Rousseff never had a special fondness for Orlando Silva, but takes with him carefully he had met with other ministers on corruption chargesGabriel CastroThe Minister of Sports, Orlando Silva, difficult conversation with the President
Upon learning of the revelations of SEE on the minister Orlando Silva, Sports, President Rousseff called the subordinate. The conversation took place even on the night of Friday. The PT demanded explanations of Silva, who adopted a strategy to discredit whistleblowers. Dilma asked if the minister is confident that not participated in any wrongdoing. He heard a positive response. Instead of removing the communist position, the commander decided to be cautious: "The truth is necessary," would have said the president.The procedure is similar to that adopted before the fall of this year four other ministers. But a comparison cold, Orlando Silva is more to Peter than to Antonio Novais Palocci: the appointment to the position it did not come out of their own president. The member of the PC do B, also appointed by the Lula government, was in office for inertia, when few were betting on their stay. Furthermore, the wear that weighs the minister has suffered in recent months, with the flaws in the organization of the 2014 World Cup. So there's the betting that the position will be vacant in the next day: "A head should roll this week," bet the PSDB in the Senate leader, Alvaro Dias (PR).Another factor may play against the commander of Sport: in previous episodes, especially in cases of Alfredo Nascimento, Transport, and Peter Novais, Tourism, Dilma dubious posture earned him political dividends: the president, officially, did not fire anyone. He waited alone subordinates fall, when the situation became untenable. But public opinion, was the image of the vaunted "ethical housecleaning" of the government. If Orlando Silva (another part of the cursed legacy of the Lula government) goes down, the myth of the President with relentless corruption likely to increase.Reaction - Faced with the emergence of serious revelations about the sports minister, the opposition should react. And the script is not surprising, since there were other precedents in government Dilma: ask federal prosecutors to investigate the case and try to take the minister to testify in Congress. The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) Corruption, far out of the paper, should also return to the staff. But, at least for the toucans, the scandal, coupled with the recent demonstrations against corruption, can give new life to some ethical flags.On Saturday, DEM issued a statement calling for the immediate resignation of the minister. And further: "Orlando Silva's resignation is not enough. Federal Police, Attorney General's Office and Court of Audit must thoroughly investigate this scheme in the Ministry of Sport," says in the text, the ranking of party in the House, ACM Neto (BA).The PPS will ask, since Monday, the Attorney General's Office investigate the case. "But the government does not do that and we have to go to the prosecutor to charge what they have to be charged. It would be the case for the government to call and say that society will not tolerate it. That in the event of termination, will anyone away, "says the leader of the party in the House, Rubens Bueno (PR).For Alvaro Dias, the road passes by the courts. "Let's split the complaint and convene the judicial authority responsible for setting up the investigation in order to seek civil and criminal liability," he says. The PSDB also ask to convene in Orlando Silva Committee on Education, Culture and Sport of the Senate. If the government repeat the procedure used in recent cases, will accept the visit of the Minister to Parliament since the call is processed in the invitation.Climate - Alvaro Dias also believes that the new complaint, combined with the recent demonstrations calling for an end to corruption in the country, create a favorable climate for voting on proposals of this kind, as a project that transforms the heinous crime of corruption, which is already before Congress. For the leader, the revelations brought by Veja only show that even with the tactics of the ruling cool the scandals, the cases go back to the surface sooner or later. For him, popular pressure for ethics in politics can take shape in coming days."The CPI bingo, there was an incredible shield. The rapporteur was Senator Inácio Arruda, PC B. We did not have conditions for further research in the Ministry of Sports," says Alvaro Dias, in reference to the commission that investigated fraud in the folder during the Lula government. "They bet into oblivion. And what's worse, the minister lead back to the office. It is clear that one day the house falls," says the senator. While the task is daunting, it also must include the collection assinturas to create the CPI on Corruption in Congress.Rubens Bueno also complains about the way the government mobilizes its comfortable majority in Congress to stifle corruption. The representative of the PPS says, for example, no longer believes that the convening of the minister going to solve a problem: "I can even ask to have some effect. But this business of bringing the minister in the House is a horror. They put a average of four deputies by a lead against us and everything, "says the congressman.Layout - The issue of SEE that hit newsstands on Saturday shows how John Dias Ferreira, police and militant PC B in Brasilia, Orlando Silva accused of coordinating a scheme millionaire deviations from agreements with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To receive the amount they were entitled to, entities must pay 20% of the amount in question to members of the folder.John Dias, who was arrested during an operation that found gaps in the ministry under Lula, Orlando Silva also accused of having received a box full of cash, the original scheme. Most of the diverted resources have been used to cover costs of PC B campaign - including costs of the coalition that in 2006, led Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to power.Despite his advice was sought on Thursday by Veja, just after closing the magazine late on Friday, is that Orlando Silva made contact with the story.The minister said he was "shocked". He said that the police knew of the threats for some time. "During one year we tried this guy's ministry and made threats, innuendo. And what was our position? Friend, report, say what you want. Why? Because as we are convinced that what was done was correct, we do not fear. And we talked to him, do not care. He said that there was a dossier, which was going to denounce ... The answer was to do, look for the prosecutors, police, justice, do what you want to do, "he said.
Posted on 02/02/2008 at 23h02m
CBN, The Globe, The Globe Online Sports Minister Orlando Silva - Daily S.Paulo / Archive
Brasilia, Rio and Sao Paulo - A day after the resignation of Matilde Ribeiro, Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality, on charges of misuse of corporate card, the Sports Minister Orlando Silva, said in a news conference Saturday in St. Paul, who returned to public coffers everything spent on your card in the last two years. He said the expenses amounted to R $ 30,870.38. Also according to the minister, the value was taken from him a personal application at the Bank of Brazil on Friday.
The fact that Orlando did not return the money moved the national president of the DEM, Rodrigo Maia, who reported on Saturday night that will go to the criminal complaint against the Minister for embezzlement, when the server uses its role to take ownership of public or private money. According to Maia, was committed a crime committed.
The minister said that this attitude was an act of outrage after he saw his political life being questioned by the press. He defended the use of corporate card and said it would continue using it, according to new rules established by decree by President Lula. The minister said that at no time used the corporate card for withdrawals, which are now restricted.
Purchase of tapioca was a mistake, says ministroSobre payment of R $ 8.30 in a tapioca in Brasilia, he said it was a mistake. In the interview, he came to show another personal card much like the corporate account and said he was confused at the time of paying the purchase. He told me that all the expenses made in 2006 and 2007 with the corporate card was legal, but decided to return the sum to the competent bodies to make the evaluation of these expenses.
Given the allegations of misuse, the Court of Audit (TCU) has devised an audit of expenditures made with corporate credit cards in the federal government since 2001, when the instrument is now often used the pretext of facilitating the payment of daily expenses by authorities.
In his resignation on Friday, Ribeiro moved to two employees of the folder of the responsibility for the misuse of corporate card. The employees were dismissed. Political scientist Martvs Chagas, assistant secretary, shall assume the office temporarily. (Listen to the minister announced his government shutdown)
In 2007, the monthly costs of Matilda with the cards was £ 14 200, 14 times more than average. Among the irregularities, the main one is that she would have spent $ 118,000 in rental cars in just one year using always the same store. You could buy up to two executive cars, model used by the Minister on the road.
The minister justified the frequent use of the card depending on the need for travel and for not having a decentralized structure of his ministry in the states. The case is being examined by the Comptroller General (CGU) and the Public Ethics Commission. The orientation of the CGU, however, is that the minister should have made a bid for the choice of rental, depending on frequency of use.
Under the new rules, the card can no longer be used for cash withdrawals, with the exception of the organs of the Presidency, the Vice-Presidency, the Federal Police and the Ministries of Health, Finance, and offices abroad. Ministers, however, may allow withdrawals of up to 30% of card limit in exceptional cases, provided that justify the costs. It will also be prohibited from using the card for payment of daily trips in the server service, and to purchase tickets. (What measures do you think? Feedback)
On Thursday, the Minister of Planning, Paulo Bernardo mock the proposed creation of a CPI to investigate the use of corporate card by ministers.
- You will wonder why a minister of state for R tapioca bought a $ 8.30? It will become what the CPI of tapioca? - He asked, referring to Orlando Silva, during the interview in which he announced the changes on the cards, then to consider: - If you need to do, certainly that parliamentarians will decide to do, but I think it is not the case.
05/06/2008 - 12:43Under criticism from opponents, CPI report, which approves or does not ask indictment cites dossier
Folha Online, in Brasilia
The CPI of the Corporate Card approved on Thursday the report by Sergio Luiz (PT-RJ) in which all free government ministers Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva accused of irregularities in the use of payment cards and does not mention the assembly of the dossier with expenses of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
With large majority in the CPI, the government approved the allied base Sergio report by 14 votes to seven, and automatically rejected the parallel text presented by the opposition - which called for the prosecution of ministers Rousseff (Civil House), Altemir Gregolin (Fishing) and Orlando Silva (Sports), among others.
Luiz Sérgio denied that his work was "partial" or has the purpose of promoting the federal government to exonerate ministers irregularities in PT.
"The rapporteur can not be anything other than self extracting data from the parliamentary inquiry. I did not ask or the acquittal of anyone or ask anyone to incriminate themselves. What I'm asking is the result of the CPI is sent to the prosecutor, Court of Audit, which within their methodologies may investigate. It is not the rapporteur make judgments of value. "
The report approved by the CPI, Sergio explanations of irregular expenditure charged to the CGU (Comptroller General of the Union) or reimbursement of the amount used to the public coffers for ex-ministers of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB). But ministers said the Orlando Silva, Altemir Gregolin and former Minister Matilde Ribeiro (Racial Equality) used by "mistake" the corporate card to pay for a tapioca, barbecue and shopping in a duty-free shop, respectively.
Sergio only suggests, for ex-ministers of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who justify their irregular expenditure by the CGU (Comptroller General of the Union) under penalty of returning resources to the public coffers - as Raul Jungmann (Agrarian Reform), Martus Tavares (Planning), Paulo Renato (Education) and Pimenta da Veiga (Communications).
The rapporteur has accepted only suggestion parliamentarians allied with the government to withdraw from the final text expressions that emitted "value judgments" about ministers toucans. Sergio agreed to take from the text, for example, the complaint against the former Minister Pimenta da Veiga (Communications) accused of using the corporate card in March 2001 to buy a "toucan blue quartz stones and green quartz" in the amount of U.S. $ 48.90.
Despite adopting different tone in the text on the spending ministers and the Cardoso administration of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Sergio says in the report that took as much "free as possible" to examine irregularities in the use of cards in the years 1997 and 2007.
With the approval of the report of Sergio, the CPI goes out of business without requiring punishment of ministers and officials from the federal government accused of improperly using corporate cards.
The commission ended its work without clear details of the assembly of the dossier anti-FHC, posture played by opposition MPs as a "pizza" mounted under the guidance of the Presidential Palace.