The desire to learn exists, so what is holding them back?
NEW YORK.- New people, a new country, a new way of life, these are only some of the factors that make coming to the US a struggle for millions of immigrants from around the world. Many may agree, however, that one of the biggest obstacles in adapting to a new country is the language barrier.Recently, AOL Latino conducted a poll to measure the importance of speaking English for Latinos in the United States.Though the results prove that there is an awareness of the importance to speak English, Latinos find ways to live without the need of speaking the language.
After receiving a total of 3799 votes, the results illustrated that for 50% of respondents not speaking English has meant changing their daily routines to avoid having to speak the language, and a high 87% claim to speak Spanish in their place of work, either all of the time or occasionally.
However, for Latinos living in the United States the need to be ever more intertwined with the fabric of the American way of life through its language is not only important but is a key factor in obtaining a better life.
The results of the poll showed that for the majority of Hispanics living the US, speaking English is not only important, it is a necessity. 14% of respondents believed it is important to communicate well in English while a solid 69% claim it to be a priority.
This sentiment speaks volumes of the awareness that exists within the Latino community in the US of the direct correlation between speaking English and obtaining a higher quality of life.
Of those surveyed, 55% believed that if they spoke better English they would have a better job, while 76% believed it could contribute to an improvement in their everyday lives and activities.
In fact, 44% of the respondents acknowledge that English would come in handy in their everyday lives, from speaking to their children's teachers to visiting the doctor or paying the bills.
However, in many cases, this awareness is stifled by other factors that come in the way and which prove to be too strong to ignore, such as the need to provide for a family or economic restraints.
However in many cases although aware, other factors get in the way and prove to be too strong to ignore, such as the need to provide for a family or economic restraints.What is holding them back?
Of those polled, 38% have a basic understanding of the english language, they either speak very little or can only read it, while 6% can't speak it at all. All in all, 71% claim to want to improve their English skills but can't.
The reasons for being unable to vary from not having money for classes (26%) to having tried but failed (26%) to not having the time (18%).
The AOL Latino poll, which was not scientific and was taken by users of the site throughout the course of seven days, revealed that there is a demand for greater services for Latinos and immigrants who want to learn to speak and write english
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