campaign
BAND AID lyrics
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