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segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

The Minister of Sports of Brazil Orlando Silva acknowledges possible failure in monitoring

NGOOctober 16, 2011 • 23h36

The Minister of Sports, Orlando Silva, acknowledged Sunday that may have failed in monitoring NGO Pra Frente Brazil, suspected of using front companies to divert public money in São Paulo. "Failure is always possible that there, and our mission is to correct them. I pledge once again to examine the reports that they (NGOs) have developed. We will investigate, ascertain and check all data. Those responsible will be punished," said the minister. The information is from Fantastic.The organization, managed by former basketball player Karina Valeria Rodriguez, received about $ 28 million in the last six years - the NGO that won more money from the Ministry of Sports. The Pra Frente Brazil operates in 17 municipalities in São Paulo state and is considered strategic by the federal government in the democratization of access to sports. The NGOs said followed the law and denied that the contractors are window dressing.AllegationsAccording to Veja magazine's report, several members of PCdoB, led by the minister, were a part of irregularities involving agreements between the folder and NGOs, which would have diverted more than $ 40 million in eight years. The charges as the sole source military police officer and former militant PCdoB John Dias Ferreira, which describes the Minister as one of the beneficiaries of the deviation.Ferreira was one of five arrested last year by police in Brasilia on charges of participating in diversion of resources devoted to a program folder. Previous investigations indicated several members of PCdoB as protagonists of the irregularities at the time of Operation Shaolin, but it is the first time the name of the minister is mentioned by one of the suspects. Ferreira, by John Day Association and Kung Fu Kung Fu Federation Brasiliense, signed two agreements in 2005 and 2006, the Ministry of Sports.According to Ferreira, NGOs received funds through the payment of a fee that could reach 20% of the value of the agreements. Orlando Silva would have received personally in the garage of the Ministry, a cardboard box full of bills of $ 50 and $ 100 from the gang. Some of this money, accuses the See, was used to pay expenses of the 2006 presidential campaign.

NGO ex-athlete is suspected of defrauding an agreement with Ministry of Sports
Former basketball player Karina denies fraud in the program Second Half.'See' sports minister accused of diverting money from the program, he denies.G1, with information from Fantastic
The non-governmental organization Pra Frente Brazil, created in 2003 by former basketball player Karina Valeria Rodrigues, is suspected of diverting funds transferred by the Ministry of Sport program through Second Half, which aims to encourage sports among children and teenagers. The report was displayed in the "Fantastic" this Sunday (16).The same program was the subject of Second Time magazine article "See" this weekend. According to the magazine, the Minister of Sports, Orlando Silva (PC do B), have participated in an alleged scheme to divert money from the folder. The report gives the statements policeman John Dias Ferreira, arrested by civil police in Brasilia in 2010, also on suspicion of defrauding the Second Time.read more

Magazine says that Orlando Silva received bribes from money diverted from Sports
Orlando Silva 'just want to go to the House to clarify complaints, "says leaderIn the "Look," John Dias, as is known, said the minister would have personally received money in the garage of the ministry. The report points out that the alleged scheme had diverted about $ 40 million in the last eight years. Orlando Silva denies.The story of "Fantastic" addresses the NGO Pra Frente Brazil, founded by former athlete in Jagariúna Karina, in São Paulo, which originally bore the name of move on. In 2008, Karina was elected alderman in Jaguariúna at PCdoB same party as Minister Orlando Silva. In a speech in the House of Jagariúna, she said it was the entity responsible for Pra Frente Brazil: "In my body, I know everything that happens. And I am responsible for everything that happens."The NGO Pra Frente Brazil operates in 17 cities in the state of Sao Paulo and got the program a second time as the activities offered. The program is considered strategic by the federal government since 2003, when it was created, transferred $ 750 million to municipalities, states and NGOs The body of former athlete Karina received $ 28 million in the last six years. It was the NGOs that won more money from the Ministry of Sports.Part of the funding received by the entity would be used to purchase snacks. The company is the leading provider NCR, Campinas. One of the members of the RNC is Reinaldo Morandi, who claims to be adviser Karina. The RNC has been contracted by Brazil forward and received more than $ 10 million between 2007 and 2010. In January 2010, a contract was signed between the company and the NGO in the amount of $ 4,470,000 for the provision of snack kits for 21 months.The Sports Ministry does not require that public entities do compete, but stipulates that NGOs make pricing and observe the principles of morality, economy and impersonality.In the evaluation of the promoter José Cláudio Tadeu Baglio, the Group of Combating Organized Crime, the contraction of the RNC is irregular. "The principle of impartiality means, roughly, that you can not hire a company based on the person who is behind this entity," he says. This means, according to the prosecutor that NGO leaders should not hire people nearby, such as relatives and friends. When the "Great" back to search Reinaldo Morandi, he denied connection with Karina.Shell companyAccording to the Public Ministry of São Paulo, there are indications that the RNC is a shell company. "Appears a figure that is quite popular today, which is the figure of the orange, which is placed in the direction of the company for the purpose of practicing criminal offense. When in reality, is another person who runs."Sports and Action The company also hired by the NGO of former player Karina, is suspected to be a front, as the MP. Between 2007 and 2010, the Sports and Action NGOs Karina received from $ 1.29 million to supply sports equipment. The owner of the company is Cleide Birth Villalba. Villalba has another family company, Marcelo Villalba - EPP, which also has contracts with NGOs Karina. The Marcelo Villalba - EPP received between 2007 and 2010, R $ 2.74 million to provide sporting goods and snacks.The owners of both companies, Cleide and Marcellus, are married. A former Action Sports and address parents' house is on Marcelo Villalba, who say he never made much money. "We are the wretched pindura. (..) He has a popular house, like mine," says Vilma Villalba, mother of Marcelo.Marcelo said the "fantastic" that there is no irregularity. "We participate in the bidding. One bid including face, all right." He said the money received was applied correctly.The former player Karina, who is manager of the NGO officially Pra Frente Brazil, said that everything was done within the law and denied that the contractors are window dressing. "A company that filed permit, all Certificates. Fulfilled all requirements." The former athlete also denied that Reinaldo Morandi, the RNC, is his advisor.Karina said that the NGO is monitored constantly and that two investigations have been filed.The minister Orlando Silva said that any irregularities will be cleared. "It [the program] is perfect? ​​No. Probably not. But we must continue this effort to have management as efficient as possible. We have to investigate and eventually identify any errors. The error is sure to be corrected."The Public Ministry of São Paulo said that all reports shown by the "Fantastic" were sent to the Attorney General's Office, since this is federal money.

Whistleblower says on its blog that integrates the gang Sports MinisterPM increased tone of the threats against Orlando Silva and recommended that the PCdoB be "silent" on corruption charges
iG Brasilia | 10/16/2011 15:47

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Author of complaint alleged scheme to pay bribes within the Ministry of Sports, the former militant of military and police PCdoB John Dias Ferreira raised the tone of threats against his former label and against the Minister Orlando Silva.
In two posts on his blog published on the morning of Sunday, the minister accused Ferreira of integrating a "gang" and suggested that the PCdoB stay "quiet before leaving the defense of Orlando."
According to the complaint published this weekend by Veja magazine, the sports minister had received bribes in the scheme orchestrated PCdoB in order to divert public money through agreements with NGOs
In the first message, posted at 7:57 a.m. and directed to the minister, Ferreira rebut Orlando Silva, who in an interview yesterday in Mexico, called the PM a "bandit" and said he would sue for libel.
"You are mistaken, I'm not a bandit, bandit and his gang are you doing and redo any process of the ministry according to your convenience and you know very well!" Wrote the former militant.
He stresses that the report to see "is properly recorded and will be presented to the competent authorities." Ferreira has also been approached on Friday by the national secretary, Richard Leiser, at the behest of the minister.
"What did he want with me? Make one of those agreements are not met? "Asked the policeman. Ferreira adds that looks "forward to be called to present the truths materialized."
Federal Police
The second post, which went live at 8:05 a.m., was addressed to members of legend - who yesterday ruled defending the minister of corruption charges. "TIP: PCdoB NATIONAL WAS GOOD TO BE SILENT BEFORE LEAVING IN DEFENSE OF ORLANDO Summary", noted in capital letters.
The Sports Ministry has issued a statement saying that Orlando Silva asked the Minister of Justice, José Eduardo Cardozo, the Federal Police to investigate complaints. Even at their request, PCdoB try to anticipate this week in the House hearings on the 2014 World Cup, where the Minister intends to provide clarification on the charges of fraud.


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