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segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011

Following Brad Pitt and Angelina to Namibia, Part I


"From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached" ~ Kafka

With the news last month that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pledged $2 million to help further the work of the N/a'an ku se Sanctuary in Namibia, the birthplace of their daughter Shiloh, after spending Christmas at the wildlife lodge, it seems time to check out what has become the Brangelina back yard.

So it is I set out for Namibia and its Fish River Canyon, often called the Grand Canyon of Africa, though the comparison is a bit disingenuous since both the Blue Nile and the Tekeze in Ethiopia run through gorges deeper. My excuse is a scout, to explore a possible river tour down the river, which runs only a few weeks a year, in the Namibian summer during the short rainy season. As far as I can tell nobody has ever taken a raft down this defile 99 miles long and 17 miles wide, and I have spent a career tracking recherché rivers to run. And there are warnings, which always make the conceit more tempting. It will be too hot (over 120 degrees); it is the rainy season and there are killer flash floods. An email from one South African outfitter warns: "During the summer months and the rains it is lethal to get trapped in the canyon. The river can (and often does) go totally berserk and there is no way out of the canyon for more than 60 miles. I've been crazy (so everyone tells me...) for more years than I care to remember and it scares the bejesus outta me just to think about it!" A 32-year-old Frenchman, Francois Roger, tried to hike the canyon a year ago January, fell and broke his leg and fried to death in the heat.

The caveats they set my blood racing. There is something vitally appealing about braving an interdict. But, the prospect of trekking through a desert canyon, of plucking the strings of simplicity, I am finding to be the most alluring aspect of the call.

I unwrap a layer, leaving an overstuffed closet behind. Still, I pack too much, a huge duffle crammed with triple and quadruple of everything: shirts, shorts, footwear, rainwear, and all sorts of otiose extras I know I will never use.

In the jigsaw puzzle that is Africa, Namibia is the piece that got left behind. The barren state, larger than Texas, lies north of South Africa's western border and most of its eastern edge abuts Botswana. Like Papua New Guinea, Namibia was a German colony until the end of the First World War when the League of Nations entrusted South West Africa, as it was then known, to South Africa as a mandated territory. The country gained independence in 1990, yet it remains one of the least-explored domains on the continent.

With ten friends I find my way to Windhoek, the mile-high period piece of a capital awash in bougainvillea, sprawled in the shadow of the Eros Mountains. At the shiny Windhoek Country Club & Casino, our palace for a single night in the city, the cobwebs of the Kaiser's colonial presence have long blown away, and ample glasses of single-malt blow away ours.

In the morning we wheel south into the vast, rocky ocean that is the Namibian desert, an endless retreat of buttes and ravines, ridges and terraced escarpments, the compacted age lines of the earth as deep and hard and revealing as the dark weather-carved face of an aged German miner. We trundle south beyond the Tropic of Capricorn, south past running ostriches, baboons and goshawks, down past flat-topped acacias and euphorbias with stems vivid as trails of fireworks. The bare, rocky bones of the earth show through the road-edge soil. In the distance sharp crests of rock rise above the surface like dorsal fins of giant fish. For hours the road cleaves an arrow path across raw territory, among the emptiest on earth. The land feels drained of life - cracked and brittle, like a piece of old leather. A landscape, this is, cruelly lacking in sentiment.

Our host is Louis Fourie, a former South African wine farmer of corybantic energy and sun-pinched eyes who had a dream when he was 14 to own land where he couldn't see the borders. Prodigal with his plans, he purchased 36,000 acres, including the upper Fish River Canyon, for a song some nine years before. He has fashioned a modest lodge which will serve as our base camp. The plan is to spend a few days hiking the upper canyon on Louie's land, then do a trek into the main canyon in the national park, and then a couple fly-overs for aerial recces. Our timing seems spot on, as until a few days before all the canyon had seen were what Louis calls "bankruptcy clouds," the high wispy, rainless streaks that will cause a waiting farmer to go under. But by the time we board the plane stateside it has started to rain, the first water in the canyon in 10 months. "The river floods this time of year, "Louis warns. "It can get up to 250,000 cubic feet per second." This seems a bit of a stretch, as that would be more than ten times the flow of the Colorado through the Grand Canyon, which drains the western slopes of the snow-coated Rockies. There is no snow in Namibia. He also says we can drink the water untreated, but it seems he is traducing the canyon, and none of us take his word on that.

Our tires crackle into Louie's hardscrabble oasis mid-afternoon, a former farmhouse his wife Riette has decorated with her own artwork, heirlooms and cozy appointments, a green salad in a brown bowl of eroded cliffs and tors. We start to pack for our first foray into the canyon the next day. Our team includes Outside Magazine editor-at-large Tim Cahill; Pasquale Scaturro, leader of the blind climb up Mount Everest in 2001; Dr. Seth Berkley, President of The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; Peggy Dulany, chair of the poverty-fighting institute Synergos; Lisa Conte, CEO of Shaman Pharmaceuticals, and several other rogues and scalawags. Louis's garrulous mother, Gerty, has flown up from South Africa to be our cook, and grills up tasty servings of klipspringer and gemsbok, which we wash down with Windhoek lagers, supposedly brewed to German purity rules. As the sun fires a gorgeous sunset against an oxide-red cliff we take to swimming in a pond fresh from the rains. Then we sit on the porch talking and sipping 15-year old Glendronach whisky. At one point a giant scorpion, looking like the creature in Alien, scuttles across the floorboards, and Riette jumps on the table and screeches. It is a wind scorpion. "Lots more of those in the canyon, "Louie speaks gently in a tone of obscure reproof.

That night the gibbous moon pours into the bowers a flood of violent light. A hard time I have sleeping.

Photo from MTSobek

It is Sunday morning, and the sun shoots up and decants a vast, hard light. We decide to do a shake-down hike, an 11-mile tramp in which we will drop into an unnamed fissure, climb out the other side, then descend into the Lion River Gorge, which disembogues into the Fish River Canyon. We will then hike downstream several miles to first night camp, which is accessible with a four-wheel drive vehicle, and Louis will arrange to have our tents and bags trucked around, along with iced drinks, steaks, tiki lamps, plastic chairs, and a box of Cuban cigars. So, all we will need for the day will be water and a day pack. Another layer shed. Nonetheless, I can't let go, and stuff my Osprey daypack with extra shirts, shorts, socks and shoes, snacks, rainwear, my knife, matches, three Nalgene water bottles, Iodine tablets, sunscreen, bandanas, a medical kit, compass, whistle, two flashlights, extra batteries, pens, a journal, and a book on desert survival.

"You taking the sat phone?" I call to Pasquale as we are loading into the trucks, referring to the Inmarsat mini-M satellite telephone Pasquale brought for emergencies. "Nah....it's just a day hike. I'll have it shipped around to camp."

"Makes sense," I agree. It's heavy, and this is just the warm-up, a chance to test our hiking boots; to acclimatize to the heat, and set our paces for the next several days. We won't even need our 1:50,000 topo maps or GPSs.

Louis decides to manage the moving of our gear to camp, so Riette volunteers to be our guide, though she had never done the hike. Nonetheless, confidence she instills just with her attire...while we are decked out in candy-colored REI wear and brand new Leki poles, she wears a tennis suit and sneakers, as though this is a stroll to the courts. And she bobs down the trail, not so much hiking as sailing. Here we go, Bratpackers in Paradise.

The hike begins simply, down a mountain zebra path into a gash in the skin of the desert. Mud crisped into a lattice of curved flakes crunches under my feet. The landscape is dotted with quiver trees, weird aloes that look like hangovers from a Dr. Seuss book.
The Bushmen used their hollow branches to hold arrows. I stay with Riette in the front, who describes some of the plants and rocks as we trip into a canyon blindingly bright and untarnished by time. We see klipspringers, the tiny-horned wraiths that make silent, serpentine leaps along the blistered cliffs. We see heart-shaped leopard paw prints, dark beads round as pearls, the scat of a kudu, and the dried carcass of a rock dassie. We hie past looney bushes, succulents and desert annuals, blooming after the rains. A pair of green parrots, local love birds, flit across a frowning canyon wall. Then we ascend the other side, and gain the shadows of a wall where we stoop on pieces of shale and gulp water and chew springbok jerky, which though tasty sits like rubber in my belly. Already we are feeling the heat, and we linger longer than we should. Across from us a kestrel rises from a look-out rock and wheels with motionless wings ever higher and higher on the thermals.

We climb out of the small canyon, work our way across a wind-scored plateau dotted with daisies, and a more delicate, pale yellow flower crouching low to the ground. There are golden blazes of another flower, glaring in the sun like an exotic starfish. Delicate pink blooms nod from wispy stems and blue wildflowers stud the ground like discarded sapphires. If not so hot, this would be a lovely place.

Then we began our plunge down a Precambrian staircase, a flight of a billion years or so, down through layers of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock to the Lion River. In the mists of geological time, a sea bed was lifted miles above the level of the ocean and weathered into ranges of table mountains. Then some 500 million years ago, a fault opened up. Widened by glaciation and altered by more faults and wind erosion, canyons within canyons were formed until 50 million years ago a river began to flow.

The canyon is steep, narrow, and the rocks loose. Some stones are sharp, others slant off into slabs, still others have been scalloped by flood-borne pebbles into smooth potholes slippery as ice. "What do we do if it flashfloods?" Lisa asks. "We'll have time," I offer, remembering flash floods down tributaries of the Grand Canyon when I was a river guide many years ago. "There is warning...it sounds like a freight train coming. Then we head for high ground," and we all descry the steep walls to map a route upward.

The experience of our group ranges wide, from Everest vet to outdoor tyro. Shannon Rutherford, an elegant glass of fashion who lives in Las Vegas has never been camping, never gone on a multi-day hike. But when several times offered the chance to back out of the adventure, she insisted she wanted to give it a go. And a trooper she is. But by mid-day she isn't feeling well, and stops to vomit. Jim Laurel, the photographer, turns his ankle on some wobbly rocks, and is limping a bit. Russ Sach is developing a rash. When we all pull off our boots to jump into a limestone pool to cool off about half the feet are angry with blisters.

After the dip I feel energized, and find myself in the front of the pack with Riette and Peggy and a couple others. We cross a layer of red-brown quartzite, and intersect with the Lion River, and began to make our way down towards the Fish, when suddenly we hear the bright blade of Russ's voice as he races towards us. "Hold up! Hold up! Seth broke his ankle!"


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26/10/2008 free counters

Freira é barrada em base onde Dilma passa o Carnaval


A determinação da presidente Dilma Rousseff de se manter em completo isolamento durante o Carnaval no Rio Grande do Norte não poupou nem uma freira, conhecida por ações filantrópicas no Estado.

Na manhã desta segunda-feira (7), a irmã Lúcia Montenegro, fundadora da Casa do Menor Trabalhador, criada há 22 anos em Natal, foi barrada na entrada do Centro de Lançamento da Barreira do Inferno, da FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira), onde Dilma está hospedada desde sexta-feira com a família.

Depois de cerca de 40 minutos de conversa com os militares responsáveis pelo controle do acesso à base militar, no município de Parnamirim (RN), a freira acabou desistindo do encontro com a presidente.

Ela não quis falar com a imprensa, mas o argumento dos militares, segundo Laíse Montenegro, irmã da freira, foi de que a presidente estava disposta a descansar. Desde sexta-feira, Dilma não recebeu ninguém no hotel de trânsito onde passa o Carnaval.

O isolamento da presidente envolve até a proibição de que militares e eventuais prestadores de serviço que tenham acesso mais próximo a ela portem telefones celulares equipados com máquina fotográfica.

Pelo mar, uma corveta da Marinha vigia dioturnamente uma linha imaginária de três milhas náuticas (5,5 km) desde o limite de Parnamirim com Natal. No sábado, a Folha tentou se aproximar do local com um barco alugado, mas foi interceptado por militares.

O chefe de gabinete de Dilma, Giles Azevedo, continua de sobreaviso na praia da Pipa, a cerca de 35 km da base onde a presidente está hospedada. Com Dilma, estão a filha, Paula Rousseff, o neto, Gabriel, e o genro, Rafael Covolo. A presidente deve retornar a Brasília amanhã à tarde.

No domingo, a prefeita de Natal, Micarla de Souza (PV), comprou e conseguiu fazer chegar às mãos de Dilma um quadro de uma mandala, utilizada em rituais como ponto focal para meditação, pintada pelo artista Ivo Maia, de Ceará-Mirim (RN).

A prefeita também presenteou Dilma com um livro de fotografias da capital potiguar, do fotógrafo Canindé Soares.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Gilberto Kassab : Com passageiros em queda, SP pode ter nova rodoviária

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Escrito por Folha Online
Dom, 06 de Março de 2011 09:36

No momento em que o número de passageiros transportados em viagens interurbanas de ônibus vem caindo em São Paulo, o prefeito Gilberto Kassab (DEM) abriu licitação para viabilizar a rodoviária da Vila Sônia (zona oeste), cuja implantação é discutida há mais de 30 anos.

A rodoviária deverá ter 16 plataformas e levará à desapropriação de uma área residencial e comercial de 21.500 m2, equivalente a três campos de futebol. Só o estacionamento terá 13,6 mil m2, informa a reportagem de José Benedito da Silva publicada na edição deste domingo da Folha (íntegra disponível para assinantes do jornal e do UOL).

As definições estão em licitação aberta este mês para contratar, por R$ 5,9 milhões, a empresa que fará os projetos básico e executivo, o estudo de impacto ambiental e os laudos técnicos da obra.

Citada pela primeira vez em 1978 na gestão de Olavo Setubal (1975-79), a nova rodoviária é uma das duas que o prefeito Gilberto Kassab (DEM) pretende construir --a outra, em Itaquera (zona leste), ainda não tem edital.

A nova rodoviária deverá abrigar preferencialmente as linhas intermunicipais que utilizam o Rodoanel e as rodovias Régis Bittencourt e Raposo Tavares, como as que ligam a cidade ao Sul do país.

Leia a reportagem completa na Folha deste domingo, que já está nas bancas.


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26/10/2008 free counters

José Dirceu grava para "Amor e Revolução" do SBT

  • Lourival Ribeiro/SBT

    Tiago Santiago com José Dirceu com e o diretor da novela "Amor e Revolução", Reynaldo Boury (6/3/11)


O ex-deputado José Dirceu gravou entrevista de quase uma hora no SBT para a novela “Amor e Revolução”, de Tiago Santiago e direção do Reynaldo Boury, que vai substituir “Ana Raio e Zé Trovão”. Os depoimentos desses convidados irão fechar a exibição de cada capítulo.

( Erro de atração , deveria gravar para :

"Qual é o Seu Talento", tambem do SBT )


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26/10/2008 free counters

Jarrott, director, dies at 83

PASSINGS: Charles Jarrott, Frank Chirkinian, Edward Stephenson, Mikhail Simonov, Arnost Lustig

Jarrott, director, dies at 83; Chirkinian, TV golf producer, dies at 84; Stephenson, art director and TV producer, dies at 94; Simonov, Russian aircraft designer, dies at 81; Lustig, author who survived three concentration camps, dies at 84

Charles Jarrott

Charles Jarrott, shown in an undated photo, directed "Anne of the Thousand Days" and Mary, Queen of Scots" among other movies for the large and small screens. He died Friday. He was 83.

Charles Jarrott

Directed TV and film, including 'Mary, Queen of Scots'

Charles Jarrott, 83, a British film and TV director best known for the Hal Wallis productions "Anne of the Thousand Days" and "Mary, Queen of Scots," died Friday at the Motion Picture Home retirement community in Woodland Hills, according to Jaime Larkin, a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture and Television Fund. He had prostate cancer.

Although "Anne of the Thousand Days" (1969) was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including best picture, and "Mary, Queen of Scots" (1971) received five Oscar nominations, Jarrott was not recognized by the academy for his work on the historical costume dramas. Other films he directed included the 1977 melodrama "The Other Side of Midnight" and the 1973 musical remake of "Lost Horizon."

Jarrott was born June 16, 1927, in London and during World War II served in the British Royal Navy after his mother agreed to let him join as a teenager. He started in the entertainment business as a stage manager and an actor. He began directing stage and television productions in England before moving to Canada, where he acted and directed.

His TV directing credits include "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" starring Jack Palance and airing on ABC in 1968, and "Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story" starring Farrah Fawcett in 1987.

Frank Chirkinian

CBS producer changed the way TV covered golf

Frank Chirkinian, 84, the longtime golf producer for CBS who helped turn the Masters into one of the most watched events in sports television, died Friday at his home in North Palm Beach, Fla., after a long bout with lung cancer, his son said.

The television pioneer was elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame last month, during an emergency vote after it became widely known he was undergoing treatment for cancer. He will be inducted posthumously on May 9 in the lifetime achievement category.

Chirkinian produced the first PGA Championship in 1958, at Llanerch Country Club near his home in Philadelphia, and two years later produced the first televised Winter Olympics from Squaw Valley. He is also credited with the idea of putting cameras on blimps to cover college football games.

But it was his work in golf that stood out, and at Augusta National in particular.

He produced 38 editions of the Masters for CBS, bringing the majestic fairways and greens of exclusive Augusta National to fans who could only dream of seeing them in person.

Chirkinian introduced high-angle cameras and new angles, put roving reporters on the grounds, and made sure to capture the unique blend of sounds — the club hitting the ball, the ball falling into the cup — that came to define modern golf coverage. He even changed the way scores were delivered, according to par rather than by total.

He retired from CBS in the late 1990s.

Edward Stephenson

Emmy-winning TV producer, art director

Edward Stephenson, 94, a television producer, production designer and art director who won Emmys for his work on "Soap," "The Andy Williams Show" and the 1958 live variety special "An Evening With Fred Astaire," died Monday at his home in the Hollywood Hills, said his daughter, Tara Stephenson. He had pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease.

Stephenson won Emmys for art direction in 1959 for the Fred Astaire special and in 1978 for "Soap" (shared with set decorator Robert Checchi). As a producer of "The Andy Williams Show," he shared an Emmy with Bob Finkel in 1967.

He was the production designer on "Soap" as well as "Benson," "The Golden Girls," "Blossom" and "Empty Nest."

As an art director, Stephenson had credits ranging from variety productions like those with Astaire and Williams to the sitcoms "Good Times," "Sanford and Son," "Maude" and "What's Happening!!"

Stephenson was born Feb. 9, 1917, in Algona, Iowa. He moved with his family in the 1920s to Glendale and studied at the Pasadena Playhouse. He served in the Air Force before beginning his TV career, his family said.

Mikhail Simonov

Russian aircraft designer created the Sukhoi fighter jet

Mikhail Simonov, 81, an aircraft designer whose supremely maneuverable, heavily armed and far-flying Sukhoi fighter jet became an icon of the Soviet defense industry and a cash cow for post-communist Russia, died Friday in Moscow after a long illness, according to the Sukhoi Co.

Developed to counter the U.S. F-15 fighter, Simonov's sleek twin-engine, twin-fin Su-27 joined the Soviet air force in the early 1980s and won respect in the West for its range of over 2,000 miles, its impressive agility and its ability to fly at 2.35 times the speed of sound.

It was a star of international air shows, performing aerobatics that few other fighter planes could accomplish, and is seen as a symbol of Russia's prowess in weaponry.

The Su-27's thrust-to-weight ratio and sophisticated control system allowed it to perform exceptional maneuvers at very low speeds, such as raising its nose and literally standing on its tail for a few seconds — a stunt called the Cobra.

When state defense orders ground to a near halt after the 1991 Soviet collapse, Simonov played a key role in winning lucrative export deals. The cash-strapped government sold hundreds of fighters to China, India and other foreign customers under contracts worth billions of dollars.

Born in 1929 in Russia, Simonov started working as an aviation engineer in the 1950s, and joined the Sukhoi design bureau as a deputy chief designer in 1970. During the following nine years he led the development of the Su-24 bomber, the Su-25 ground attack plane and the Su-27.

After serving as deputy minister of aircraft industries in 1979-1983, he was named the top Sukhoi designer and continued work on the Su-27.

Arnost Lustig

Czech author survived three Nazi concentration camps

Arnost Lustig, 84, a Czech author who escaped from a Nazi death transport to make the Holocaust the main theme of his fiction, died of cancer Feb. 26 in Prague, according to a spokeswoman for Kralovske Vinohrady university clinic.

Lustig survived the Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. In 1945, he escaped from a train that was transporting him to Dachau when the engine was destroyed by an American bomber.

Many members of Lustig's family died in the Holocaust; his mother and sister also survived. His experience of Jewish suffering was reflected in his short stories and novels where his characters fight to retain human dignity.

His works included "A Prayer for Katerina Horovitzova," ''Diamonds of the Night," ''The Unloved: From the Diary of Perla S.," ''Darkness Cast No Shadow," ''Lovely Green Eyes" and "Dita Saxova."

Lustig, who was born in Prague on Dec. 21, 1926, studied journalism and covered the 1948 Arab-Israeli war for Czech radio.

He came to the United States in the 1970s and became a professor of literature at American University in Washington, D.C. He returned to Prague after retiring in 2003.

Lustig was twice awarded the National Jewish Book Award and was among the finalists for the Man Booker International Prize in 2009.

— Los Angeles Times staff and wire reports

Charles Jarrott, 83, Director of Period Movies, Dies

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Charles Jarrott, the veteran British film and television director best known for the acclaimed costume dramas “Anne of the Thousand Days” and “Mary, Queen of Scots,” died here on Friday. He was 83.

His death was announced by a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture & Television Fund retirement community where he had been living. He had been suffering from prostate cancer.

Born in London in 1927, Mr. Jarrott served in the Royal Navy during World War II and was an actor before he began directing for television in 1954.

He won a Golden Globe for “Anne of the Thousand Days” (1969), his first theatrical feature, which starred Richard Burton as King Henry VIII and Geneviève Bujold as Anne Boleyn. Two years later he returned with the similarly themed “Mary, Queen of Scots,” with Vanessa Redgrave in the title role and Glenda Jackson as Queen Elizabeth I.

Those two films, produced by the Hollywood veteran Hal Wallis, were nominated for a combined 15 Academy Awards — although “Anne of the Thousand Days” won only one, for costume design, and “Mary, Queen of Scotts” won none.

Mr. Jarrott’s career never again reached those heights, and was seriously damaged when his next project, the musical version of “Lost Horizon” (1973), became a high-profile failure both critically and financially.

He continued to direct feature films, including “The Dove” (1974), “The Littlest Horse Thieves” (1976) and “The Other Side of Midnight” (1977), but through the 1980s and 1990s worked mostly in television. He won a Daytime Emmy Award for the 1994 made-for-TV movie “A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story,” about the Olympic figure skater.

His last feature was “Turn of Faith” (2002), with a cast that included Charles Durning.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Muere a los 83 años el cineasta Charles Jarrott

Fuentes de la industria cinematográfica informaron que falleció el viernes. El director londinense ganó un Emmy por la película para televisión "A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story", de 1995.


Sáb, 05/03/2011 - 18:22

Los Ángeles.- El director británico Charles Jarrott, que trabajó para el cine y la televisión durante casi 50 años y ganó un Globo de Oro por "Anne of the Thousand Days", ha fallecido, informaron fuentes de la industria cinematográfica. Tenía 83 años.

Jarrott falleció el viernes en Los Ángeles, informó Jaime Larkin, vocera del Fondo de Películas y Televisión.

El londinense Jarrott comenzó su carrera en 1954 trabajando principalmente para la televisión. En las décadas de 1960 y 1970 tuvo una serie de películas exitosas, entre las que destacan "Anne of the Thousand Days" y el drama sobre la realeza británica "Mary Queen of Scots" en 1971. Las dos películas sumaron 15 nominaciones al Oscar.

Jarrott ganó un Emmy por la película para televisión "A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story", de 1995.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Morre o cineasta Charles Jarrott

07 de março de 2011 | 0h 00
AP - O Estado de S.Paulo
O cineasta britânico Charles Jarrott, que ganhou um Globo de Ouro por Ana dos Mil Dias, de 1969, morreu na sexta-feira, em Los Angeles, em decorrência de câncer na próstata, informou, anteontem, porta-voz do Fundo de Filmes e Televisão. Tinha 83 anos. Jarrott começou sua carreira em 1954, trabalhando, principalmente, para televisão. Nas décadas de 1960 e 70, dirigiu filmes de sucesso, como o premiado Ana dos Mil Dias e o drama sobre a realeza britânica Mary Stuart, Rainha da Escócia, de 1971 - as duas produções somaram 15 indicações para o Oscar. O diretor, ainda, ganhou um Emmy pelo filme para TV A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story, de 1994. ´


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26/10/2008 free counters


Clotilde fica sabendo que o verdadeiro Valentim é pai de Jacques

06/03/11 às 15h25 - Atualizado em 06/03/11 às 15h25

Cecília perdoa Ariclenes por ter se aproveitado de seu talentoTitia perdoa Ari por ter se aproveitado de seu talento

Cecília (Regina Braga) chega na casa de Ari amparada por Clotilde (Juliana Alves) e Júlia (Nicette Bruno), depois de Jacques (Alexandre Borges) ter desistido de ir ao encontro da mãe.

Ari tenta consolar a titia e aproveita para criticar o inimigo, mas Clotilde não permite que ele fale mal de seu marido - e ainda deixa Ariclenes em saia justa: "Acha mesmo que ele tirou a senhora da rua e pôs em uma clínica por generosidade? Ela já sabe sobre o Victor Valentim?".

Sem querer, Cecília acaba deixando escapar que Valentim é o nome do verdadeiro pai de Leclair. E diante da revelação, Clotilde não mede suas palavras e, perplexa, ela conta que Ari copiava os modelos das bonecas de Cecília e se disfarçava de Valentim.

Chocada, titia pede explicações a Ari, que, envergonhado, pede para que todos se retirem.

Clotilde conta para todos a verdade de AriClotilde conta para todos a verdade de Ari

"Quando eu vi os vestidinhos lindos que a senhora fazia, achei um pecado privar o mundo de tanta beleza! E como, naquela época, eu também estava prestes a morar na rua, resolvi inventar que era estlista...", tenta justificar o pai de Luti (Humberto Carrão).

Cecília fica por alguns momentos muito intrigada com a história, e tenta entender como ele conseguia criar modelos e o por que ele usava o nome de seu ex-marido. Ainda, ela pergunta se foi assim que ele realmente ficou rico.

"Sem os vestidos, eu nunca iria conseguir pagar a clínica! E também botei todo mundo aqui da vila para trabalhar! Eu não fui totalmente sacana, titia... eu ajudei um monte de gente!".

Participe do Bolão Ti-ti-ti: dê seu palpite sobre o fim da novela

Além disso, Ariclenes conta sua rivalidade com Jacques e diz que está prestes a perder tudo agora que todos já sabem da verdade.

Para a surpresa de Ari, Cecília acaba se divertindo com toda a situação e promete ao "sobrinho" que não vai permitir que o filho faça nada contra ele: "Eu considero você meu filho, tanto quanto o André!". E em um gesto sincero de gratidão, Ari abraça Cecília.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Gisele Bündchen troca beijos com Tom Brady em camarote no Rio

Segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011 - 00h04

Foto: Francisco Silva/AgNews Zoom Gisele Bündchen e Tom Brady: amor no Carnaval

Gisele Bündchen e Tom Brady: amor no Carnaval

Da Redação


Gisele Bündchen, que chegou ao Brasil neste sábado, dia 5, já está na Sapucaí para assistir aos defiles do grupo especial das Escolas de Samba antes de entrar na Avenida do Samba.

A übermodel foi flagrada aos beijos com o marido Tom Brady, neste domingo, dia 6.

Durante a madrugada, Gisele sai como destaque da Vila Isabel no último carro da agremiação com suas cinco irmãs.

Neste ano, a Escola, que tem como rainha de bateria a apresentadora Sabrina Sato, trará o samba-enredo “Mitos e Histórias Entrelaçados pelos Fios de Cabelo”.

Gisele Bündchen vai com marido desfilar e ver festa das escolas de samba no Rio

Top veio a convite de marca de cosméticos da qual é garota-propaganda.

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Gisele veio ao carnaval a convite de uma empresa de cosméticos da qual é garota-propaganda

Marcos Serra Lima / EGO


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Witness: Joy as opposition beats back Gadhafi forces in MisrataWitness: Joy as opposition beats back Gadhafi forces in Misrata

By the CNN Wire Staff
March 7, 2011 -- Updated 0221 GMT (1021 HKT)
  • NEW: Videos online show damage to buildings and waving of the opposition's flag
  • A doctor at a hospital in the city says 42 people were killed, 85 wounded
  • Witness in Misrata: "Everyone is hugging everyone" despite "blood everywhere"
  • Pro-Gadhafi demonstrators in Tripoli claimed the government had taken the city

(CNN) -- Standing outside a courthouse Sunday that the Libyan opposition is using for a base of operations in the town of Misrata, a witness described a sense of jubilation against a backdrop of blood stains and rocket fragments.

"I'm standing in the middle of a ... battlefield," the witness told CNN by phone from Misrata after a fierce fight between rebels and Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's forces.

People were holding their hands up, singing, chanting and cheering, he said. "Everyone is hugging everyone."

CNN is not identifying witnesses and sources for safety reasons.

Videos posted on YouTube and thought to be out of Misrata showed damage to buildings and several shots of people celebrating around the opposition flag -- once being raised on a pole, and another time being waved by a man atop a charred vehicle that had a dead body inside.

A doctor at Central Misrata Hospital said 42 people were killed in the fighting -- 17 from the opposition and 25 from the pro-Gadhafi forces. Among the dead was a 3-year-old child, killed from direct fire, the doctor said. At least 85 people were wounded, the doctor said.

The fighting continued on the city's outskirts Sunday evening.

Thousands trying to leave Libya
Opposition at work in Benghazi
The young and inexperienced go to war
Gallery: Rebellion in Libya

The witness described the opposition's victory in central Misrata even as people some 200 kilometers (125 miles) west, at a pro-Gadhafi demonstration in Tripoli, insisted the government had taken back the coastal central Libyan city.

After reports of the opposition successfully holding onto Misrata, east of Tripoli, Libyan state TV showed a graphic stating that "strict orders have been issued to the armed forces not to enter cities taken by terrorist gangs."

On Sunday morning, pro-Gadhafi militias converged on Misrata from three different points, trying to retake control of the city, the witness said. He saw four tanks, though other witnesses told him there were a total of six. Using heavy artillery, the ground forces and tanks headed for the courthouse operations base.

Tanks fired rockets at the building, and black smoke could be seen rising from it, he said.

The opposition couldn't match the government's weaponry, but rebels took to the streets using what weapons they had, such as machine guns. And some simply picked up whatever they could find, with some resorting to sticks, he said.

Speaking to CNN during the battle, he said, "People are willing to die for the cause," describing them as "fearless" and "amazing."

Later, after the forces had been repelled from the city center, the witness said, "I can't believe it.

"The will and the determination and dedication that people are showing here on the ground, it just makes you speechless," he said.

Describing the scene, he said, "We're talking about a rocket on the ground. We're talking about blood everywhere."

CNN could not confirm witness reports for many areas in Libya, including Misrata.

Valerie Amos, the United Nations' Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said Sunday that there was "urgent" need for humanitarian aid in Misrata because "people are dying and need help immediately." The world body has gotten reports that Libyan Red Crescent ambulances dispatched from Tripoli have been trying to get into Misrata to transport out dead and injured people.

"I call on the authorities to provide access without delay to allow aid workers to help save lives," Amos said in a statement.


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Egyptian protesters clash with troops over Mubarak documents

From Nima Elbagir, CNN
March 7, 2011 -- Updated 0041 GMT (0841 HKT)
Protesters and Egyptian security and armed forces clashed Sunday outside the Interior Ministry headquarters in Cairo.
Protesters and Egyptian security and armed forces clashed Sunday outside the Interior Ministry headquarters in Cairo.
  • Demonstrators display burned papers, saying they relate to Mubarak's regime
  • The military warns "state security documents" must be returned
  • Some people badly beaten, protesters say

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Protesters and Egyptian security and armed forces clashed Sunday outside the Interior Ministry headquarters as residents expressed anger at reports that documents relating to ousted strongman's Hosni Mubarak's rule were being destroyed.

Sunday's clashes capped a weekend of demonstrations outside the headquarters of Egyptian security organs over the reported incineration of documents relating to orders carried out under Mubarak. Protesters showed badly burned documents to reporters on Saturday, though the substance of the documents was impossible to determine.

Sunday, eyewitnesses told CNN that the armed forces responded by attacking the crowd outside the Interior Ministry. Gunshots could be heard, and protesters said they were struck by stun guns. Other protesters reported that pro-Mubarak gangs that operated in the waning days of Mubarak's rule made a comeback.

Protesters told CNN that these gang members threw Molotov cocktails at them and that some people were badly beaten.

Music marks hope, peace for Egypt

Egypt has been ruled by a military council since the revolt that toppled Mubarak in February. The generals issued a statement Sunday night that did not directly address the protests, but warned Egyptians that their "citizen's duty" was to return any documents from the security agencies immediately.

"Do not share state security documents with any news media," the military statement declared. "It is your duty as a patriotic citizen to hand over these documents to the military. Some of the documents contain specific names, and their disclosure could evoke a national security issue." Anyone caught acquiring or sharing those documents faced interrogation, it warned.

Mubarak stepped down February after more than two weeks of demonstrations that brought an end to his nearly 30-year rule. Protests have persisted as Egyptians demand promised reforms from the military government, which has said it will run the country for six months or until elections can be held.


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