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sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

Tragedy in BRAZIL and handling of funds


A week of heavy rains in the northeast part produced scenes in Pernambuco and Alagoas identical to major disasters like the earthquake in Haiti to the Asian tsunami and floods typical of Bangladesh, India and surrounding areas.

Remaining cities pulverized, infrastructure in shambles and much reconstruction work to the various levels of government, and dozens of dead, disappeared over a thousand, many homeless and deep human tragedy.

After the tragedies, it is common to hear of authorities to natural phenomena of this magnitude are difficult to predict. Therefore, it remains only to blame the harsh climate. Maybe global warming ...

It's not that simple. According to José Oswaldo de Araujo Filho, professor of geosciences at the University of Brasília (UnB), as is well known that the region will succeed long droughts and floods, it is possible to act preventively in the protection of coastal communities, the most vulnerable. According to the teacher, lack of planning by state and federal governments.

There is also another serious shortage in government in defense of the people: of seriousness in the distribution of public money, money scarce, and even nonexistent in some areas of the Lula government.

Reporting yesterday's GLOBE brought statistical evidence of manipulation of funds from the Ministry of National Integration for political purposes. In the management of Mr Vieira Geddel in ministry, national hero of the PMDB Bahia, mainstay of the governing coalition, the domicile of the political election this year received 56.8% of the entire budget Folder reserved for accident prevention, according to a survey of NGO accounts. In Pernambuco fell 0.24%, and Alagoas, governed by the PSDB, not a penny. Geddel is a candidate for governor of Bahia - and therefore no relationship between their political project and the target that gave the taxpayer money is not coincidental.

Therefore, the catastrophe occurred in Pernambuco and Alagoas may also be approached from the angle of political science.

The explanation for the undeniable political-electoral manipulation of funds by the ministry in patrimonialism Brazilian Geddel is quite visible in Lula because he loteado part of the government body in the most vigorous spirit of patronage, changing access to public money and the power to appoint proxies for support in Congress and elections.

This subdivision schemes benefited oiled party subtraction of money to irrigate public electoral corrals. I also saw an ideological apparatus that allowed by the so called "social movements" - MST, etc.. Another strand of the same policy of creating hereditary captaincy in the machine and connected to the public treasury benefited corporations union, converted into a transmission belt of government. Until the CUT and Força Sindical, old rivals, were united, appeased by the millions poured into its coffers through the generosity of the Plateau. Turned neopelegas. It has not escaped the former co-opting even stiffer UNE.

The sad scenes and impact recorded in Alagoas and Pernambuco in recent days, unfortunately, can compose the scene of the style of politics that is practiced today in Brazilian capital Brasília.




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