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quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Chega a 182 número de mortos por causa das chuvas no Rio

O Corpo de Bombeiros informou, na noite desta quinta-feira (8), que subiu para 182 o número de mortos em decorrência das chuvas que atingiram o estado do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos dias.

O município de Niterói foi o mais castigado no temporal. Em todo o município, 107 pessoas morreram por causa das chuvas.

No Rio, esse número é 55 e, em São Gonçalo, 16. Os demais municípios onde foram registradas mortes foram Petrópolis, Nilópolis, Paulo de Frontin e Magé.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Governo federal libera R$ 200 milhões, dinheiro de brasileiros,da população do Brasil para o Rio

Mônica Tavares

BRASÍLIA - O governo federal vai liberar R$ 200 milhões para o atendimento das emergências causadas pelas chuvas no Rio de Janeiro. O anúncio foi feito depois da reunião realizada nesta quinta-feira entre a ministra-chefe da Casa Civil, Erenice Guerra, o ministro do Planejamento, Paulo Bernardo, o ministro da Integração, João Santana, e o secretário nacional de Atenção à Saúde, Alberto Beltrame. A liberação da verba emergencial será feita por medida provisória (MP)

Parte do recurso será utilizado para o envio de 50 novas ambulâncias do programa de renovação da frota de ambulãncias do Serviço de Assistência Móvel de Urgência, o Samu. A expectativa é de que no máximo até o início da próxima semana os veículos já estejam disponíveis para o atendimento público.

Também serão distribuídos para a rede pública de saúde 52 kits de emergências. Os kits - suficientes para o atendimento de 1.500 pessoas durante três meses - contêm remédios, pomadas, antibióticos, entre outros itens. A Defesa Civil informou também que já foram enviados lençóis, cestas básicas, travesseiros e colchões.

Nesta quinta-feira, o prefeito do Rio, Eduardo Paes, anunciou que a prefeitura vai investir R$ 100 milhões em 38 frentes de obras, que incluem contenção de encostas e drenagem de rios e canais.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Bombeiros seguem buscas: há riscos, mas não temos escolha

08 de abril de 2010

Bombeiros fazem buscas no Morro do Bumba à noite Foto: AP

Bombeiros fazem buscas no Morro do Bumba à noite
Foto: AP

Luís Bulcão Pinheiro
Direto de Niterói

Enquanto o 13° corpo do Morro do Bumba era colocado dentro de um camburão da Defesa Civil, centenas de pessoas se aglomeravam em torno do cordão de isolamento montado pela Polícia Militar. A segunda noite de buscas começa sem muitas esperanças de encontrar sobreviventes e com perigo para as equipes de resgate que não vão interromper o serviço. "É muito difícil encontrar sobreviventes devido ao tipo de deslizamento que tivemos aqui, mas vamos trabalhar da mesma forma que fizemos da noite anterior. É claro que ainda há riscos, mas não temos escolha. Temos que continuar", afirmou o subcomandante dos Bombeiros José Paulo Moreira.

"Foi Deus que nos salvou, quando vi aquilo achei que eu e minha família já tínhamos morrido. Agora a gente não tem mais nada, precisamos de uma casa quando sairmos do abrigo", diz Veronica Cardoso, 20 anos.

A estudante olhava para a montanha de lama. A casa dela não existe mais. Por pouco ela não perdeu seis familiares. O pai, de 55 anos, os dois irmãos, de 8 e 6, duas irmãs, uma de 3 e outra de 6 meses e a madrastra, de 42 anos. Eles estavam na casa no momento em que começou o deslizamentos, ela estava na casa de uma amiga. Ela conta que o pai viu fumaça, ouviu barulho e gritou para que todos saíssem.

O deslizamento de terra no Morro é o mais grave ocorrido na cidade em que 105 corpos foram retirados nos 30 pontos de deslizamento devido às chuvas que castigam o Rio desde segunda-feira. A luz do dia é substituída pelos refletores colocados pelos Bombeiros. Estima-se que 60 casas foram destruídas pela avalanche de lama ocorrida por volta as 19h40 de ontem.

Estragos e mortes
A chuva que castiga o Rio de Janeiro desde segunda-feira deixou pelo menos 180 mortos e 170 feridos, alagou ruas, causou deslizamentos e destruição no Estado. Segundo o Instituto de Geotécnica do Município do Rio (Geo-Rio), desde o início do mês foi registrado índice pluviométrico entre 200 mm e 400 mm (dependendo da localidade). É o maior índice de chuvas na cidade desde que começou a medição, há mais de 40 anos. A média prevista para o mês de abril é de 91mm.


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26/10/2008 free counters

U.S., Russia: Fewer nukes, better ties

Declaring a new era of U.S.-Russia relations, leaders agree to reduce nuclear arsenals.

Last update: April 8, 2010 - 9:11 PM

PRAGUE - President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday signed an arms-control treaty designed to open a new era of harmony between the former superpower rivals while launching an arms agenda extending far into the future.

The two leaders met in the gilded majesty of a medieval castle in Prague, once a city at the epicenter of Cold War tension, and formally agreed to bring their nations' arsenals to their lowest levels in half a century.

The treaty marks the most important step yet in Obama's effort to "reset" relations with Russia, which he said have drifted after their low point of August 2008, when Russia invaded neighboring Georgia.

"Together, we have stopped the drift and proven the benefits of cooperation," Obama said. "When the United States and Russia are not able to work together on big issues, it is not good for either of our nations, nor is it good for the world."

Medvedev said the treaty would "open a new page" in Russian-American relations. "I believe this is a typical feature of our cooperation," the Russian president said. "Both parties have won."

But the signing of the pact also pointed to the challenges Obama confronts as he presses forward with ambitious plans to control the world's arms and address future international security threats.

Congress must approve

The New START treaty, named for the Strategic Arms Reduction treaties of the 1990s, resulted from eight months of contentious negotiation and represents the first in a series of steps Obama has planned with the goal of scaling back the world's reliance on nuclear arms.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Busca por vítimas no Morro do Bumba, em Niterói, deve percorrer a madrugada

Foto: Celso Avila/Futura Press Zoom Cerca de 50  casas foram soterradas na noite de ontem em Niterói, RJ

Cerca de 50 casas foram soterradas na noite de ontem em Niterói, RJ

Da Redação, com Jornal da Band e Bandnews FM


A enorme quantidade de terras que deslizou do Morro do Bumba, em Niterói, e soterrou dezenas de casas, tira a esperanças de se encontrar mais algum sobrevivente na região. O Corpo de Bombeiros e a Defesa Civil continuam trabalhando no local, que registrou a maior tragédia desde o início das chuvas que assolam o Rio de Janeiro nesta semana.

No momento, cerca de 200 homens trabalham no local. As buscas devem continuar durante a noite, no entanto, caso volte a chover forte, elas serão interrompidas para evitar novos deslizamentos, sendo retomadas pela manhã. De acordo com informações da BandNews FM, voluntários chegam ao local trazendo ajuda aos bombeiros, água mineral.

Devido à falta de iluminação na região, durante a noite, as buscas acontecem apenas na parte de baixo do morro, com a ajuda de refletores. Muitas pessoas estão no local à espera da notícia de parentes e amigos.

A Defesa Civil ainda não tem um levantamento exato de quantos moradores estão desaparecidos e quantas casas foram soterradas. Acredita-se que tenham 200 pessoas embaixo dos escombros, sendo cerca de 30 crianças. De acordo com informações de moradores, foram soterradas mais de 50 casas, além de uma igreja e duas creches que estavam abertas na hora.

De acordo com informações do Corpo de Bombeiros ao Jornal da Band, as buscas podem levar até duas semanas. Dentre as dificuldades, eles destacam a instabilidade do terreno, as máquinas só conseguem avançar aos poucos; e também a falta de referência da localização dos corpos, conforme informou o tenente coronel do Corpo de Bombeiros, Ricardo Moreira, à BandNews FM.

Durante todo o dia caminhões da Companhia de Limpeza passam pela região para recolher lixo e escombros retirados do morro. Amanhã devem chegar ao local novas máquinas e caminhões para ajudar no resgate.

Mais de 180 pessoas já morreram nesta que é considerada a maior temporada de chuvas no Rio de Janeiro, pelo menos 160 ficaram feridas e cerca de 14 mil estão desabrigadas em todo o Estado. O número de mortos deve aumentar enquanto a Defesa Civil prosseguir com as buscas.

Redação: Marielly Campos


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26/10/2008 free counters

Chávez inaugura un pozo gasístico en Falcón que será explotado por PDVSA y Repsol


El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, acudió al acto de apertura del pozo de gas Perla 2X, situado en el estado de Falcón (noroeste), que tiene una dimensión de 942 kilómetros cuadrados y que será explotado por la empresa petrolera pública Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) y por la compañía española Repsol.

Chávez afirmó que de este yacimiento, donde se estima que pueden existir entre 12 y 20 trillones de pies cúbicos de gas, se podrían extraer unos 36.000 barriles de petróleo diarios a un coste de unos cinco dólares por encima del precio establecido por la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP), informa la estatal Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias.

Chávez también destacó el poderío gasístico de Venezuela, país que actualmente ocupa el octavo lugar por volumen de reservas, y que podrá colocarse en un "muy corto plazo" en cuarto lugar, sólo por detrás de Rusia, Irán y Qatar.


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26/10/2008 free counters

AU: Government suspends processing of Sri Lankan, Afghan asylum claims

Sri Lankan refugees

Sri Lankan refugees aboard a boat in Indonesia. Picture: Oka Budhi

  • Suspension is effective immediately
  • Will last for months
  • "Sends strong message to smugglers"

AUSTRALIA has suspended the processing of all immigration claims from Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers.

"The decision has been made in the light of changing circumstances in both Afghanistan and Sri Lanka," Immigration Minister Chris Evans said.

"The likelihood of people being refused visas and being returned safely to their homelands will increase."

The suspension is effective immediately.

The Government will review the situation in Sri Lanka after a period of three months and in Afghanistan after a period of six months.

Senator Evans said the Government would continue processing claims from those already on Christmas Island or on the way there, and that all "irregular" maritime arrivals would continue to be taken to Christmas Island, where people would be treated humanely.

While new asylum claims from Sri Lankan and Afghan nationals would not be processed in the suspension period, health and security checks would continue, he said.

Senator Evans says the detention facility on Christmas Island is "stretched" to the limit because of the recent influx of boat arrivals. But further capacity will be ready in "a matter of days", he said, adding the detention facility in Darwin was also available for use.

'Hard line approach'

Senator Evans said the Government had taken a hard line approach to people smuggling and this decision would further strengthen the integrity of Australia's immigration system. He would not speculate on what impact the suspension may have on boat arrivals.

"But I will say that today's announcement makes it clear to all that the change in circumstances in both these countries will make it more likely that a visa application will be refused," he said.

New measures to combat the financing of people smuggling will also be introduced.

"The changes we're announcing today send a strong message to people smugglers that they cannot guarantee a visa outcome for their clients," Senator Evans said.

It sent a message to those seeking to employ people smugglers that they may be returned to their country of origin.

Senator Evans said the Government would continue to protect people in need, but would not hesitate to "act decisively" against those who sought to profit from them.

Sri Lanka 'in transition'

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said Sri Lanka was a country in transition, following its recent parliamentary election.

"That evolution is the basis of the Government's decision to suspend processing so far as new asylum seekers from Sri Lanka is concerned," he said.

In Afghanistan there was now better security as well as constitutional and legal reform, Mr Smith said.

The decision to make the changes had been taken very "carefully, thoughtfully and methodically".

He noted a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees review had also been taken into account.

"We have always had uppermost in our minds the need to ensure that we continue to discharge our obligations and international law," he said.

'Criminal intelligence fusion centre'

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said part of the Government's new approach to combating people smugglers would be the creation of a so-called "criminal intelligence fusion centre".

"Stronger regulation is needed to ensure more reliable financial intelligence," he said.

"We need to ensure we change Austrac's rules.

"The Government also proposes a more comprehensive regulatory regime for remittance dealers to be implemented following consultation with the financial services sector."

The announcement came shortly after the Government revealed the interception of a boat, carrying 70 asylum seekers, near Christmas Island last night. The passengers were rescued from their floundering vessel after it issued a distress call, saying its engine had failed.

It was the 38th boat to arrive in Australian waters this year.

The new measures also follow the concerns of a United Nations official who said governments needed new solutions to deal with "out of control" people smuggling as thousands of asylum seekers try to reach Australia via Indonesia.

Manuel Jordao, a senior representative of The United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Indonesia, says a large number of almost 4000 asylum seekers on the UNHCR's books in the archipelago will try to reach Australia by boat, rather than wait for resettlement via official channels.


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26/10/2008 free counters

'Facebook Ignores Demands For Panic Button'

20pm UK, Thursday April 08, 2010

Martin Brunt, crime correspondent

Facebook is ignoring users' complaints about paedophile threats, according to the UK's top child abuse investigator.

Little girl at a computer

Parents are complaining that Facebook is ignoring their fears

More than 250 Facebook users this year have reported concerns to the leading social networking site and have not had a response, said Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop).

The complaints were pursued by Ceop and have led to police investigations into sex grooming, bullying and hacking, Mr Gamble said. Some suspects have been arrested.

"The sort of thing I'm talking about is a mother calling us and saying her daughter has been talking to someone on Facebook she is worried about and she's reported it to Facebook and there is no response," said Mr Gamble.

Last year, Ceop had 297 similar complaints from Facebook users, accusing the site of ignoring their reported concerns.

Facebook doesn't seem to understand that the button will be a deterrent to paedophiles.

Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Mr Gamble is to meet Facebook chiefs at their headquarters in Washington DC on Monday to discuss the issue and press the company to adopt the Ceop panic button which gives children a shortcut to reporting concerns to police and other agencies.

"Facebook doesn't seem to understand that the button will be a deterrent to paedophiles," said Mr Gamble.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson has urged Facebook to adopt the Ceop panic button, in line with other social network sites, such as MSN and Bebo.

Facebook is refusing to bow to pressure and argues it has its own panic button and to add another would confuse users.

Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, accused Facebook of being irresponsible.

Facebook intimidation sites removed, sky gfx

Facebook says it takes the issue of safety very seriously

"It seems so bizarre that they won't adopt the Ceop button. They will get more business because their site will be seen as safer," he said.

A spokesman for Facebook said: "We take the issue of safety very seriously, and recently met the Home Secretary to discuss online safety.

"We are due to meet with Ceop next week to talk them through our safety strategy.

"We will wait to have this meeting prior to sharing our plans more widely with the public soon afterwards."


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26/10/2008 free counters

Facebook 'ignored paedophile complaints'


THE UK's top child abuse investigator has accused Facebook of ignoring users' complaints about the threat of paedophiles.

Sky News reported more than 250 Facebook users this year have reported concerns to the leading social networking site and have not had a response, Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, said.

The complaints were pursued by CEOP and have led to a number of police investigations and arrests for sex grooming, bullying and hacking, Mr Gamble added.

He wants bosses at the social networking site to install a panic-button device to report perverts.

"The sort of thing I'm talking about is a mother calling us and saying her daughter has been talking to someone on Facebook she is worried about and she's reported it to Facebook and there is no response," Mr Gamble said.

Last year, CEOP had 297 similar complaints from Facebook users, accusing the site of ignoring their reported concerns.

Mr Gamble is to meet Facebook chiefs at their Washington DC office on Monday to discuss the issue and press the company to adopt the CEOP panic button which gives children a shortcut to reporting concerns to police and other agencies.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Rescuers Still Unable to Return to Mine Because of Toxic Gases


(To locate the mine, see {BMAP 29583 })

By Chris Stratton and Mario Parker

April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Rescue teams were unable to resume their efforts to find four missing workers at a Massey Energy Co. mine in West Virginia because conditions in the mine were still potentially explosive, West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin said at the news conference tonight.

The level of toxic gases in the air has fallen to 4.7 percent from more than 5 percent, though rescuers won’t be able to return until it’s less than 4.5 percent, Manchin said. The April 5 explosion that killed 25 miners was “a horrific blast,” the governor said. The families of the miners are “the toughest people in the world,” he said. “They can handle anything.”

Massey, the largest coal producer in the region, was cited by federal regulators for safety violations on the day of the blast, which caused the worst death toll for a U.S. coal mine in 26 years. Rising concentrations of methane and carbon monoxide forced rescuers to abandon their efforts earlier in the day.

The accident at Massey’s Upper Big Branch mine was the worst since a fire killed 27 workers at the Wilberg complex in Utah in 1984, according to the U.S. Mine Rescue Association. Should the trapped miners die, the toll would be the highest since 1970, when an explosion killed 38 miners in Kentucky.

President Barack Obama today asked federal investigators to provide an initial assessment of the cause of the explosion. He’ll meet with Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Mine Safety and Health Administrator Joseph Main to discuss the safety record at the mine and steps that can be taken to reduce danger.

Safety Officials

“The president has tasked federal mine safety officials to report next week on their initial assessment of the cause of the nation’s worst coal mining disaster in more than a quarter century and what actions could prevent further tragedies in this industry,” the White House said in a statement.

Manchin said earlier he plans to ask J. Davitt McAteer, a former director of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration, to lead an investigation into the explosion and to help coordinate the work of state and federal investigators.

Massey has four drilling rigs at the operation. The bore holes must be about 1,100 feet (335 meters) deep to exhume the gas so the group can resume the search, Chris Adkins, Massey’s chief operating officer, said earlier at a news conference.

Rescuers hope to have a drill hole finished by midnight to drop a camera into the mine to see if a rescue chamber in the mine has deployed for the trapped workers, the governor said.

Federal Fines

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has issued more than $900,000 in fines for the operation in the past year, according to federal data compiled by Bloomberg. Massey is appealing more than $250,000 of the largest fines, among them one in January for ventilation systems that are supposed to prevent the buildup of methane gas and coal dust that can cause explosions.

On the day of the accident, Upper Big Branch was cited for having wires exposed and for having an outdated emergency escape map. The company’s negligence for both of the violations were deemed “moderate,” according to a MSHA document.

“Mine safety laws and regulations have progressed to the point where, when followed and properly enforced, they should prevent disasters like this one at Upper Big Branch from happening,” United Mine Workers of America International Cecil Roberts said today in a statement.

Massey rose 92 cents, or 2 percent, to $46.14 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, the first gain since the accident occurred. The shares have gained 9.8 percent this year.

--With assistance from Brian K. Sullivan in Montcoal, West Virginia, Christopher Martin in New York and Nicholas Johnston in Washington. Editors: Dan Stets, Jane Lee.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Iran Says 3 Jailed Americans Linked to U.S. Intelligence


The toughened accusations against the group, suggest Iranian authorities could be close to bringing them to trial after months of mixed signals and fears in the U.S. that they could be used as bargaining chips in Tehran's confrontation with the West.

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran's intelligence minister accused three Americans jailed since crossing the border from Iraq in July of having links to U.S. intelligence services, state TV reported.

The comments toughened Iran's accusations against the group, suggesting authorities could be close to bringing them to trial after months of mixed signals and fears in the U.S. that they could be used as bargaining chips in Iran's confrontation with the West.

Their families say the three were on a hike in the scenic Kurdish region of northern Iraq and unintentionally strayed across the border. Iran has accused them of spying and said it intends to bring them to trial.

Iran's English-language satellite channel Press TV said Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi told the station in an exclusive interview that Tehran has "credible evidence" the three were linked to U.S. intelligence. He did not elaborate but said the evidence would be revealed to news media soon.

It was the first time a senior official has said the three were tied to U.S. intelligence.

Moslehi also warned neighboring countries against cooperating with U.S. and Israeli intelligence, the report said.

Press TV briefly showed footage of the minister speaking but did not air his comments in full. Instead, a news anchor read out a summary of the main points.

Josh Fattal, 27, Shane Bauer, 27, and Sarah Shourd, 31, were trekking in Iraq's northern Kurdistan region on July 31 when they accidentally crossed the border into Iran, according to their families.

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in December that he expected a speedy trial for the three.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has questioned the Americans' intentions but said he would do his best to free them.

In November, however, Ahmadinejad said the United States was holding several Iranian citizens, raising concern that his government might be seeking to use the Americans in a deal.

The hikers' parents and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have appealed for their release.

The continued detention of the Americans comes amid a bitter standoff between the U.S. and Iran over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

The U.S. has no diplomatic relations with Iran. The last word on the Americans' conditions came in March when they called home, their families said.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Netanyahu Cancels Trip to Obama's Nuclear Summit


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled his trip to Washington next week for President Obama's global nuclear summit in the wake of escalating tensions between the two nations over Israel's planned housing expansion in East Jerusalem, Fox News has confirmed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled his trip to Washington next week for President Obama's global nuclear summit in the wake of escalating tensions between the two nations over Israel's planned housing expansion in East Jerusalem, Fox News has confirmed.

But Netanyahu's cancellation reportedly stems from concern about other Middle Eastern countries, not the United States.

The Israeli government is concerned that some countries, particularly Egypt and Turkey, would seek to turn the summit into an anti-Israel event, one person briefed on the change in Netanyahu's plans told the Associated Press, confirming reports in Israeli media.

Instead, Netanyahu will send Dan Meridor, minister for Intelligence Affairs, as the country's representative to the summit.

Netanyahu got a chilly reception at the White House last month after Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new apartments for Jews in East Jerusalem – the section of the holy city claimed by the Palestinians.

To add insult to injury, Israel's announcement came during a visit from Vice President Biden. The announcement drew sharp condemnations from Washington and calls to cancel the construction plans – requests that Netanyahu says he will not heed.

Netanyahu met behind closed doors with Obama last month, but the two leaders did not appear in front of the press and no photos were released of the meeting -- an unusual departure from White House tradition.

That led to open speculation over just how testy the meeting was. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs explained that while Obama was clear with Netanyahu about the conciliatory moves Israel must make, there is still an "unbreakable bond between these two countries."

On Tuesday, Gibbs signaled to reporters that Netanyahu may not represent Israel at the summit, which strives to reduce the role of nuclear weapons around the world.

"Israel will be here," he said, adding that he wasn't sure if Netanyahu would be coming. "We will have at that point met with President Sarkozy, President Medvedev and Prime Minister Netanyahu, so we are not meeting separately with those three because we've done so fairly recently."

Fox News' James Rosen and Kelly Chernenkoff and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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26/10/2008 free counters

"Os Maias" vence concurso na Universidade de Coimbra

por Lusa Hoje

O romance "Os Maias", de Eça de Queiroz, foi o mais votado num concurso na Universidade de Coimbra (UC) em que participaram menos de dois por cento dos funcionários, docentes e alunos da instituição multissecular.

Promovido pela Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (IUC), o concurso "10 Paixões em forma de Romance" deu a 'vitória' àquela obra de Eça de Queiroz, que arrebatou 198 votos.

Os 400 docentes, estudantes e funcionários que participaram no concurso - menos de dois por cento do total da UC - elegeram, a seguir, "Memorial do Convento", de José Saramago (75 votos).

Na votação, que terminou no final de Março, cada docente, estudante e funcionário era convidado a eleger "os três romances escritos em língua portuguesa que mais gostou de ler ao longo da sua vida".

Apesar do número reduzido de votantes em relação ao universo geral da UC (cerca de 24 mil pessoas), o director da IUC disse hoje que a participação "ultrapassou largamente" as suas expectativas.

"Não acho que seja uma votação fraca. Mobilizou 400 pessoas, que se repartiram de uma forma equilibrada. O balanço é simpático, agradável. Se se for ver o público que há nas iniciativas culturais ou nas assembleias magnas, acho que até é um resultado bastante encorajador", sustentou João Gouveia Monteiro, que esperava uma participação da ordem dos 200 a 300 votantes.

Entre os 30 romances mais votados, figuram, a seguir, "Amor de Perdição", de Camilo Castelo Branco, "A Cidade e as Serras", de Eça de Queiroz, e "Equador", de Miguel Sousa Tavares (que tem um outro título, "Rio das Flores", posicionado em 22º lugar).

"O Crime do Padre Amaro", de Eça de Queiroz, "Ensaio sobre a Cegueira", de José Saramago, e "Sinais de Fogo", de Jorge Sena, são outros dos títulos mais apreciados pelos participantes na votação.

De acordo com os resultados do concurso, a que a agência Lusa teve hoje acesso, António Lobo Antunes e José Saramago são os escritores com mais títulos votados, numa lista em que se seguem Eça de Queiroz e Jorge Amado e que inclui ainda outros autores lusófonos como Machado de Assis, Mia Couto, Paulo Coelho e Pepetela.

O Prémio Nobel da Literatura José Saramago surge na lista dos "30 livros mais votados" ainda com a obra "O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo" (em 12.º lugar).

A próxima etapa deste projecto da IUC em parceria com a Biblioteca Geral da UC e o Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Faculdade de Letras é a formação de um júri, composto por escritores, professores e críticos literários que, de entre as obras mais votadas, seleccionará uma 'shortlist' de 10 obras.



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