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quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

#lula While Brazilian President In Holocaust-Denying Iran, Thousands at Home Pay Tribute to Millions of Jewish Dead


Thiago in Brazil sent me this piece of delicious news:

While our president, Luis Inácio 'Lula' da Silva, is in Iran celebrating his 'diplomatic victory' (?) in reaching that agreement with Iran's supremo, thousands of demonstrators in Rio de Janeiro gathered up to send him a message: "Mr. President: don't forget to talk about human rights in Iran": They placed 6,000 plastic hands on Ipanema beach -- each hand representing 1,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust which is denied by Mr. Ahmadinejad.

Here's the translation from the Portuguese: thanks to Thiago

[Title:] Activists demonstrate against religious intolerance in Iran

The Commission Against Religious Intolerance promoted on Sunday morning a silent protest to remember the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, besides demonstrating against religious persecution imposed on the Baha'i and the policy of segregation of homosexuals in the government of Iranian President Mahoumud (sic) Ahmadinejad.

[Caption:] Images of hands on Ipanema's sands honour the victims of the Holocaust.

Activists marked the sands of Ipanema Beach, by Farme de Amoedo Street, [with] six thousand hands stamped with the number thousand. They have urged President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to intercede with Ahmadinejad during his visit to Iran, to stop religious persecution, and that human rights take place on the political agenda of that country's government. Brazil has 30,000 followers of the Baha'i faith.

“The nuclear issue is not isolated in Iranian political life. It is in a context of authoritarianism and violence. Lula cannot forget who is Ahmadinejad when he visits Iran. The Iranian President fights religious diversity and its policy is exactly the opposite of what happens in Brazil regarding tolerance,” said Michel Gherman, of Juventude Judaica [Jewish Youth] of Rio de Janeiro and a member of the Commission Against Religious Intolerance.

Brazil jewish

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