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segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012

NHK and NTT successfully Tests international Transmission of Super Hi-Vision Video (8K)

NHK and NTT successfully Tests international Transmission of Super Hi-Vision Video (8K)
Photo Courtesy of the American Society of Cinematographers.
Super Hi-Vision Videos or 8K is the holy grail of all geeks, well at least to the ones who would love to see 7,680×4,320 Movies at home or wherever they can. Being 16 times the resolution of full HD movies, Super Hi-Vision Videos can be tricky to transmit without degradation from let’s say Japan to North America then to Europe.
But the Joint effort of both NHK and NTT finally paid-off! NHK was capable then to transmit Super Hi-Vision videos all around the world (80,000km) with just a 0.3 second lag, a huge improvement compared to the usual 1.2 seconds lag obtain when using satellites.
Strong from this success, NHK hopes now to be able to make Super Hi-Vision ready for the public in 2020 in order to broadcast International Sports event from Japan at first.

JVC introduces five new compact camcorder featuring Falconbird technology

JVC introduces five new compact camcorder featuring Falconbird technology
JVC’s Falconbird image engine is a remarkable little chipset that provide the necessary processing power to handle heavy HD but also 4K2K videos, and today, JVC announced none the less than five new compact camcorder featuring this little beast with the GZ-V590 and GZ-V570 series that comes respectively with 64GB and 32GB of internal memory but also a 10x optical Zoom and the GZ-E Series including the E265 (32GB), E225 and E220 (8GB) that comes for each models with a 40x optical zoom.
All cameras support SDHC and SDXC Cards, a touchscreen and a nice little electronic manual that can be access from any mobile phones by scanning a QR code that will display your camera on its screen.
Category Camcorder
JVC introduces five new compact camcorder featuring Falconbird technologyJVC introduces five new compact camcorder featuring Falconbird technology
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