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quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

Delegate says goalkeeper Bruno was present in the house when Eliza was murdered

Posted on 08/07/2010 at 13h50m
Ana Claudia Costa, Gustavo Goulart and Marcelo Portela - The Globe

The head of the Investigations Department of Minas Gerais, Edson Moreira - arcel Theobald / Extra

BELO HORIZONTE - The Civilian Police mining claims that the Flamengo goalkeeper Bruno Fernandes das Dores Souza, was present at the home of former civilian police Marcos Aparecido Santos when Eliza Samudio, former lover of the player, was killed. After the crime, under Vespasian, all went to Bruno's house, where he was drinking beer at the pool. According to the delegate Edson Moreira, he was the only quiet while the others were scared.

(Killer Eliza said she would not take more, but die)

Police said they will ask for the arrest of Santos, known as Ball and Pauline and accused of running a youth in his home in Vespasian, in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte.

The charge is based on the testimony of Bruno's cousin, Sergio Rosa Sales, arrested since Wednesday by court order, and other evidence not disclosed by police. Sergio was already heard in his own Wednesday and provides new evidence on Thursday.

(Listen to interview the uncle of the child with Radio Tupi, which caused the turnaround in this case)

The director control of Polinter arrested, Officer Orlando Zaconne said early on Thursday that goalkeeper Bruno and his friend noodles will be transferred to the prison Bangu 2, West Zone. They'll be in a special ward for detainees provisional. In the DH, in Barra, there is no structure carceragem.

Also according to the police, Bruno, the player's right arm, Luiz Henrique Ferreira Romão, the Macaroni, eoe teen arrested Tuesday at the home of goalkeeper Recreio dos Bandeirantes, in the Western Zone of Rio, was the site of the athlete in Esmeraldas, also in Greater Belo Horizonte, where Eliza was taken before being killed. For these investigations, the group put a stereo in a room to pretend that there was a party, and was beaten so young that binds to friends saying he was fine.

- Bruno accompanied the departure of Eliza for sacrifice and for his death. According to the statement of the minor, was the most peaceful. The lowest compulsively cried remembering the scene - said Moraes.

According to the head of the Division of Specialized Investigation of Crimes against Life (DICcV) Civilian Police mining, Officer Wagner Pinto, Marcos strangled Eliza with their hands in the presence of Bruno, Macaroni and minor, which, according to the sheriff , cried a lot back to the house.

- I did an interview with the minor to get details. He described the site internally. The deposition is 70% or 80% true - Wagner said, referring to statements made after arrest, even in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo that have played part of the body of Eliza for the dogs to eat.

- He (Paulista) is dog handler - splicing the head of the Research Department of Homicides and Protection of Person (DIHPP), Edson Moreira delegate. - Bruno is an idol of a great team, but a monster to the police. We are very shocked by the brutality of the crime. We're used to seeing things barbaric, but this case has left us very excited - shot Moreira.



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