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terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

The iPhone 5 Announcement, don't trade in your iPhone 4 just yet

The iPhone 5 event in Cupertino Tuesday October 4th is sure to get many people salivating over the new features within the latest iPhone 5 device. The iPhone 5 will be an upgrade above what the iPhone 4 has within it, but maybe it`s time we start talking some sense into the raving Apple fanboys and fangirls. Those who are easily ready to trade their perfectly working, and fast iPhone 4 for a device pitched to them as being better than what they have.

We`ll start with the new features in the iPhone 5 that the iPhone 4 will never have. The processor within the new iPhone 5 will be the A5 dual-core ship that is used in the Apple iPad 2. The iPhone 4 has an A4 single-core chip. The A4 chip within the iPhone 4 is very fast and snappy, combined with a great Operating System, you`re likely not going to truly see a big advantage between it and the A5 chip in the iPhone 5. None that can really be seen to the naked human eye anyway.

The iPhone 5 will have a wider/larger touchscreen display. The iPhone 4 has a large enough touchscreen display as it is, so having an extra 0.5 inches isn't going to make a big difference.

The iPhone 5 will have an 8 megapixel camera on the back capable of shooting a full 1080p HD video. The iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel camera capable of shooting 720p video. Honestly, you've probably encountered the problems with sharing 'HD' video from your smartphone. They are way too big to share on youtube, so having it even bigger at 1080p is only going to make that problem bigger, and me more impatient while waiting for it to upload. To add to the issues of smartphone cameras, again you've probably ran into this yourself, the images still look grainy and crappy when compared to a full DSLR 8 megapixel camera. It comes down to the lens folks, any professional photographer will tell you that. So, the iPhone, or any smartphone for that matter, is really not capable of taking high quality photographs of you wedding day, no matter how cool you think it is to shoot it all with an iPhone.

Author: Jesse Bauer
Published: October 04, 2011 at 8:47 am


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