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terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Portugal suspende definitivamente el AVE y da prioridad al transporte de mercancías

El primer ministro luso tras reunirse el viernes con Sarkozy. | ReutersEl primer ministro luso tras reunirse el viernes con Sarkozy. | Reuters
El tramo portugués del tren de alta velocidad Madrid-Lisboa está "suspenso". Así de claro lo ha dejado esta noche el primer ministro luso, el socialdemócrata Pedro Passos Coelho, en una entrevista en la televisión pública RTP1. En una de las últimas respuestas, el jefe del ejecutivo luso ha argumentado que “los portugueses no entenderían que se construyese la línea de alta velocidad en el actual momento de crisis que atraviesa el país”.
El ejecutivo de Lisboa tenía hasta finales de este mes de septiembre para anunciar su decisión final sobre la construcción de la línea de alta velocidad entre las dos capitales ibéricas, un proyecto que fue firmado en la cumbre ibérica de 2003, en Figueira da Foz, por los entonces jefes de gobierno José María Aznar, del lado español, y José Manuel Durao Barroso, del lado portugués.
A pesar de que el proyecto ha sido ratificado en las cumbres posteriores, aunque se fueron dilatando los plazos de finalización por parte del gobierno portugués, el anterior primer ministro, el socialista José Sócrates, se empeñó hasta el final de su última legislatura en la importancia de seguir adelante con el proyecto ferroviario del que ya se había adjudicado la primera parte de la obra, el tramo entre la frontera, Caya, y la localidad lusa de Poceirao.
Sin embargo, el nuevo ejecutivo de mayoría conservadora considera que la prioridad no es la alta velocidad, ni siquiera el transporte ferroviario de pasajeros, sino el de mercancías. En la entrevista televisada de esta noche, Passos Coelho ha insistido en la necesidad de avanzar con la línea ferroviaria de mercancías que conecte el puerto de Sines -160 km al sur de Lisboa- con Europa, para lo que ha dicho, tendrá que tener ancho europeo, y entrará en España a través de la frontera con Badajoz.
Para el alcalde pacense, Miguel Ángel Celdrán, que ha estado lunes y martes de visita a Portugal, primero en el puerto de Sines y después en la capital lusa, en donde tuvo oportunidad de almorzar con el ministro de Economía portugués, Álvaro Santos Pereira, es una “excelente noticia”, ya que la construcción del denominado Eje 16 servirá para "el desarrollo de la plataforma logística de Badajoz, así como para el del resto de la comunidad extremeña". De momento, el Gobierno de Lisboa no ha avanzado con plazos ni fechas de finalización de esta línea ferroviaria de mercancías.
Y sobre el transporte ferroviario de pasajeros entre las dos capitales ibéricas, el primer ministro Passos Coelho ha dicho que no es "prioritario" para su Gobierno. Aún así, dados los compromisos asumidos tanto con Madrid como con Bruselas, el líder socialdemócrata entienden que deben presentar "una alternativa ferroviaria rápida pero sin llegar a la alta velocidad", con costes según él "cuatro veces inferiores" a los previstos por el anterior proyecto socialista.


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26/10/2008 free counters

'Anonymous' amenaza con difundir datos secretos del 11-M antes de los comicios

  • Publica también un archivo con nombres y datos de una decena de GEO
  • La semana pasada desveló los datos de una treintena de escoltas de Zapatero
  • Se dirige a la fiscal para la lucha contra la delincuencia informática
  • Advierte de que en breve habrá datos sobre el 'caso Faisán'
Un mensaje atribuido a 'Anonymous' y difundido a través de Internet avisa a la Fiscalía de que en breve recibirá documentación reservada sobre el 11-M, que será "liberada" en los días previos a las elecciones generales del 20-N si no existiera ninguna diligencia abierta.
El mensaje difundido en varias páginas de descargas publica también un archivo con nombres y datos personales de una decena de agentes del Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO), la unidad de elite de la Policía Nacional.
La semana pasada fueron publicados también en Internet los datos personales de una treintena de policías nacionales destinados en el servicio de escoltas del presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, tras lo que la Fiscalía abrió una investigación para esclarecer la difusión de dicha información.
Dicen poseer un 'dossier', un 'informe versión borrador' y un 'informe definitivo' sobre el 11-M
En ese caso, al igual que este martes, también un mensaje que llevaba la firma de la misma red de activistas comunicaba que había conseguido vulnerar las medidas de seguridad de la red corporativa de la Policía Nacional y robar información de carácter reservado, al tiempo que advertía de que en breve publicaría datos personales de agentes del GEO.
El Gobierno confirmó el "ataque" sufrido por la página de la Policía, aunque 'Anonymous' se desmarcó de la filtración y culpó a la propia Policía, a la que acusó de querer criminalizar y "demonizar" a la red de activistas.
En concreto, el archivo colgado este martes en varios sitios de descargas, incluye un listado con los nombres y apellidos de diez agentes del Grupo Especial de Operaciones, además de su DNI y su categoría.
En otro apartado, dirigido a la fiscal delegada para la lucha contra la delincuencia informática, Elvira Tejada, avisa de que en breve la Fiscalía obtendrá documentación reservada sobre los atentados de Madrid del 11 de marzo de 2004, y advierte de que si no existiera ninguna diligencia sobre dichos documentos "serán liberados días previos al 20-N".
Según dicen, cuentan con tres documentos relacionados con los atentados de Madrid, un "dossier", un "informe versión borrador" y un "informe definitivo".
El mismo mensaje advierte también de que en breve, y según el proceso, habrá datos sobre el 'caso Faisán', que investiga el chivatazo que alertó a ETA de una operación contra su red de extorsión en 2006.
A partir de ahí, el documento arremete contra Rubalcaba con mensajes como "20N-No con Rubalcaba" y hace una adaptación de su lema electoral: 'Escuchar. Hacer. Explicar'. Los 'hackers' lo transforman en "Escuchar-al pueblo tu pueblo. Hacer--dimitir, jubilarte. Explicar la violencia policial, manipulación de informes y pruebas, expediente al policía que apoyo el 15M".
También utilizan una célebre frase del primer discurso de Rubalcaba como candidato socialista para, a continuación, cargar contra él: "Si no vives como piensas, acabarás pensando como vives". Y añaden: "Por qué buscar enemigos tan lejos, estando tu [sic] tan cerca". El documento se despide en inglés diciendo "We are Anonymous, Anonymous are legion, we do not forget, we do not forgive, expect us", (Somos Anonymous, Anonymous son legión, no olvidamos, no perdonamos, esperadnos).


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26/10/2008 free counters

Testemunha contra corrupção no PR morre depois de ser baleado em assalto

Plantão | Publicada em 20/09/2011 às 20h31m
Adauri Antunes Barbosa (adauri@sp.oglobo.com.br)

SÃO PAULO - Testemunha que seria ouvida pela Polícia Federal em investigação de corrupção envolvendo o deputado Valdemar da Costa Neto (PR-SP), o empresário Geraldo de Souza Amorim, de 61 anos, morreu na madrugada desta terça-feira em São Paulo, no Hospital São Luiz, depois de ter sido baleado durante uma tentativa de assalto ao seu sítio, em Tatuí (SP). Dois suspeitos do assalto, ocorrido na noite do último sábado, segundo a polícia, estão presos. Geraldo era administrador da antiga Feira da Madrugada, no Brás, na região central de São Paulo.
Com o sucesso da feira, criada em 2005, em julho deste ano Geraldo Amorim denunciou que estava recebendo ameaças e pedidos de propina. Para conseguir montar o negócio ele recebeu da antiga Rede Ferroviária Federal o direito de explorar o local. No entanto, o delegado-titular de Tatuí, Alexandre Andreucci, disse que as investigações indicam que a morte não tem qualquer ligação com a denúncia.
- O caso é de roubo mesmo. Segundo as informações, ele passava o fim de semana aqui e trazia dinheiro - afirmou o delegado.
O caso é de roubo mesmo. Segundo as informações, ele passava o fim de semana aqui e trazia dinheiro
Três homens invadiram o sítio na noite de sábado, por volta de 23h, e renderam Geraldo e a sua mulher, e dois ficaram do lado de fora. Provavelmente, conforme a polícia, um segurança do sítio reagiu e trocou tiros com os assaltantes. O ex-administrador da Feira e dois suspeitos foram atingidos.
Pouco depois guardas municipais prenderam os suspeitos na região, um supervisor de vendas de 25 anos e um estudante de 23 anos, com o qual foi encontrado um revólver calibre 38 com a numeração raspada. Um deles levou um tiro no peito e o outro teve ferimentos no pescoço e no braço esquerdo. Os dois foram levados para um hospital de Tatuí.
Em 31 de março deste ano o vereador Agnaldo Timóteo (PR), de São Paulo, mandou uma carta a Geraldo Amorim na qual fala sobre o pagamento de R$ 300 mil mensais para "oportunistas" do PR. O deputado Ivan Valente (PSOL-SP) enviou a carta ao Ministério Público Federal, que pediu abertura de inquérito pela Polícia Federal porque o documento "indica a prática, em tese, de crime contra a administração pública por membros do PR".
O vereador e cantor Agnaldo Timóteo explica, na carta, a demissão da filha de Geraldo de seu gabinete, o chama de "amigo" e lembra que o levou para reuniões com o então ministro dos Transportes, Alfredo Nascimento, que é do PR, e com o prefeito de São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab. Agnaldo ainda diz, na carta, que a Feira da Madrugada era uma "galinha dos ovos de ouro" e afirma que Geraldo "perdeu" o negócio por ter "peitado o Waldemar" (o deputado Valdemar da Costa Neto).
- O Valdemar é o PR em São Paulo. É quem manda. Mas ele estava indignado porque alguém disse para ele que o Geraldo estaria usando o terreno de maneira indevida - disse Agnaldo Timóteo, que aponta o empresário Aílton Vicente de Oliveira, então síndico do Condomínio Novo Oriente, que administrava a Feira, como o responsável por ter "derrubado" Geraldo: - Ele era o inimigo do Geraldo.
Antes da Feira ser fechada, Aílton Oliveira foi escolhido síndico pelos lojistas. Ele admitia cobrar R$ 300 mensais dos comerciantes para manutenção e pagamento de luz. A prefeitura de São Paulo, que quer construir um shopping popular no local, fechou a Feira depois de conseguiu, em abril, que o governo federal passasse a guarda da área para o município.

Leia mais sobre esse assunto em http://oglobo.globo.com/pais/mat/2011/09/20/testemunha-contra-corrupcao-no-pr-morre-depois-de-ser-baleado-em-assalto-925406393.asp#ixzz1YYBSkhK8
© 1996 - 2011. Todos os direitos reservados a Infoglobo Comunicação e Participações S.A.


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26/10/2008 free counters

"Comeria ela e o bebê", diz Rafinha Bastos sobre Wanessa Camargo grávida

20/09/2011 - 12h50
No programa "CQC" ontem, na Band, Rafinha Bastos voltou a provocar polêmica com suas declarações bombásticas. Dessa vez, o comediante escolheu como alvo a cantora Wanessa Camargo, grávida de cinco meses.

Que bonitinha que está a Wanessa Camargo grávida", anunciou Marcelo Tas. "Eu comeria ela e o bebê", interrompeu Rafinha. "Não tô nem aí", completou, para surpresa da plateia.
Ao ouvir o colega, Marco Luque fez cara de surpresa e baixou a cabeça, cobrindo os olhos com as mãos. Tas rapidamente emendou outra piada, aliviando o clima (para o telespectador).
Não é a primeira vez que Rafael Bastos Hocsman, 34, cria polêmica. Ele recentemente foi acusado de fazer apologia ao estupro. "Mulheres feias deveriam agradecer caso fossem estupradas, afinal os estupradores estavam lhes fazendo um favor, uma caridade", disse.
A declaração causou investigação por parte do Ministério Público Federal.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Charlie Sheen I Watched, I Loved

Seriously ... how could he resist?

If you were wondering whether Charlie Sheen was watching "Two and a Half Men" last night.... the answer is, hell yeah!

And Charlie not only watched, we're told he loved it!

Sheen is telling close friends ... watching his own funeral on TV was "eerie but fun."

Charlie loved Ashton Kutcher, saying "I thought it was the best intro for a new a character on a TV show of all time." He particularly enjoyed the fact that Ashton  "was revealed through the dusty exploded smoke of my remains."

And if you think Charlie has been playing nice because it's all part of his settlement agreement ... we know that's not the case.  Warner Bros. is not demanding favorable reviews from Charlie in return for his $125 million.

That kind of money tends to make you gracious.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Lula recebe título de Doutor Honoris Causa concedido pela UFBA video


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26/10/2008 free counters

Demand for airplane tickets in Brazil up 20 pct in Jan.-Aug.

English.news.cn   2011-09-21 09:40:36
RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- Demand for domestic plane tickets in Brazil increased 20.14 percent in the first eight months of 2011, according to a study released Tuesday by the country's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).
According to ANAC, the offer of plane tickets for domestic flights increased 14.39 percent from January to August compared to the same period last year. The demand for international airplane tickets increased 15.83 percent in Jan.-Aug., while the supply of tickets rose 10.53 percent.
In August, the demand for domestic plane tickets rose 13.45 percent over the same period last year, while the supply of tickets rose 14.31 percent in the period. The demand and supply of international plane tickets rose respectively by 5.91 percent and 6 percent.
Airliner Gol had the highest share in the domestic market in August, which stood at 38.84 percent, while TAM had the highest market share among Brazilian companies in the international market, which reached 89.09 percent.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Death toll hits 76 as violence rocks Yemen’s capital for third day

Death toll hits 76 as violence rocks Yemen’s capital for third day

An anti-government protester displays a blood-stained hand after carrying a wounded fellow protester after clashes with security forces in Sana'a. (Photo by Reuters)
An anti-government protester displays a blood-stained hand after carrying a wounded fellow protester after clashes with security forces in Sana'a. (Photo by Reuters)
Gunfire and shelling rocked Sanaa for a third day Tuesday, killing 23 people and taking the toll from the worst outbreak of violence in the Yemeni capital in months to 76 before a tenuous truce took hold.

Fighting between dissident troops and those loyal to embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh resumed at dawn after a brief lull overnight and raged through the day before receding in the evening, medics and witnesses said.

“Four civilians and three soldiers from the First Armored Brigade were killed,” a medical official said, referring to dissident troops led by General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, according to AFP.

A brief lull that lasted only a few hours during the night was followed by fierce battles involving automatic gunfire and shelling, witnesses said.
Republican Guard troops, commanded by Saleh’s son Ahmed, shelled posts held by Ahmar’s troops around Change Square, epicenter of the anti-regime protests that have shaken Yemen for months, witnesses said.

They added that the shelling was coming from Hada district in southern Sana’a.

The protesters, camped at Sana’a Change Square and nearby al-Zubairi Road, spoke of fierce fighting between the rival military forces.

Change Square was targeted by mortar rounds and anti-aircraft fire, with one witness describing it as the “heaviest shelling” yet and saying it “lit the sky over the square.”

Protest organizers told AFP the numbers of demonstrators camped in an area stretching about three kilometers (two miles) from Change Square to al-Zubairi Road had swelled to nearly 150,000. Their figures could not immediately be verified.

A shell hit al-Iman University near the square killing one and wounding three others, said university spokesman Ayed al-Zindani.

Mortar rounds also fell near the field hospital set up at Change Square in which six people were wounded, said activist Walid al-Amari.

Ahmar’s troops and members of the protesters’ security committee deployed heavily in the area surrounding the square and set up checkpoints at its entrances, witnesses said.

Private schools, banks and governments buildings surrounding the square and in nearby neighborhoods were shut, they added.

Saudi monarch receives Saleh

King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz during his meeting with President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz during his meeting with President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Meanwhile, Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz received President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen at the royal palace in Riyadh, the official SPA reported.

President Saleh thanked the Saudi monarch for the care given to him and to a number of Yemen's senior leaders while they were receiving treatment at Saudi hospitals. President Saleh also appreciated the Kingdom’s stance supporting Yemen in light of the current crisis as well as the efforts exerted to overcome the crisis and achieve national interest for the Yemeni people.

King Abdullah wished all success for the Yemenis in overcoming the current crisis, stressing the Kingdom’s stance supporting a unified, safe and stable Yemen, SPA reported.

Two days of violence

At least 56 people were killed on Sunday and Monday, said doctors and witnesses, after demonstrators demanding an end to Saleh’s 33-year rule ratcheted up their protests.

Government forces responded to the demonstrations with heavy fire, while snipers shot at activists from rooftops, Reuters journalists said.

The violence escalated on Monday when opposition forces loyal to defected General Ali Mohsen started fighting with government troops. Mohsen, a top Yemeni general, dealt a major blow to Saleh’s regime when he and his troops defected following an earlier crackdown in March which killed 52 people.

A witness close to the camp said Yemen’s Republican Guard forces had taken up a position on a mountain and started shelling Mohsen’s First Armored Division base in the city on Tuesday. The protest camp may have been hit by stray shells, the witness added.

Diplomats who have struggled for months to help the opposition and government reach a political deal have long feared the rising tensions in the capital of this impoverished Arabian Peninsula state could deteriorate into a full military confrontation in Sana’a.

Many of the protesters had retreated to the Change Square camp on Monday, escaping violence in another area.

Diplomats and Yemeni politicians scrambled on Monday to speed up a long-stalled transition plan under which Saleh, who is recovering in neighboring Saudi Arabia from a June assassination attempt, would step down.

A source in Yemen’s political opposition said they were meeting with government officials and diplomats to try and push through a deal. U.N. mediator Jamal bin Omar and Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdbullatif al-Zayani arrived in Sana’a on Monday and were expected to join the talks.

Zayani was expected to push for the signing of a Gulf-brokered transition plan which Saleh backed out of three times before.

“There’s a possibility of trying to push through the Gulf plan for signing this week,” an opposition source said.

Protesters vowed to march again on Tuesday to condemn the crackdown and lack of international response.

Several countries including the United States condemned the violence but gave little indication of how they planned to exert pressure on Saleh.

“The United States regrets the deaths and injuries of many people during protest marches in Sana’a yesterday. In this tense situation, we call upon all parties to exercise restraint,” the U.S. embassy in Sana’a said on Monday.


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26/10/2008 free counters

U.S. President Obama hails ‘new chapter’ for Libya as rebels’ flag is hoisted at U.N.

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) met Libya’s National Transitional Council chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, for the first time at the United Nations in New York. (Photo by Reuters)
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) met Libya’s National Transitional Council chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, for the first time at the United Nations in New York. (Photo by Reuters)
U.S. President Barack Obama hailed a “new chapter” for Libya Tuesday as the victorious rebels’ red, black and green flag was hoisted at the United Nations ahead of its annual General Assembly.

Fugitive strongman Muammar Qaddafi issued an audio message dismissing the new government as a “charade” that would not outlive the NATO air and naval support that brought it to power.

But Obama warned Qaddafi loyalists still putting up resistance in their remaining bastions to lay down their arms and join the new Libya, promising that NATO-led air strikes would continue as long as they remained a threat.

“Today, the Libyan people are writing a new chapter in the life of their nation,” the U.S. president told world leaders at a U.N. meeting on Libya being held on the sidelines of the General Assembly.

“After four decades of darkness, they can walk the streets, free from a tyrant,” he told the meeting which was also attended by Libya’s new leadership.

Credit for the “liberation of Libya, belongs to the people of Libya,” he insisted, but stressed the international community was not pulling out yet.

“So long as the Libyan people are being threatened, the NATO-led mission to protect them will continue. And those still holding out must understand the old regime is over, and it is time to lay down your arms and join the new Libya,” the U.S. commander-in-chief said.

Obama met Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, for the first time Tuesday and the U.S. leader said the focus should also now turn to a democratic transition after 42 years of dictatorship.

“We all know what’s needed. A transition that is timely. New laws and a constitution that uphold the rule of law. Political parties and a strong civil society. And, for the first time in Libyan history, free and fair elections,” Obama said.

Abdel Jalil praised the NATO-led coalition for its assistance in the uprising in which he said some 25,000 people had died, and he promised fair trials for captured members of the ousted regime.

Seeking to bolster Libya’s new leaders, Obama said the U.S. ambassador was now on his way back to Tripoli and “this week, the American flag that was lowered before our embassy was attacked will be raised again.”

Obama also delivered a staunch defense of his Libya strategy. He had faced criticism for an initially slow response to the Libyan uprising and then set strict limits on the U.S. role in the NATO air assault, which was officially justified as a means of stopping the massacre of civilians.

The White House felt vindicated in its approach when rebel forces took Tripoli. “Libya is a lesson in what the international community can achieve when we stand together as one,” Obama said. But he insisted that “we cannot and should not intervene every time there’s an injustice in the world.”

Obama held out promise the United States would build new partnerships with Libya, a top oil producer, to help unleash the country’s “extraordinary potential.”

In Benghazi, interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril failed to name a new cabinet on Sunday when his proposals did not receive full backing from all current members.

The political infighting reveals some of the fractures in an alliance that was united in civil war by hatred of Qaddafi but remains split among pro-Western liberals, underground Islamist guerrillas and defectors from Qaddafi’s government.

Nearly a month after Qaddafi was driven from power, his loyalists in the three towns are still beating back regular NTC assaults. Qaddafi taunted NATO in a speech broadcast by a Syria-based television station on Tuesday, but the station gave no new clues as to his whereabouts.

In his first message in nearly two weeks, Qaddafi told his remaining loyalists that the new regime was only temporary.

The flag of the new Libya was flying over the United Nations in New York ahead of the General Assembly, an event at which Qaddafi was for decades an outlandish fixture turning up with his trademark tent to deliver rambling speeches to other world leaders.

The red, black and green of the new Libya also took its place among the flags of U.N. member states at the world body’s European headquarters in Geneva in a ceremony on Tuesday, replacing the green flag of the Qaddafi era.

The African Union, which had long held out against according Libya’s seat to the NTC, on Tuesday finally announced it was recognizing the new leadership.

The bloc’s chairman, Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema announced that “the African Union recognizes the National Transitional Council (NTC) as the representative of the Libyan people as they form an all-inclusive transitional government that will occupy the Libyan seat at the African Union.”

Qaddafi was a major player in the A.U. before his ouster and bankrolled many of its poorer members.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Abuso sexual: líder de igreja oferecia cura em troca de sexo



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26/10/2008 free counters

Auxiliar de enfermagem é flagrada agredindo jovem com deficiência mental




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26/10/2008 free counters

Flagrante: bandidos rendem homem com bebê no colo e roubam carro em São Paulo



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26/10/2008 free counters

#CRIME Morta em casa: assassino de modelo diz que simulou assalto



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26/10/2008 free counters

About 2,000 protest against corruptioAbout 2,000 protest against corruption in downtown Rion in downtown Rio

A protest against corruption will be held in the evening of Tuesday around 2,000 people in Cinelandia, downtown Rio, according to estimates from the Military Police. The manifesto, drafted by the group against corruption by social networks, had confirmed the presence of more than 34 000 people on Facebook.

At the site of the protest, members of the Counter Corruption try to lead the audience from a sound truck, from which list their demands and stress the nonpartisan character of the protest.

This view is not shared by the group louder the protest focused on the steps of the City Council with brooms in hand and banners calling for the downfall of the governor Sérgio Cabral (PMDB) and calling the President Rousseff of "incompetent housekeeper," a play on that she would prefer to be called "president". A group of firefighters claiming pay increase reinforces the chorus against Cabral.

The vast majority of protesters, however, meet in the center of the square in silence, watching the protest more than singing any claim.

Among these is the retired John Alfred, 64, who brought clown noses to distribute to the protesters. "[I use the clown nose] because that's how I feel in the face of corruption, impunity, secret ballot of MPs. I invited my wife to come to protest, but she said it's a young thing. I can not be young but still a citizen. "
With a broom in hand, the student Sara da Silva Santos, 12, explained his outrage. "There are many crooks doing something not good."

At the microphone sound truck, Santos Eudes, responsible for the convening of a protest on the internet, listed the demands that emerged from discussions on the Internet: reduction of commissioned positions in public service, the venue of choice in order for justice authorities, so bank secrecy of public officials, technical criteria for the appointment of ministers of the Court of Audit and approval of projects to fight corruption in Congress shelved.

"We want nothing more than transparency. We are not against politicians, but against their practices. We are a democratic movement, one can protest whatever you want," said Santos.

Latest news from Corruption

The 2500's Cinelandia, make no mistake, there are many millions
According to the number of vehicles reported yesterday that the march against corruption in Cinelandia in Rio, attended the protest about 2,500 people. The texts draw attention to the fact that there are no organized groups. Cecilia Ritto in SEE Online (see posts below), unlike some classmates, dismissed this evidence a sympathetic approach, in which it seems to me, did very well.
It is clear that the absence of militant organizations is one of the "weaknesses" of the movement, but it is also your best chance to grow as an expression of genuine indignation of citizens. And believe me: this can create difficulties to fill the squares and streets, but the protest is far from harmless or useless. Experience indicates that the course changes are determined by the silent majority, who eventually persuaded by the minority that is expressed. Even one million people in Tahir Square in Egypt ... was a minority, after all.
Of course, at some point, those who oppose corruption will need to consider its causes and try to act against them. We live in the phase of expression of nonconformity. It is a fact: no matter how clear we let our anger, will not change the corrupt sector. We are not facing one of those situations where the other must be convinced of something, like the parents who try to persuade the children to study, do not cut class, not to behave improperly. FOR EDUCATORS ARE NOT CORRUPT!. They are already properly (un) educated. In fact, all they need is punishment. They do not lack experience and maturity, as they lack a teenager. On the contrary, have become adept in the art of deceit, deception, of swindling. They will not change.
Since the beginning of these manifestations should not be warned that this time we think of major protests, as seen in other times. The reason is simple and was explained in that text that answered the question of Juan Arias, a correspondent for El Pais: "Why do not the Brazilians are angry?" They are angry, yes! Occurs such that the organized forces of society are all co-opted, counting money, as I wrote in another post.
The movement for direct-It was funded by opposition governors and unions. The "Collor Out" as well. This does not mean they do not both have plenty of reasons and a legitimate outrage - was, in short, as there is now a cause. It happens that this time, the "owners" of the people are thugs from power. The same corruption that mobilized before the now silent. It is not that counter the robbery - were against the thievery practiced by people "wrong." With its power to mobilize, especially in the press, the left helps to popularize some causes.
Now they are off the streets. ... They're counting money! I've received dozens of ironies here are some of petralhada, making fun of the event yesterday and suggesting that this is something of a minority so unimportant. and such. It's people who probably would have supported or supported if they are old at the time those other two movements. Switched sides. Any outrage began to be upsetting.
This new outrage is an outrage and will always be the no-political. And do not even think that people should rock the boat with this or that, although I consider it silly hostility to the presence of politicians in the demonstrations - from his biography that does not disgrace the purpose of the protest: the fight against corruption. Do not expect mass demonstrations. It is even possible that the debate remains more active in social networks than on the streets. After all, it is also a fight against the scabs, which now act to sabotage the demonstrations.
The 2,500 yesterday in Cinelândia are much more, are right. Many million. The key is to never cease to express dissatisfaction with the mess by any means whatsoever. And those who are outraged, I reiterate, should reflect a bit on the causes of moral misery of Brazilian politics. There are proposals being debated in society that contribute effectively to make the environment more hostile to the corrupt. Study them, discuss them with your friends, try to network with other nonconformists.
One of the good ideas, I repeat, is the district vote. The PT wants to reform a criminal policy, instituting a public campaign financing, which would play the Brazilian political underground. More: it is a proposal to fill the belly of the PT ..., I explained why here. If they succeed, corruption will multiply exponentially. Those who are actually against the shamelessness need to be aware of these policy moves.
The best result of the protest groups that today is not halter. But that does not mean they should not have a north. It does not take a political party or to organize action. The moçada know how to organize the network. The important thing is not fading.
The important thing, in short, it is clear that "they" can not continue to do what they do and say clearly: "No, you can not!"By Reinaldo Azevedo


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Students protest during a ceremony for Lula #sanduichedebuceta

UFBA: Students protest during a ceremony for Lula

Dora Leal Dean came to be booed during the event
The ceremony of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), Tuesday (20), Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) were not just for celebrations. Students inside and outside the Dean protested the lack of infrastructure and insecurity within the institution with banners and posters. According to the Office of Traffic and Transportation of the Savior A traffic jam formed in the region. The dean Dora Leal, who chaired the event, was even booed by the students, who filled the hall. The former leader received the national award of the title, which is defined by the UFBA University Council on 30 October 2002, required by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities.

Ex-president became "doctor honoris causa" from the Federal University of Bahia. Outside, students asked for more money for education

Thiago Guimaraes, Bahia iG | 20/09/2011 15:41


A student protest of the UFBA (Federal University of Bahia) marked this Tuesday (20), in Salvador, the ceremony of the title "doctor honoris causa" of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

With claims and other general point, as the allocation of 10% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for education in the country, around one hundred students took the entrance to the rectory of the university during Lula's speech.

During the speech the former president, security guards barred the entry of students in the hall that housed the ceremony. As the protests grew louder and the protesters remained outside, Lula began to speak off the cuff and said "we never have a space that fits everyone." "It's unfortunate, but people need to learn that this space is," he said, then to dedicate the new law for "people who could not get into."

After receiving the title, Lula went to talk with students

After the end of the ceremony, protesters arrived to exchange jostling with security guards and managed to break out and get closer to Lula.

Chanting slogans like "It's not a joke or a hall, have money for the World Cup, but has for education" and "Lula sai (sic) the ground and to support education," students remained in place until the exit the former president, who came to talk to some of them.

In an interview after the ceremony, Lula said he considered "correct" the students' claim for more resources for education. "We have to study seriously, is not any one thing [to place 10% of GDP to the sector]," he said. The former president also said the reference to the World Cup by students by saying that the 2014 event "has no public money." "It's private, has nothing to do with the federal government."

The delivery of the title "doctor honoris causa", the sixth of Lula, had been defined by UFBa on October 30, 2002. The honor is conferred by universities to people who have distinguished themselves by knowing or acting on behalf of the arts, sciences, philosophy, letters, or better understanding among peoples.

Lula arrived last night in Salvador. Later, he dined with the governor, Jaques Wagner (PT). On the evening of Tuesday, he will give a lecture closed executive of Nestlé.

Students protest of the university in honor of Lula

 was under protest from a group of about 100 students connected to the
Main Directorate of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) that former
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was in the early afternoon, the
title of doctor honoris causa of the institution . The
 group came to the rectory building of the institution to charge
increased to 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the amount must be
invested in education in the country

As there was no room in the hall where the event occurred, students had to stand outside. Then
 get into the hall where accompanied the end of the tribute to Lula and
again shouted slogans - as they took autographs of the former president
in their own placards were written claims.

"This is a new claim," said Lula. "Until
 another day, students spoke in 7% (of GDP) - which was placed in the
plan of government of President Dilma (Rousseff) 2014. I even joked the
other day, that make this claim before, while I was President, maybe we had met. "

For Lula, it is natural that the amount of GDP spent on education grow gradually. The former president, however, said his government got "much progress" in the area. "We did 14 new federal universities, university extensions 126, 214 technical schools, and yet I gathered a Prouni" enumerated. "We
 still have to do much for education to get where we want. We just do
not want to remain exporters of fresh products or commodities. We want
to be exporters of knowledge, intelligence."

About the award offered by UFBA, Lula said he had accepted 67 such titles. "And I will continue to accept those that are offered me," he said. "Certainly
 there is a retrograde portion of the elite of this country that does
not conform. If they know that I will receive in 27 days, the title of
doctor honoris causa at Sciences Po Paris (Institute of Political
Sciences in Paris) is that they will get sick . I'll be the first Latin American to receive that title. "


During his speech, Lula said he also intended to make a book about his government. "Every former president who has just left the office in six months with a book is ready," he joked. "I
 decided that I was not right even make a book because the book of a
former president will never be true. I do not know if you read the book
(former U.S. President Bill) Clinton. Monica Lewinsky (who intern Clinton
 had an affair) is not there. A book I was not going to tell all - and I
 would not do a book to tell just what you have read in the newspaper. "

According to Lula, the solution was to write a book that many people give testimonials about their government. "We'll make an impersonal book, we will put the company to say what were the eight years of the Lula government."

translate :

Flagrantes do estado de conservação da Universidade Federal da Bahia, que concede hoje ao Apedeuta o título de doutor “honoris causa”. Faz sentido! Ou: A obra de Fernando Gugu Dadá Haddad

Lula recebeu hoje o título de doutor hororis causa da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Batizei a láurea de “doutor Honoris Apaídeutos Causa” e lembrei que a UFBA enfrenta os mesmos problemas de infraestrutura das suas congêneres federais, embora exista um silêncio quase sepulcral a respeito na imprensa, que compra a balela de que os petistas expandiram enormemente o ensino federal. Os números provam que não.
Tirei um sarrinho porque, embora Fernando Haddad fique inaugurando os campi de papel e saliva por aí, muitas unidades estão caindo pelas tabelas. Mais: parte dos funcionários da UFBA, a exemplo do que ocorre em mais da metades das instituições federais (universitárias e técnicas), está em greve há quase quatro meses.
Houve um fulano que ficou bravinho. Recorreu a um site financiado pelo oficialismo para me atacar. Pesquisei um pouco e descobri que é ligado ao “partido” e conseguiu, ora vejam!, verba especial para criar um “laboratório” ligado a estudos de “mídia”, que tem até prédio próprio. Estou apurando detalhes. Mas já deu pra sentir a “independência” dos que ficaram irritados com o meu post, não é mesmo?
Abaixo, seguem algumas imagens de uma das faculdades da Universidade Federal da Bahia, a Escola de Belas Artes. É o método petista de gestão. Enquanto quem é da turma ganha verba para “projetos especiais”, quem não é vai lidando com o que tem. As imagens, que me foram enviadas por um professor — omitirei o nome para evitar retaliações —, falam por si mesmas. Foram feitas nesta terça.
Tirem as crianças de perto do blog. Agora, a Universidade Federal da Bahia de verdade. A Escola de Belas Artes fica ao lado da reitoria, onde o Apedeuta recebeu o título. Alunos me contam que havia batedores da Polícia Militar e que um helicóptero sobrevoou a universidade. Era, enfim, o chefe do estado petista. A situação de conservação nas demais unidades não é muito diferente.
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Por que Lula não mereceria o título de doutor honoris causa? É juto! É justíssimo.  Fernando Haddad quer ser prefeito de São Paulo. Ele promete fazer isso com a cidade.

Por Reinaldo Azevedo


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