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domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

The widowers of military personnel in Haiti are going to fight

Elio Gaspari - Elio Gaspari
Author (s): Agencia Globo
O Globo - 15/08/2010

If Obama does with fellow widowers and children of soldiers killed in their wars that the government of our Guide are doing with the families of 18 servicemen who died in the earthquake of Haiti, his political career will be over.

Given the disaster that killed 230 000 people, the hierarchs of Brasilia were flawless marketing campaign. Lula cried during the ceremony of the arrival of coffins, went to Haiti, toured ruins and gave a U.S. $ 15 million to the homeless.

Moreover, today announced that indemnified with $ 500 000 each family of a soldier killed, another aid to R $ 510 monthly per child of school age. The initiative was passed in Congress and enacted in June.

It took seven months of the arrival of the dead in Brazil and two from the penalty.

Where? No widow or orphan received a penny. Neither prediction ago.

Each soldier was entitled to an indemnity of U.S. $ 50 000 United Nations, under whose flag also served.

Received in early April.

The Army gave widows the support they receive due and timely pensions they are entitled. Nevertheless, they had more to suffer. Their husbands paid regularly by a group insurance policy sold by Bradesco, through Poupex, linked to the Housing Foundation of the Army. Private institution, headed by a general (reserve) military uses dependencies to satisfy their customers. Improperly merges with the institution. At the time of receiving the insurance, widows were informed that the contract did not provide payment in case of earthquake.

Out of deference to Bradesco, each family would receive between $ 100,000 and $ 250,000, as if their husbands had suffered a natural death.

Something like a heart attack at the beach. They maintain that they died in an accident in the service of country. In this case, the insurance value doubles. My husband died in uniform, says one lady.

The Army Command and Bradesco (profit of $ 4.5 billion in the first half) are facing a trouble. First, because it came four widows who decided to brave fight for their interests. Until then, game played, because the insurer contends that his right is better than theirs and, if not fulfilled, recourse to justice. They say they intend to do just that, because the case was enriched by a curiosity: two soldiers killed had individual policies from insurers Itaú and Amil. Neither operates within barracks, or associates his name to the Army.

Both understood that their clients had accidental death, because they paid what they saw and no complaints about them.

In the government of fellow Obama, none of this would happen, because no U.S. president is crazy enough to allow them to sell illusions financial barracks.

One of the things that work best in the American bureaucracy is its Department of Veterans Affairs, which does not get involved with private insurers.

Anyway, lance the hornet's nest of the textbook

Finally someone pike the beehive of industry and trade in Brazilian schoolbooks. With a circulation of two thousand copies, is coming to bookstores with the word, author, teacher Francisco Azevedo de Arruda Sampaio and Aloma Fernandes de Carvalho, the publisher Sarandi. This is a true course to learn about how the National Textbook Program, administered by the MEC. In size (115 million books), it is second only to China. At cost (U.S. $ 900 million), consumes 2% of the budget of the MEC.

Of every three books sold in Brazil, one is bought by the government.

The two teachers had a collection, The Way of Science, recommended by the NPDB in 2001, 2004 and 2007 and sent to 12 million students. Were disapproved in 2010 and decided to confront their evaluators. Usually when a publisher is disapproved, be quiet, not to contaminate their sales in the education network private.

In this experiment, they put up with the Inquisition.

From the outset, they knew they could use, but it is useless.

Rather, the appeal was submitted to the same evaluators who had failed the collection. Finally, we learn that the names of reviewers is confidential.

The two teachers praise the NPDB, acknowledge that he moralized the market, ending up the time that advisers were drawn from publishers for whom bread machines indicate their books in schools. In 432 pages, publish all documents related to the case, including for the first time since the NPDB is, the opinions that failed. What they ask is elemental: the open debate and accountability of evaluators and educatecas who do wrong things.

If all the assessments of the books offered to the MEC can be found by Patuleia, everybody wins. The authors are unable exposed. The evaluators will be held accountable and frivolous NPDB will no longer be compared with the Holy Inquisition.

Scholarship Dictatorship

The Court of Audit decided to review the spree of Bolsa dictatorship, which has committed $ 4 billion from the safe of the Widow.

One of these scholarships earns about $ 5000 monthly for Our Guide. There will come a day when someone will compare the way the state pampered a lot of riders from upstairs, to the treatment received by victims of the dictatorship who were (and are) downstairs.

Between 1972 and 1974 the army humiliated, arrested and beat hundreds of destitute farmers in the Araguaia region. Unlike what happened in cities, destruiulhes heritage of huts, fields and animals. They lost everything.

While the families of the slain guerrillas were compensated, 44 peasants an event graced by the Minister Genro, but so far not received anything since the payment was blocked in court. Since then, five have died.

Not me

Someone needs to tell the minister Jose Gomes that public policy is one thing, and public service, other.

Bored with the position of the Brazilian health in the Index of the UNDP Human Values, his ministry dismissed the report because it does not distinguish the assistance undertaken by the private system held by the public system.

Does not distinguish, nor must distinguish.

What is the UNDP says that the perception of Brazil in relation to health is bad. The public hospitals are a public service, but the dissatisfaction of customers of health care reflects the quality of public policy as practiced by the National Health Insurance.

Temporão minister is not attending public schools. It is Minister of Health



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