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domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

Iran test-fires missiles in war game

Sun, 27 Sep 2009 11:39:24 GMT

Iran's Revolutionary Guards started missile tests on Sunday during military maneuvers, in a bid to foster the country's defensive capabilities.

New short-range missiles and launchers were tested in the war game.

Military spokesman General Hossein Salami said the Great Prophet IV maneuvers were aimed at "increasing the country's defensive capability in case of a long-lasting foreign invasion."

He said assessing recent technical developments and tactical progress made in the surface-to-surface missile system was among the objectives of the maneuvers.

Salami said the exercises were also aimed at practicing management of long-term preventive and defensive operations.

The missile tests will be held in different stages and at various sites, the general said.

General Salami said the long-range missiles would be tested on the second day of the maneuvers on Monday.

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