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quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

#WikiLeaks: petróleo é insuficiente para manter socialismo de Chávez

Caracas, 9 dez 2010 (AFP) -O alto preço do petróleo não tem sido suficiente para cobrir o gasto público do governo venezuelano de Hugo Chávez em seu caminho ao socialismo, apontam telegramas de diplomatas americanos divulgados pelo site WikiLeaks.

Em vários despachos da embaixada americana em Caracas publicados nesta quinta-feira pelo jornal El País de Madrid, diplomatas apontam os problemas financeiros e produtivos da estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), e que os preços do petróleo já não são suficientes para sustentar o projeto socialista de Chávez.

O encarregado de negócios dos EUA em Caracas, John Caulfield, estima que "este modelo econômico populista foi sustentável apenas enquanto os preços do petróleo subiam (...) mas com a rápida queda das cotações, em 2008, surgiram sérios problemas fiscais...".

Em 2009, o gasto público se deteve, mas o governo se endividou, antes de ordenar uma desvalorização da moeda.

Segundo os telegramas, a PDVSA tem problemas de liquidez, manipula dados de produção e de preços, e precisa com urgência de um forte investimento externo.

"PDVSA tem muito trabalho a fazer para se recuperar, mas parece que sua administração não está à altura deste desafio", diz o embaixador de Washington em Caracas, Patrick Duddy.

Os documentos também advertem para os "crescentes riscos" que enfrentam as companhias de petróleo estrangeiras diante das mudanças de regras do governo, e aponta "a drástica deterioração" das instalações dos serviços petroleiros após a estatização de cerca de 80 empresas do setor em 2009.



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26/10/2008 free counters

MG: bimotor cai em lavoura de café e deixa 3 pessoas mortas

09 de dezembro de 2010 23h46

Um jato bimotor que saiu de Vitória (ES) com direção a Brasília caiu no início desta noite em uma lavoura de café de Bom Jesus do Galho, município rural que faz divisa com Ipatinga, deixando três pessoas mortas. Segundo a Polícia Militar (PM), cinco pessoas estavam na aeronave. As vítimas ainda não foram identificadas.

Bombeiros, policiais militares e uma equipe de perícia estão no local, de difícil acesso, para apurar as causas da queda do jato. Os dois feridos foram levados em estado grave para um hospital da cidade


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26/10/2008 free counters

Documento que deu aval a entidade fantasma foi assinado por ministro

Alexandre Padilha (Relações Institucionais) assinou carta que permitiu a instituto que só existe no papel viabilizar convênios de R$ 3,1 milhões, sem licitação, com Ministério do Turismo; ministro alega fraude e pede investigação da PF

Leandro Colon, de O Estado de S.Paulo

BRASÍLIA - Um documento que leva a assinatura do ministro das Relações Institucionais, Alexandre Padilha, foi usado para aprovar convênios de R$ 3,1 milhões em favor de uma entidade fantasma no Ministério do Turismo. O papel com a assinatura do ministro tem data de 22 de março deste ano e está anexado ao processo que Instituto Brasil de Arte, Esporte, Cultura e Lazer (Inbrasil) apresentou ao ministério para obter a liberação de verbas.

O Inbrasil só existe no papel. É mais uma entidade de fachada que negociou para assumir um estatuto antigo e intermediar, sem licitação, convênios com o governo federal, conforme revela o Estado em reportagens publicadas desde domingo.

O ofício com a assinatura do ministro diz que o Inbrasil "vem de acordo com o seu estatuto funcionando nos últimos 3 anos de forma regular prestando relevantes serviços à comunidade".

O Inbrasil está registrado na casa do publicitário Antônio Carlos Silva, num bairro nobre de Brasília. Ele aparece como "diretor fiscal" do instituto. Mas o endereço é apenas um rito burocrático. Lá não funciona nenhum instituto. A entidade foi criada para ajudar turbinar os negócios da Vibe Marketing Promocional, de André Fratti Silva, filho de Antonio Carlos. Fratti Silva é militante petista e se engajou na campanha de Dilma Rousseff.

A empresa executa os convênios doInbrasil com o governo. Usa o Inbrasil só para conseguir os recursos públicos sem precisar de concorrência. Esse instituto recebeu, por exemplo, R$ 1,1 milhão para realizar o Festival de Inverno de Brasília, organizado pela Vibe Marketing em junho. Outros R$ 2 milhões foram liberados para um projeto sobre os 50 anos de Brasília, idealizado pela Vibe e que ainda não foi executado. Tudo sem licitação.

Uma ex-assessora de Padilha, Crisley Lins, contou ao Estado que pediu ao ministro para assinar uma declaração atestando o funcionamento do Inbrasil. Esse tipo de documento, com respaldo de alguma autoridade, é exigido pelos ministérios para a abertura do cofre. Ex-assessora do ministro, Crisley hoje trabalha para o deputado Paulo César (PR-RJ) que, embora seja do Rio, destinou R$ 300 mil de suas emendas orçamentárias para o evento do Inbrasil em Brasília.


Cotado para ser ministro do governo de Dilma Rousseff , Padilha é o interlocutor do governo na negociação de emendas parlamentares. Crisley Lins trabalhou com Padilha em 2007 na subchefia de Assuntos Federativos, quando ele comandava essa área no Planalto. Ela detalhou à reportagem como abordou o ministro sobre a assinatura a favor do Inbrasil: "Ele estava em viagem, embarcando, no avião da FAB. Eu liguei e falei: ‘doutor, estou precisando de uma ajuda. Ele disse ‘manda pra assessoria, que resolve’. Eu redigi e enviei para assessoria. Eu recebi do gabinete dele o arquivo eletrônico", disse à reportagem, em conversa gravada.

Em nota ao Estado, o ministro afirmou que não assinou o documento e que pediu ao Ministério da Justiça para que a Polícia Federal investigue o que, segundo ele, é uma "fraude". Na terça-feira, Padilha defendeu que as denúncias contra o senador Gim Argello sobre envolvimento com instituto fantasmas fossem investigadas "até o fim". Gim renunciou à relatoria do Orçamento de 2011 após as revelações do Estado de emendas dele para entidades fantasmas.

A declaração que leva a assinatura de Padilha diz que a entidade funciona há três anos, mas o Inbrasil existe desde fevereiro de 2009, quando assumiu o estatuto do Instituto Cidadania Esportiva, mudou o nome e passou a buscar contratos com a União.

O presidente escolhido foi Sérgio Eustáquio Assunção, considerado inelegível pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) por irregularidades no Ministério da Cultura quando coordenador-geral de Audiovisual, no governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news : Operation Payback by Anonymous: Cyber War in revenge for #WikiLeaks

A group of activist hackers have begun attacking MasterCard.com, Amazon.com, PostFinace, Paypal.com and others in retaliation for cutting of the WikiLeaks organization. The targeted companies, after receiving pressure from the US government, opted to sever their relationships with WikiLeaks, preventing the organization from hosting its site, halting the flow of donations and freezing the organization's Swiss bank accounts. The group of hackers is leaderless and operates anonymously. The groups has attacked organizations in the past, notable Scientologist websites. In twitter posts and other online statements, the hackers said they agree with WikiLeaks mission of opening up governments, exposing lies and support the freedom of the press and the Internet. However, their online activism may have unintended consequences. Vague new regulations are being drafted by the Obama administration which would make it easier for the government to spy on Internet communications, including email, social media, general Web sites and mobile phones. Obama hopes to require all devices with online communications to be made with a build in ability to comply with a wiretap order.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#politica : Republicanos dos EUA impedem que gays possam servir no Exército

EUA - Os republicanos do Senado dos Estados Unidos bloquearam um projeto de lei que inclui a suspensão de uma proibição vigente desde 1993 que impede que os homossexuais possam servir no Exército sem ocultar sua condição.

A votação estava prevista para a noite da quarta-feira mas foi postergada a pedido da senadora republicana Susan Collins, enquanto continuavam as negociações para emendar o conteúdo do projeto de lei, referente à medida conhecida como "Don''t Ask, Don''t Tell" (Não Pergunte, Não Diga), em relação à opção sexual dos militares.

Os democratas só reuniram 57 dos 60 votos necessários para frear as obstruções republicanas e limitar o debate da medida. Por isso, esgotam-se as possibilidades de o Congresso revogar a lei de 1993, que proíbe os soldados abertamente homossexuais continuar prestando serviço militar.

Em setembro passado, os democratas só reuniram 56 votos para iniciar o debate, depois de os republicanos manterem uma frente comum contra a mesma medida.

No começo do ano, a Câmara de Representantes revogou a lei de 1993 ao aprovar um amplo projeto de lei de gastos de defesa mas, após o bloqueio desta quinta-feira, não está claro se o Senado possa fazer o mesmo antes que termine a atual sessão legislativa.

Com informações da EFE


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26/10/2008 free counters

#Wikileaks #news : Mujer "violada" por Assange, está vinculada a la CIA

Anna Ardin.

Anna Ardin. Foto: Cortesía

Una de las mujeres que acusa al fundador de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, de delitos sexuales parece haber trabajado con un grupo que tiene conexiones con la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) de los Estados Unidos.

James D. Catlin, un abogado que representó recientemente a Assange, afirmó que la investigación por delito sexual contra el fundador WikiLeaks se basa en afirmaciones de que no usó condones durante sus relaciones sexuales con dos mujeres suecas.

Fuentes de la Fiscalía sueca dijeron AOL News la semana pasada que Assange no era buscado por violación como se ha informado, sino por algo llamado “sexo por sorpresa” o “sexo inesperado”.

Una de las acusadoras, Anna Ardin, parece tener “vínculos con grupos financiados por Estados Unidos contra Fidel Castro y por grupos anticomunistas”, de acuerdo con una investigación publicada por Israel Shamir y Paul Bennett, en CounterPunch. Ardin, nacida en Cuba, trabajó a favor de “Las Damas de Blanco”, un grupo de mujeres que se oponen al gobierno cubano.

Shamir y Bennett también describen a Ardin como una supuesta “izquierdista” que “publicó diatribas anti-Castro (ver aquí y aquí) en lengua sueca para la Revista Asignaturas Cubanas difundida por Misceláneas de Cuba.” Señaló el profesor Michael Seltzer que el grupo está dirigido por Carlos alberto Montaner, un hombre vinculado con la CIA.

Shamir y Bennett señalaron que “Las Damas de Blanco reciben financiamiento del gobierno de los EE.UU. y cuentan entre sus partidarios con Luis Posadas Carriles"

Un documento desclasificado en 1976 (. Pdf) reveló que Posada era entonces agente de la CIA y sus abogados han sostenido que mantuvo vínculos con la agencia por 25 años. Ha estado vinculado a ataques terroristas que mataron a decenas de personas.

Ardin es “está vinculada a militantes por la equidad de género en la Universidad de Uppsula, que optaron por asociarse con ese grupo de mujeres cubanas financiado por EE.UU. y apoyado abiertamente por terrorista y asesino de masas”, observó que Kirk James Murphy en Firedoglake.

En agosto, Assange le dijo a al Jazzeera que las acusaciones eran “claramente una campaña de desprestigio”. ”Se nos ha advertido que, por ejemplo, el Pentágono está planeando usar trucos sucios para destruir nuestro trabajo”, dijo Assange al diario sueco Aftonbladet.

El fundador de WikiLeaks dijo que fue advertido de tener cuidado con “las trampas del sexo.” ¿Habrá caído Assange en una de esas trampas? -Tal vez, sí. Tal vez no”, dijo.

Elabogado de Catlin señaló que tanto Ardin com Sofía Wilén, la segunda acusadora, enviaron mensajes SMS y tweets alardeando de sus conquistas después de las supuestas “violaciones”.

“En el caso de Ardin está claro que hasta hizo una fiesta en honor a Assange en su apartamento después de que él cometiera “el delito” y ella aseguró a sus seguidores en Twitter que él era "una" de las personas más simpáticas e inteligentes del mundo, es increíble!", escribió. (El mensaje en sueco original está borrado del Twitter de Anna Ardin, sin embargo fue publicado por un bloguero sueco y puede accederse al caché de esa página, en este este link. Nota de Cubadebate)


Crédito: Cubadebate.cu


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news: DNS Provider Mistakenly Caught in #WikiLeaks Saga Now Supports the Group

A DNS provider that suffered backlash last week after it was wrongly identified as supplying and then dropping DNS service to WikiLeaks has decided to support the secret-spilling site, offering DNS service to two domains distributing WikiLeaks content.

EasyDNS, a Canadian firm, was attacked last Friday after media outlets mistakenly reported it had terminated its service for WikiLeaks. The company sent an e-mail to customers Thursday morning letting them know that it had begun providing DNS service for WikiLeaks.ch and WikiLeaks.nl, two of the primary domain names WikiLeaks relocated to after WikiLeaks.org stopped resolving.

“We’ve already done the time, we might as well do the crime,” Mark Jeftovic, president and CEO of EasyDNS, told Threat Level about his decision.

DNS service providers translate human-friendly domain names to IP addresses, so when someone types www.Amazon.com into their browser, for example, they’re properly connected to, the address of the host.

It was actually EveryDNS, a competitor of EasyDNS, that had been providing this service to WikiLeaks.org for free. EveryDNS terminated this service last week after WikiLeaks was hit by prolonged denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by people opposed to the group publishing classified U.S. State Department cables. The company said the denial-of-service attacks against WikiLeaks threatened the stability of service for other EveryDNS customers.

In reporting this announcement, bloggers misidentified the DNS provider as EasyDNS, a mistake that was repeated in news stories. EasyDNS was subsequently caught in a firestorm. WikiLeaks supporters attacked it on Twitter. Jeftovic said he also got calls from customers saying, “We can’t believe you’ve taken down WikiLeaks, we’re out of here.”

Jeftovic posted a note to the company blog at the time, musing about the mishap and the fact that his company was now put in the precarious position of deciding what it would do if WikiLeaks did want to become a customer. Would EasyDNS then be attacked if it turned the organization away?

“So after the big clusterf*** with easyDNS being falsely blamed for taking down WikiLeaks,” he wrote, “somebody posts the inevitable question ‘Would easyDNS take wikileaks DNS’? and from there makes what I think is a dubious extension: by not taking them we’re doing the same thing as ‘taking them down.’”

Two days later he was faced with precisely this dilemma when people behind two WikiLeaks mirror sites that have become the defacto WikiLeaks content providers contacted him about becoming customers.

One of the correspondents, based in Switzerland, controls the Swiss-based WikiLeaks.ch domain, which became one of two main domains for accessing the U.S. State Department cables after WikiLeaks stopped using WikiLeaks.org. EasyDNS began providing DNS service for the domain Sunday evening, using 14 name servers. Jeftovic was subsequently contacted by someone who controls WikiLeaks.nl in the Netherlands, and began providing service to that address on Monday.

Jeftovic said he was also in line to take over service for the WikiLeaks.org domain, but that fell through after there was confusion about who exactly controls the domain. He said he’s willing to take that one on as well, if the details are worked out.

Jeftovic agreed to provide the service on condition that resolution for the domains would be provided by dedicated, battle-hardened servers separate from other customers so that any attacks directed against them would not disturb other clients.

Although he says his company is pro-transparency, Jeftovic didn’t go so far as to say he philosophically supports WikiLeaks.

“But I do not believe WikiLeaks is aiding terrorists,” he said. “I think there’s so much hyperbole around it.”

His main reason for agreeing to provide access to WikiLeaks content was practical.

“We were dragged into this,” he said. “The alternatives were we do nothing and get dragged through the mud again, or we just basically do the one thing that really shuts everybody up.”

He said the result has been a “groundswell” of support among the company’s 50,000 customers.

“There is a minority of people who are not happy with this, but by far the majority is extremely supportive,” he said. “Forty percent of our member base is in the U.S., and a lot of our U.S. customers are really on side with this and happy with it.”

He acknowledged that his assistance to WikiLeaks could be terminated if his company were served with an injunction.

But one of the lessons demonstrated by the recent attacks on WikiLeaks is that a popular website can survive even without DNS, thanks to Google. The top search result for WikiLeaks on Thursday is a link to the site’s Internet IP address, WikiLeaks is strong enough now that it can survive as a number.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news: Cuban vice president meets Cambodian parliament leader

HAVANA, Dec. 9 (Xinhua)-- Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo Hernandez on Thursday met a delegation led by Cambodian parliament President Heng Samrin.

Samrin conveyed greetings from the Cambodian government to former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and current leader Raul Castro. He also thanked Cuba for its support to the development of Cambodia.

During the meeting, both leaders stressed their aspirations to continue strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples and governments.

Samrin, who had visited Cuba four times, thanked the host for the hospitality and reaffirmed his country's interest in expanding ties with Cuba.

Havana and Phnom Penh established diplomatic relations in April 1960.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news : Bolivia rejects Uribe's accusations about nuclear program

LA PAZ, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Bolivian government on Thursday rejected accusations by former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe that Bolivia and Venezuela were in a nuclear arms race.

"Uribe's words are ridiculous and out of context," Bolivian Defense Minister Ruben Saavedra said, rejecting Uribe's accusations.

Saavedra said that "Bolivia does not have the time nor the money to be in a nuclear arms race."

"We reject those statements aimed at affecting the image of Bolivia and Venezuela," Saavedra added.

Saavedra lamented that former presidents like Uribe are trying to harm Bolivia with declarations that are not only out of place, but also far from the truth.

Saavedra said that Uribe "uses his imagination too much, and we do not know what objective he has in mind, for saying such lies."

On Tuesday, Uribe warned about the danger of the nuclear weapons programs in Venezuela and Bolivia.

Uribe said that neither Bolivia nor Venezuela "need energy resources," which means that they "are in a nuclear arms race."

Uribe also said that the agreements between Colombia and the U.S. military were strongly criticized, and now there is silence about Bolivia's and Venezuela's decision to develop nuclear plants


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26/10/2008 free counters

News: National emergency decalred in Panama over flooding

PANAMA, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli declared a national emergency on Thursday after heavy rains and flooding killed 10 people and displaced over 1,500.

"We will help all of the towns that have had problems," said Martinelli, adding that 962 homes were damaged and 4,000 were affected in three hardest-hit eastern provinces.

He said the dam of Bayano power plant almost burst when the water level reached its maximum capacity of 63 meters. The power plant generates 10 percent of the country's electricity.

"We almost lost the dam. Fortunately, the water level has gone down," said the president before a tour of the area affected by the flooding.

He also said AES Panama, which administrates the Bayano dam, must be held accountable for the damage suffered by thousands of people living near the Bayano river.

The National System of Civil Protection, ministries and security organizations of this country will deliver humanitarian aid, including water, food, mattresses, clothing and medicines, to the disaster area.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS: Amazon integrates Apple iPhone, iPad and Android with cloud

The company hopes to boost the use of its cloud-based services on mobile phones

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is making it possible for developers to directly integrate mobile applications for Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and also apps for Android-based smartphones, with its cloud using two new beta SDKs (software development kits), it said in a blog post on Thursday.

Amazon's aim is to make it easier for developers to build mobile applications that take advantage of its cloud-based services. Previously, developers had to do more of the work themselves, including writing their own libraries to handle the HTTP connection and error handling, according to Amazon.

Using the AWS SDK for Android and the AWS SDK for iOS developers can integrate their applications with Amazon's cloud-based Simple Storage Service (S3), the SimpleDB database and send messages using Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Possible applications of the services include uploading photos, videos, and other types of content to Amazon S3; sharing game moves and high scores using Amazon SimpleDB, or transmitting messages between smartphones without the need for any additional server infrastructure, Amazon said.

The SDKs include libraries, full documentation and some sample code. The libraries take care of a number of low-level tasks such as authentication, retrying of requests, and error handling.

The SDKs for iOS and Android can be downloaded from Amazon's Mobile Developer Center, where developers can also learn how to use the SDKs


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS : Terrifying moment Charles and Camilla were surrounded by a baying mob and their car attacked in tuition fees riot

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:48 PM on 9th December 2010

  • Prince's limo paintballed on way to Palladium
  • 20,000 students and activists lay siege to Westminster
  • Protesters throw flares, smoke bombs and snooker balls
  • Scotland Yard resort to 'kettling' in Parliament Square
  • At least 22 arrests, including two for arson and four for burglary
  • Fees increase is carried by 323 votes to 302 - majority of 21

This was the terrifying moment that a mob of anarchists attacked Prince Charles and Camilla's car outside the London Palladium tonight.

The couple were due to attend the Royal Variety Performance, which was taking place very close to the epicentre of a day of violent protest in Parliament Square, when it was swarmed by people supposedly protesting against the rise in student tuition fees.

Protesters had thrown paintbombs at police throughout a day of protests and the burgundy 1977 Rolls Royce Phantom VI was hit by an explosion of white paint on Prince Charles's side of the car. A window was smashed, two rear panels were dented and the aerial was broken.

Clarence House said that the couple were unharmed in the incident on Regent Street, but onlookers said Camilla looked extremely shaken after the attack.

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, described the attack as 'shocking and regrettable.'

Enlarge Frightened: Prince Charles and Camilla show their fear inside the car as it is attacked by the mob

Frightened: Prince Charles and Camilla show their fear inside the car as it is attacked by the mob

Enlarge Charles and Camilla's Car was attacked by a mob

Charles and Camilla's Car was attacked by a mob

Enlarge Safe: Onlookers said The Duchess of Cornwall was shaken by the attack

Safe: Onlookers said The Duchess of Cornwall was shaken by the attack

Enlarge Damage: The boot and rear wing of the 1977 Rolls Royce Phantom was dented

Damage: The boot and rear wing of the 1977 Rolls Royce Phantom was dented

One protester who witnessed the attack said: 'We were headed up towards Regent Street and there didn't seem to be a lot of police about and people were throwing things at shops.

'Then out of nowhere came this car and when you looked into it you could clearly see Prince Charles and Camilla inside it looking incredibly confused.

'We all stood there for a millisecond in stunned silence and then people started lunging towards the car from all sides. It all happened very quickly.'

Despite the attack, Charles and Camilla were said to look calm as they arrived at the venue for tonight's Royal Variety Performance and the couple did not appear to have been delayed.

The car in which they were attacked was the one that Charles and Camilla drove from their wedding in Windsor in the summer or 2005. It was loaned to Charles by The Queen who had been given it as a gift by the carmaker at her silver jubilee.

Enlarge Criminal damage: A protester throws a brick at the window of the Treasury building

Criminal damage: A protester throws a brick at the window of the Treasury building

Enlarge Entry: Demonstrators go through the doors of the HM Treasury building after breaking in

Entry: Demonstrators go through the doors of the HM Treasury building after breaking in

It was the latest in a series of shocking incidents on a day of widespread civil disturbances.

At least nine police officers were seriously injured as mask-wearing anarchists hijacked the final tuition fees protest and turned yet another peaceful demonstration into chaos.

Around 20,000 students and activists descended on central London as the demonstrations of recent weeks culminated in a final show of anger at the hike and the Liberal Democrat U-turn.

At least 22 arrests were made, including nine for violent disorder, two for arson and four for burglary.

As the night wore on, police contained hundreds of people on Westminster Bridge as they prepared to release them from the 'kettling' cordon.

Shortly before 6pm the policy to increase the fees cap to £9,000 was carried by 323 votes to 302 - a majority of 21.

The vote did nothing to quell the day-long unrest.

security hut burning

Blaze: A security hut burning as protesters look on outside the Houses of Parliament tonight

Running battle: Stand-offs took place on either side of metal barriers in Westminster

Running battle: Stand-offs took place on either side of metal barriers in Westminster

Stones used: Protesters smashed at the windows of the Treasury building as they attempted to enter

Stones used: Protesters smashed at the windows of the Treasury building as they attempted to enter

Lit up: Riot police come under attack from flares as they clash with protesters

Lit up: Riot police come under attack from flares as they clash with protesters

Shortly after, two people were filmed smashing away at the reinforced glass windows of the Treasury building with broken breeze blocks as they tried to enter.

When protesters broke through windows and doors a line of police officers formed a new barrier with their riot shields to prevent them from entering.

The mob then moved onto the Supreme Court where a window was smashed and graffiti was sprayed on the doors.

Police officers stood shoulder to shoulder to protect the building from protesters.

Another premises targeted was the Topshop store on Oxford Street where graffiti was sprayed, seemingly aimed at Sir Philip Green who owns the company, which included the words, 'Tax dodgers pay your tax.'

Mounting such tight police lines to protect the properties took its toll on the officers throughout the day, resulting in many injuries.

A Met spokesman said: 'Nine officers have been seriously injured, we have reports of suspected broken wrists and leg and neck injuries.

'Extreme violence currently being directed towards officers is hindering attempts to allow non-violent protesters to leave the containment area.'

Bird's eye view: A police helicopter shines its light one protesters in Parliament Square

Bird's eye view: A police helicopter shines its light one protesters in Parliament Square

Smoke: Riot police deal with a hail of flares thrown by protesters

Smoke: Riot police deal with a hail of flares thrown by protesters

On fire: The statue of Viscount Palmerston was set alight and, right, students make their feelings known at the statue of Churchill

The disturbances took place around thousands of Christmas shoppers and The Met added that protesters set fire to the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.

The Met Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stepenson, condemned the violent element of the protests, and also dismissed criticism of the 'kettling' tactic as an excuse.

'It's utter nonsense. People watching will condemn what has happened today. It is an excuse that people are hiding behind.'

'We want people to protest peacefully on the streets of London if that is what they want to do but the behaviour today was wholly unacceptable and we will carry out a very detailed investigation to identify those responsible'

Protests took place throughout the day in the lead up to the vote.

Three officers were wounded and had to be taken to hospital after clashes when a hardcore group of protesters repeatedly tried to break through police lines outside the Houses of Parliament earlier in the day.

Footage showed one policeman lying motionless on the ground. Medics fitted him with a neck brace and used a makeshift stretcher to remove him.

One mounted officer was knocked from his horse as missiles including flares, sticks, snooker balls and smoke bombs were hurled from the crowds across the cordon.

Unseated: A police rider lies on the ground after he was pulled off his horse by protesters

Unseated: A police rider lies on the ground after he was pulled off his horse by protesters

Dragged to safety: A police officer is helped by a medic during the protests

Dragged to safety: A police officer is helped by a medic during the protests

Rescue: Police officers listen for a heartbeat on an injured protester

Rescue: Police officers listen for a heartbeat on an injured protester

injured officer

Motionless: A police officer injured in the protests is helped by medics

As MPs prepared to vote on the controversial fee rise earlier, Scotland Yard resorted to 'kettling' the demonstrators in Parliament Square in a bid to contain the violence.

A student was spotted urinating on the Winston Churchill statue, wooden benches were set alight and the grass was covered with a huge 'No' in bright red graffiti.

Protesters were forced to run back into the Square after mounted police charged at the crowds in a desperate bid to stop the surge. Seven have been arrested so far.

Teenager Sophie Down said: 'The police were backing off and we were trying to work it what was happening and we didn't know what was going on, then they all just started charging.

'I'm worried about my friends. I saw a guy who was sitting on the ground and I could see something was wrong with him.

'Everyone was in a good mood - it was like a carnival - but there are people who are clearly looking for a fight.'

Elsewhere, as protesters fanned out through Whitehall, a female student was caught climbing up the Cenotaph - the monument to Britain's war dead - using the Union flag flying there.

Landmarks: Police and protesters clash violently outside the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Landmarks: Police and protesters clash violently outside the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

No respect: A protester swinging from the Union flag flying on the Cenotaph

No respect: A protester swinging from the Union flag flying on the Cenotaph

Police medics carry away an injured protester

Bloodied: Police medics carry away an injured protester

Vast crowds of protesters surged in to Parliament Square at around 2pm, trampling security barriers to get closer to the House of Commons and violence soon flared.

Police reinforcements had to be rushed in to bolster the ring of steel, with officers donning riot helmets and shields to protect themselves

They battled to keep the cordon in place to avoid any invasion of Parliament, as happened during the pro-hunting demonstration in 2004.

No trains were stopping at Westminster underground station tonight to avoid more people joining the crowds.

The policy to increase the fees from £3,290 to £9,000 was carried by 323 votes to 302 - a majority of 21.

Early estimates suggested that nine or ten Conservatives had voted against the policy and that 20 or 21 of the 57 Lib Dems in the Coalition had voted down the policy, rather than abstaining.

A Tory and two Lib Dem private secretaries quit tonight before the vote.

Nick Clegg had this morning branded opponents of the plans 'dreamers' and denied he was ashamed of backing the rise, insisting he had to deal with 'the way the world is'.

Business Secretary Vince Cable, who opened this afternoon's debate in the Commons, also warned that he could not hand out popular policies like Father Christmas.

Police in riot gear after they were paint bombed by protesters

Cordon: Police in riot gear after they were paint bombed by protesters

Enlarge Student protesters gathered for a march on Parliament against tuition fees

Anger: Student protesters gathered for a march on Parliament against tuition fees

Parliament Square: Protesters stand on a statue of former Winston Churchill
A protesters urinates against Winston Churchill's plinth

Widespread: Protesters gathered around the statue of Churchill where, earlier in the day, a student urinated

Flames: Two demonstrators jump from the top of a bonfire in Parliament Square

Flames: Two demonstrators jump from the top of a bonfire in Parliament Square

But they were not backed by several senior figures in their own party and Deputy leader Simon Hughes was among those who abstained, in what was a very narrow victory for the Government.

Mr Hughes insisted this morning that the move to increase the tuition fees ceiling to £9,000-a-year could discourage poorer students from pursuing higher education.

'I have decided that I won't be able to support the Government on the fees level, particularly because I believe that for a constituency like mine, the level of fee increase... may have a significant disincentive effect on youngsters going to university,' he said.

There will be a single vote on the proposed increase after none of the possible amendments were selected - a situation that will help the Government.

The coalition's majority was enough to pass the vote but it risks inflicting long-term damage if the rebels coalesce into a disaffected faction and voters fail to forgive their U-turn.

Some claim it could become the party's Iraq war or poll tax and dog them when it comes to the next election.


Difficult: Business Secretary Vince Cable opening today's debate, flanked by Nick Clegg and David Cameron

Crowds of protesters swarm around the statute of Winston Churchill

Crowds of protesters swarm around the statute of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square

Demonstrators and police officers are surrounded by red smoke in Parliament Square

Demonstrators and police officers are surrounded by red smoke in Parliament Square

Early on in the debate, protesters had to be removed from the Commons public gallery after they stood up, waved and shouted.

Around five protesters were strong-armed out of the chamber by doorkeepers, as much of the rest of the public gallery burst into applause.

Most MPs were oblivious to the happenings above them as the gallery's reinforced glass screen blocked out the sound.

More than a dozen Lib Dems in total, including former leaders Charles Kennedy and Sir Menzies Campbell, are expected to vote against the plans.

Senior Tories concede that between 10 and 16 of their number will either vote against or abstain, despite personal pleas to some rebels by David Cameron.

The Prime Minister launched a make-or-break bid to save the plans to treble fees last night, claiming the reforms will end a system that favours privately-educated pupils like him.

Deputy PM Mr Clegg today denied he would feel 'ashamed' when he voted for the plans after signing a pre-election pledge to scrap fees altogether.

'I would feel ashamed if I didn't deal with the way that the world is, not simply dream of the way the world I would like it to be,' he said.

'In the circumstances in which we face, where there isn't very much money around, where many millions of other people are being asked to make sacrifices, where many young people in the future want to go to university - we have to find the solution for all of that.

'I believe that asking graduates to make a contribution - and only make a contribution after they have left university, no upfront fees whatsoever, and only when they have earned a considerably more amount of money than they do under the present system - that is the best possible choice we could have taken.'

Police covered in paint pin down a demonstrator

Restrained: Police covered in paint pin down a demonstrator

Police officers scuffling with demonstrators in Trafalgar Square

Clashes: Police officers scuffling with demonstrators in Westminster

Mr Cable insisted he was 'proud' of the proposals but admitted 'it's not easy politically'. 'In government we have to make tough choices. We've made them and I think we've produced a better system,' he said.

'We accepted when we entered into the coalition agreement that some of our commitments could be maintained, others could not,' he told the BBC. 'We have had to compromise and the coalition agreement was a compromise.

'It made a commitment to produce a fairer, more progressive system of student tuition fees - we've done that. And it did provide for my colleagues who wish to abstain to do so.'

The Government felt confident enough of victory not to bring back Energy Secretary Chris Huhne from climate change talks in Mexico to bolster the 'yes' vote.

But Labour leader Ed Miliband tried to stir dissent in Lib Dem ranks, by branding it a 'day of judgment' for the party.

David Cameron leaving Downing Street

D-day: David Cameron leaving Downing Street this morning

'Today it looks like many Lib Dems will break that promise. To abstain in this vote will simply allow the Government to increase tuition fees. I am calling on all MPs - including Lib Dems - to vote against this increase,' he said.

Labour were pushing for a longer debate in the hope that more Lib Dems will revolt if it is drawn out.

Dr Cable yesterday issued three more concessions to try and ease jitters on the backbenches.

The salary threshold at which graduates start to repay fees will be reassessed each year in line with earnings from 2016 - not just every five years, as had been planned.

The existing £15,000 minimum earnings repayment level will also be linked to inflation from 2012, and part-time students will be able to qualify for student loans if they study for a quarter of the year, rather than having to study for a third as planned.

It has emerged that student leaders proposed £4.2billion in cuts over four years to support for poorer undergraduates, teching funds and research grants in a bid to avoid higher fees.

They e-mailed Dr Cable in October when he was drawing up his response to the Browne report on higher education funding, arguing funding cuts could avoid the need for a fee rise.

A coalition source said it was 'astonishing' that the NUS was opposing the increase when its leaders were ready to contemplate 'drastic' cuts in grants for existing students.

police outside Buckingham Palace

Blue line: Police officers standing across the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace this afternoon

Demonstrators confronting police officers outside the Houses of Parliament

Demonstrators confronting police officers outside the Houses of Parliament



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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS: Sprint plans multiple tablets in 2011, mum on iPad


A top Sprint executive revealed it will bring out more tablet PCs in 2011 to cater to customer demand. In an interview with Reuters published on Thursday, Sprint business markets President Paget Alves revealed these same customers are looking to replace their larger and more expensive notebooks with the smaller devices. According to the President, tablets are proving more popular than any other consumer electronics product.

Specifically, staff such as salespeople can benefit greatly from tablets, as they usually only need to see spreadsheets and not create them.

"We expect to have a broad portfolio of tablets in 2011," Alves said.

Alves did not name any specific tablets the provider will add to its offerings in 2011, including Apple's iPad or RIM's PlayBook. Thus far, Sprint only offers the seven-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab. The exec believed that as many as 12 new tablets will be introduced at the CES show in January, though only some may reach Sprint at best.

Company chief Dan Hesse has been unusually elusive on any prospective deals with Apple, neither confirming nor denying talks but instead saying he isn't allowed to discuss anything. The company didn't get the same option to sell the iPad directly as Verizon and AT&T, raising suspicions that Verizon paid for a semi-exclusive where only it and AT&T are allowed to sell Apple devices in the US.


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