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sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

Bathrooms of the Future

Ever wonder how tomorrow’s bathrooms would look like? Will they be radically different from the ones we have today? What technologies would these futuristic bathrooms incorporate?
Here are some concepts that could give you some idea about what is in store. If you come across some ideas that you think need to be featured here, please mention them in the comments. Also we run a steady stream of cool posts like this at Home Designing and if you like to be notified when we have more such inspiring posts, please subscribe to our feed or newsletter!
Let’s get started now, shall we! The first three are via Yanko Design, a terrific blog that features new concepts in design. Check them out if you haven’t already.
There is a good chance that water might become a precious commodity in the future. Designer Jang Woo-seok keeps this mind while designing his concept bathroom which cleverly reuses the water drained from the sink for flushing the toilet.
Here is another concept by designer Young Sang Eun that lays emphasis on hygiene. What is special about this design is that on one side it features a urinal and the other a sit-down commode. With the flip of a switch the design is capable of swiveling around. It self-sanitizes using Steam and UV. No more dirty toilet seats.
Another one that focuses on hygiene. If you are using a toilet on a shared basis the toilet page concept by Jan Ctvrtnik would let you have your own ‘personal’ toilet seat.
Check out this Phyto-Purification Bathroom by Jun Yasumoto.
Using a natural filtering principle called phyto-purification, the bathroom becomes a mini-eco-system by recycling and regenerating the wastewater. During its filtering process, the water goes through different steps :
- The rushes are planted in sand which filters larger particles. The root system of the rushes contain various bacterias which break down these particles for absorption by the plant.
- The reeds are planted next to the rushes as they have the ability to filter the heavy metals from the water.
- The floating water hyacinths draw through their roots some of the water borne particles which are still present in the water.
-The lemnas, which are also aquatic plants, bind to the remaining aquatic micro-organisms to complete the filtering process.
-Finally, a carbon filter stops the remaining micro-particles.
The water from the shower and the washbasin is filtered through an organic system before being re-used.
Phyto-purification is a natural water-recycling process which is commonly used in ecological purification systems.
The software giant Microsoft, occasionally tries to visualize and anticipate future lifestyles. The MSN network recently featured an article that highlights some cutting edge bathroom designs that are already available in the market. Here are some highlights from it.
Linea Aqua Apollo steam shower
Linea Aqua’s Apollo steam shower lets you relax in the reclining chair as you take a shower and it’s blue-tinted safety glass with a unique overall shape gives you the feel of your very own space shuttle.
ProSuns Sun Shower
ProSun’s SunShower offers you more than a bathing experience. There are tanning unit of 400 watts attached along with a double UV filter so that you might achieve the perfect tan!
Kohler DT VII performance shower
Kohler’s DT VII performance shower has a digital menu which lets you set up a mix shower experience for yourself. The six shower heads and two shower wands let you experiment a lot. It also has a mp3 player and you can control the light settings inside according to your mood.
Ondus Bath system by Grohe
The Ondus bath systems by Grohe lend an organic-digital feel to the bathing experience as you can control the flow of water in the shower and sink which mimic the natural flow of water.
Kohler vibr acoustic bath tub
The Kohler VibrAcoustic Bathtub has it all! You get to soak in the cool tub which has a pre-set music designed to add sound and music vibration to sooth your tired south. You can change the music pre-sets as well as the chroma therapy colours which light up the tub.
Aqua vision bath tubs
Aquavision brings you an entertaining bathing experience. Now you can watch television while soaking in the tub on a 17 inch waterproof television. You may install the TV in various positions inside the bathroom and it will still remain dry.
Aquavision Towel Rail TV
Aquavision bathroom designs gives you more than entertainment with a hot towel rail. Plus when you are not watching the television you can use it as a mirror. Talk about multi-utility!
Water proof media centre Visiomatic
You can stay connected with the rest of the world through Visomatic’s waterproof media centre while you soak in your tub. You can access the television and the internet. The screen comes in a variety of sizes.
To end with here is an interesting bathroom (not futuristic, but definitely interesting) that is made of see through glass in London. It is see through from the inside but viewed from outside it looks just like a mirror.


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26/10/2008 free counters


Em Dilma não se pode confiar. Veja o que diz ex-funcionária da Petrobrás


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26/10/2008 free counters

#LULA #DILMA Recentes descobertas do pré-sal não convencem mercado

Expectativa de novas reservas não afeta o preço da ação da Petrobras na bolsa

Ana Clara Costa

No último pregão antes das eleições, o mercado financeiro não se deixou convencer pelo anúncio de novas reservas de petróleo anunciadas pela Agência Nacional de Petrólo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) e pela Petrobras ao longo da semana. Nesta sexta-feira, a ação preferencial da companhia (PN, sem direito a voto) acumula leve alta de 0,38%, enquanto o Ibovespa (principal índice da bolsa brasileira) sobe 0,22% (às 15 horas). Na semana, a queda do papel da estatal é de 8,37%, enquanto o Ibovespa registra alta de 1,14%, segundo dados da consultoria Economática.

As notícias sobre a ampliação do potencial petrolífero brasileiro, apesar de pouco detalhadas, poderiam ser encaradas pelo mercado como o prenúncio de maior desenvolvimento no setor de óleo e gás - sobretudo em relação à Petrobras. "A partir do momento em que se anuncia novas descobertas em áreas que ainda não estão sob concessão da Petrobras, como Libra, pode tornar-se implícito que as áreas adjacentes - estas sim sob o comando da companhia - também tenham potenciais equivalentes. E isso influencia o mercado", argumenta o analista Lucas Brendler, do banco Geração Futuro.

Como tal cenário não se concretizou, a conclusão que se tira é a de que o mercado já está penalizando a empresa por suas falhas de governança. Divulgações maciças de novas descobertas, sem detalhes, poderiam, em outras épocas, balizar a decisão de investimento de investidores, alterando o valor real dos papéis. Agora, não mais.

Transparência às avessas - Por seu grande peso político e pela forte presença estatal em seu controle, a Petrobras nunca teve a transparência entre seus pontos fortes. Recentemente, o mercado pôde provar um pouco da atitude truculenta da empresa durante o processo de capitalização - praticamente imposto aos acionistas minoritários sob condições contestáveis. No entanto, no que se refere à divulgação de reservas, a empresa não tem o costume de guardar segredo - sobretudo durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. "A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) não obriga nenhuma empresa a divulgar esse tipo de avanço comercial, como a Petrobras o faz. Nenhuma companhia aberta vai a mercado para dizer que ganhou um novo cliente ou que pode vir a ganhar", afirma Luiz Marcatti, sócio da consultoria Mesa Corporate Governance.

Já duramente punida pelo mercado em 2010, a Petrobras poderá sofrer ainda mais (assim como seus acionistas) caso as recém-anunciadas reservas da bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas não se comprovem tão produtivas assim, ou se Tupi não forneça os 8 bilhões de barris que se espera. Os anúncios subsequentes, segundo Luiz Marcatti, têm claramente intrínseco o interesse político. "Situações semelhantes aconteciam na década de 70 com a Petrobras", relembra o executivo, ao se referir ao período em que, por sua ineficiência, a Petrobras era conhecida como 'Petrossauro'.


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26/10/2008 free counters


Oficialmente, o PT nega o “já ganhou” e o salto alto. Mas está, sim, cuidando da “festa da vitória”. Está convidando governadores, senadores e deputados da base aliada para a comemoração de uma eventual vitória de Dilma Rousseff, no domingo à noite no Hotel Nahoum Plaza, em Brasília.

Por Lauro Jardim


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26/10/2008 free counters

#lula #dilma Mais contratos de publicidade renovados

O terceiro maior contrato de publicidade da Esplanada acaba de ser renovado por mais um ano. O Ministério do Turismo prorrogou até setembro de 2011 o contrato de 40 milhões de reais com a 141 Soho Square Comunicação e Agnelo Pacheco.

Hoje, o filé mignon da publicidade no governo federal está no Ministério das Cidades (125 milhões de reais) e da Saúde (99 milhões de reais).

Por Lauro Jardim


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26/10/2008 free counters

#Video: Magnetic Twister #Erupts on #Sun

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory caught an enormous plasma twister erupting on the surface of the sun Oct. 28.

The explosion was triggered by a tangled coil of magnetism that suddenly untwisted, acting like a loaded spring and hurling solar matter into space. At its peak, the twister towered more than 217,000 miles above the surface of the sun.

Luckily, the fragments of plasma flung into space were not headed toward Earth, where they could have caused a magnetic storm. Now that the twister has relaxed, it probably won’t erupt again — though other sunspots are gathering energy and could produce medium-sized solar flares.

Via spaceweather.com


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26/10/2008 free counters

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