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segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009

Fábio Assunção e Maria Fernanda Cândido participam da coletiva de ‘Dalva'

Evento acontece na tarde desta segunda-feira, 7, no Rio

Do EGO, no Rio

Os atores Fábio Assunção, Adriana Esteves, Maria Fernanda Cândido, Ellen Roche, Thiago Mendonça, Fafy Siqueira e Thiago Fragoso participaram da entrevista coletiva de ‘Dalva e Herivelto, uma canção de amor’, nova minissérie da TV Globo, na tarde desta segunda-feira, 7, no Centro do Rio. Escrita por Maria Adelaide Amaral, a história tem direção de Dennis Carvalho.

Fábio falou da importância de já ter tido contato com música antes de ser chamado para esse trabalho. "Desde os 13 anos eu tocava guitarra e cantava em Banda de Rock n' Roll." O ator também revelou os truques para se parecer com os personagens da trama. "Cada um levava três horas na cadeira de maquiagem. Usamos prótese no pescoço, barriga e colocamos um falsa entrada na cabeça para parecermos mais velhos."

Adriana Esteves também falou da dificuldade da caracterização de sua personagem. "Foi muito difícil abandonar a vaidade. Tive que fazer permanente no cabelo e mudar o visual que já estava acostumada. Mas foi importante para compor minha personagem."

Fábio Assunção revelou a cena mais difícil de ser feita, em sua opinião: a que Herivelto dá um beliscão no filho. "Nunca fiz isso com meu filho, resolvo tudo na base da conversa", declarou.

Roberto Teixeira/Photo Rio News

Fábio Assunção e Maria Fernanda Cândido

Ag  News/Ag News

Adriana Esteves e Dennis Carvalho

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Ellen Roche e Thiago Mendonça

Roberto Teixeira/Photo Rio News

Thiago Fragoso e Soraya Ravenle

Ag. News/AG.  News

Dennis Carvalho, Fafy Siqueira e Nilo Chagas


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26/10/2008 free counters

Adriana Esteves sobre Assunção: ' Me emocionava com seu companheirismo'

Em coletiva de imprensa, atriz falou sobre o trabalho com ator na nova minissérie da Globo, 'Dalva e Herivelto, uma canção de amor'

Luciana Tecídio Do EGO, no Rio

Adriana Esteves e Fábio Assunção são amigos há 20 anos. A atriz é madrinha do único filho do ator, João, de seis anos. Fábio ficou quase dois anos afastado da TV e seu retorno, contracenando com Adriana na minissérie "Dalva e Herivelto, uma canção de amor", que estréia dia 8 de janeiro na Rede Globo, a deixou muito emocionada.

Durante a entrevista para a imprensa que aconteceu no Centro do Rio nesta segunda-feira, 7, Adriana disse que contracenar com Fábio serviu para solidificar a amizade que sempre tiveram um pelo outro. "Nesse trabalho falamos muito sobre o amor. E o amor da Dalva pelo Herivelto estava na minha cara. O Fábio me emocionava a cada presença dele no set. O seu companheirismo só serviu para solidificar ainda mais a nossa trajetória pessoal e profissional", disse ela.

Nos cinco meses que ficou envolvida com o trabalho, que é dirigido por Dennis Carvalho, Adriana precisou se desdobrar nas funções de mãe de Vicente, 3 anos, Felipe, 8, e Agnes 10, filha do ex-casamento de Vladmir Bichta. Mas nada que ela não tire de letra.

"Eu sambo para ser mãe e mulher. Já tenho três filhos,mas penso sim em ter mais. Se eles não vierem de forma normal, que venham de outra forma (adotados)", disse Adriana. Depois do trabalho como Dalva, as férias já estão programadas. "Vamos para a terra do Vlad (Vladmir) na Bahia,sem dia para voltar".

Ag  News/Ag News

Adriana Esteves com Fábio Assunção e Maria Fernanda Cândido na coletiva de imprensa da minissérie 'Dalva e Herivelto, uma canção de amor'


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26/10/2008 free counters

Apartamento de técnico Cuca é apedrejado em Curitiba

A confusão iniciada no estádio Couto Pereira, após a confirmação da queda do Coritiba para a Série B, continuou pelas ruas de Curitiba. O apartamento do treinador Cuca, do Fluminense, na capital paranaense foi apedrejado.

Membros da comissão técnica confirmaram o ato de vandalismo.Não havia pessoa na residência, mas duas viaturas da polícia militar ficaram em frente ao prédio.

No domingo, o Fluminense, de Cuca, empatou por 1 a 1 com o Coritiba. O resultado determinou o rebaixamento da equipe paranaense. Assim que terminou o jogo, torcedores do time da casa invadiram o gramado para protestar e entraram em conflito com a polícia.

Já no Rio, a equipe carioca foi recebida com festa no aeroporto Santos Dumont. Cerca de 600 torcedores entraram no saguão. Logo que a delegação desembarcou o que se ouviu foram gritos com destaque para Fred, Conca e Cuca. Os torcedores pediam aos destaques do time que "ficassem para sempre" no clube


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26/10/2008 free counters

Segurados do INSS que contribuem pelo teto têm perda de 6,6% na aposentadoria

Os segurados do INSS que contribuem para uma aposentadoria pelo limite máximo têm perda de 6,6% no valor do benefício por conta do cálculo de atualização das contribuições, informa reportagem de Elvira Lobato para a Folha (íntegra disponível para assinantes do UOL e do jornal).

A perda só é perceptível no momento em que o segurado requer a aposentadoria, e a Previdência calcula a média atualizada de suas contribuições mensais, contadas a partir de julho de 1994, quando entrou em vigor o Plano Real.

O segurado que tiver contribuído pelo máximo durante todo o período terá uma média atualizada das contribuições de R$ 3.012,87 --o teto previdenciário atual é de R$ 3.218,90. Essa perda, de R$ 206,03, acontece antes da aplicação do fator previdenciário, que encolherá ainda mais o valor do benefício.

O Ministério da Previdência Social informou que a razão básica para a diferença de 6,6% é reflexo de duas emendas constitucionais. As emendas, segundo o ministério, elevaram abruptamente o valor do teto previdenciário. A primeira foi a EC nº 20, de 1998, que aumentou o teto de R$ 1.081,50 para R$ 1.200, em valores nominais da época. A segunda foi a de nº 41, de dezembro de 2003, que aumentou o teto de benefícios de R$ 1.869,34 para R$ 2.400.


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26/10/2008 free counters

BNDES empresta mais para Estados do PT

Reportagem de Rubens Valente para a Folha desta segunda-feira revela que, dos R$ 2,47 bilhões gastos pelo programa de ajuda emergencial criado pelo governo federal, 37% foram destinados a governos estaduais administrados pelo PT. Governos tucanos, no entanto, não receberam os R$ 578 milhões a que têm direito.

A íntegra da reportagem está disponível para assinantes do UOL e da Folha de S.Paulo.

O PEF (Programa Emergencial de Financiamento) tem o objetivo de compensar perdas de arrecadação geradas pela crise financeira mundial.

De acordo com o BNDES (Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social), que é responsável pela liberação dos recursos, os próprios Estados são responsáveis pelos atrasos no recebimento do dinheiro, que podem ser devido a falta de pagamento de empréstimos anteriores ou atraso na solicitação prévia do empréstimo.

O banco afirma ainda que os critérios utilizados pelo órgão para a liberação dos empréstimos são técnicos.

Leia a reportagem completa na Folha desta segunda-feira, que já está nas bancas.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Suplicy decide tentar disputar governo de São Paulo

da Folha Online, em Brasília

O senador Eduardo Suplicy (PT-SP) comunica hoje ao partido sua intenção de candidatar-se ao governo de São Paulo na eleição de 2010. A decisão veio após reunião do senador com centenas de filiados, realizada no sábado, em São Paulo.

Como há pelo menos seis pré-candidatos do PT ao governo estadual, Suplicy recomenda a realização de prévias no partido, precedida de debates.

"Acho adequado, produtivo e saudável que se realize prévia, levando em conta o estatuto do partido", disse o senador.

Além de Suplicy, a ex-prefeita de São Paulo Marta Suplicy, os deputados federais Antonio Palocci e Arlindo Chinaglia, o prefeito de Osasco, Emídio de Sousa, e o ministro Fernando Haddad (Educação) são cotados pelo PT para a candidatura ao Palácio dos Bandeirantes.

Apesar de defender a candidatura própria do PT, ele afirma que apoiará o deputado federal Ciro Gomes (PSB - CE), um dos nomes cogitados pelo governo Lula para o governo do Estado, caso o partido decida não lançar candidato.

"Já transmiti ao Edinho [Edinho Silva, presidente do diretório estadual PT-SP] que me disponho a apoiar qualquer um dos seis candidatos nossos ou, eventualmente, se o partido avaliar que é importante para fortalecer a campanha da ministra Dilma, a candidatura do Ciro Gomes", afirmou.

Segundo o petista, não haverá mal estar em disputar a candidatura do partido com sua ex-mulher, Marta Suplicy. "Não vou colocar meus filhos para ficar torcendo pelo pai ou pela mãe", disse.

Caso não seja escolhido como candidato, afirmou também que se sentirá muito bem continuando seu mandato de senador, que vai até 2014.

Suplicy disse que centenas de pessoas mostraram disposição em assinar a indicação de sua candidatura e ainda ajudar voluntariamente na coleta de assinaturas.

De acordo com o estatuto do partido, é necessário que 1% dos filiados do PT aprove uma pré-candidatura para que ela vingue. O partido conta hoje com 297 mil filiados, sendo necessárias então 2.970 assinaturas.

Segundo o senador, serão válidas as assinaturas enviadas por e-mail dos filiados. Um filiado pode, inclusive, apoiar mais de uma candidatura.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Criminosos cavam túnel e roubam R$ 10 milhões de empresa em SP

Um grupo de criminosos cavou um túnel e invadiu uma empresa de valores neste domingo (6) no bairro Vila Jaguará, na zona oeste de São Paulo. De acordo com a Polícia Civil, o valor roubado pode chegar a R$ 10 milhões. Ninguém foi preso.

Segundo informações da polícia, a PM foi acionada por volta da 0h30 desta segunda para atender um chamado de roubo na rua Pontalina. No local, a polícia encontrou um túnel cavado pelos criminosos até o cofre da empresa. O túnel ligava o local a uma propriedade localizada na mesma rua.

A polícia afirmou que o roubo pode ter acontecido durante os jogos da última rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro, uma vez que um segurança afirmou ter ouvido barulhos que acreditou serem de fogos de artifício. A polícia não informou se o sistema de segurança flagrou a ação dos criminosos.

O local do crime foi periciado e o caso foi registrado no 33º DP (Pirituba). Até as 7h30 de hoje, nenhum suspeito tinha sido identificado.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman among new Who's Who 2010 entrants

Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, the American actors, have made it into Who's Who 2010, adding a "touch of Hollywood glamour" to the list of new entrants.

By Lucy Cockcroft
Published: 7:30AM GMT 07 Dec 2009
1 of 2 Images
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt Photo: AP

The biographical compendium of society's leading figures is primarily for British people, however, if the influence of a foreigner is deemed to have shaped life here, they can be included.

The selection process for entry into Who's Who remains a closely guarded secret, and the panel will not disclose who they have considered or how they reached their decisions.

Pitt and Freeman join a long list of American actors who are already among the 33,000 names in Who's Who, including Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep and Jodie Foster.

A Who's Who spokesman said: "People who are high achievers, household names and who have had an impact upon this country, whether it be in the world of commerce or entertainment, can make the book.

"We have quite a cast of American actors in Who's Who now, this year it is Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman who are bringing Hollywood glamour to the edition.

"However, we will never disclose why or how we made the choice of who to include in the book each year."

However, those hoping to gain more of an insight into what Pitt and Freeman do with their spare time from their entry in the big red book will be disappointed.

"Unfortunately neither of them have added anything about their recreational activities, so we aren't given any extra insights, they have just given the basic biographical information," she said.

Pitt, 45, entered as William Bradley Pitt, had his acting breakthrough in Thelma and Louise in 1991 and has gone onto star in dozens of Hollywood films.

He is frequently listed as one of the world's most attractive men and has had two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one.

He is also noted for his humanitarian work, alongside his partner, the actress Angelina Jolie, with whom he has six children.

Freeman, 72, entered as Morgan Porterfield Freeman, has had a long and distinguished acting career which started nearly 40 years ago.

He received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy, and The Shawshank Redemption before winning in 2005 for Million Dollar Baby.

He has also won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Colombian men arrested, charged in US hostage case

04 Dec 2009 21:54:16 GMT
Source: Reuters
NEW YORK, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Three Colombian men accused of belonging to the Colombian rebel group FARC have been arrested and charged with holding a U.S. citizen hostage for more than 10 months, U.S. prosecutors said on Friday. Edilberto Berrio Ortiz, Alejandro Palacios Rengifo and Anderson Chamapuro Dogirama were arrested by Colombian authorities on Thursday. U.S. prosecutors say they are members of FARC's 57th Front. The American they are accused of holding hostage was kidnapped in April 2008 in the Costa del Este neighborhood of Panama City and released in February 2009 after a relative paid ransom. Prosecutors would not identify him. One other person also is in Colombian custody in relation to the hostage case, while another five people named in an indictment are at large. The FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, is fighting a four-decade-old insurgency against the Colombian government and are designated as a foreign terrorist or organization by the U.S. State Department. According to U.S. and Colombian authorities, the FARC funds its operations through cocaine trafficking and extortion. U.S. officials say it has evolved into the world's biggest supplier of cocaine.(Reporting by Michelle Nichols, Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst and Sandra Maler) ((michelle.nichols@reuters.com; +1 646 223 6117; Reuters Messaging: michelle.nichols.reuters.com@reuters.net))

Colombia United States of America
Landmine casualties (2007)
Chart for Landmine casualties


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26/10/2008 free counters

U.N. climate talks open, deal "within reach"

07 Dec 2009 10:15:38 GMT
Source: Reuters
* Copenhagen climate told deal "within reach"-Danish PM * Seeking deep greenhouse gas cuts, billions in aid * Summit of world leaders raises hope of deal By Richard Cowan and David Fogarty COPENHAGEN, Dec 7 (Reuters) -

The biggest climate meeting in history, with 15,000 participants from 192 nations, opened in Copenhagen on Monday with hosts Denmark saying an unmissable opportunity to protect the planet was "within reach". "The world is depositing hope with you for a short while in the history of mankind," Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen told delegates at the opening ceremony of the talks, seeking to agree the first U.N. climate pact in 12 years. He said that 110 world leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama, would attend a summit at the end of the Dec. 7-18 meeting to agree deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions for the rich by 2020 and raise billions of dollars for the poor in aid. "A deal is within our reach," Rasmussen said. The presence of so many world leaders "reflects an unprecedented mobilization of political determination to combat climate change. It represents a huge opportunity. An opportunity the world cannot afford to miss," Rasmussen said. "The ultimate responsibility rests with the citizens of the world, who will ultimately bear the fatal consequences, if we fail to act," he said. But the summit will have to overcome deep distrust between rich and poor nations about sharing the cost of emissions cuts. Activists asked delegates arriving at the conference centre, with a large wind turbine nearby, to go through a green gateway marked "Vote Earth" or a red one marked "Global Warming". They told off anyone choosing red. Others handed out free coffee to delegates, pamphlets about global warming and buttons urging wider use of public transport. The attendance of the leaders and pledges to curb emissions by all the top emitters -- led by China, the United States, Russia and India -- have raised hopes for an accord after sluggish negotiations in the past two years. South Africa added new impetus, saying on Sunday it would cut its carbon emissions to 34 percent below expected levels by 2020, if rich countries furnished financial and technological help. World leaders did not attend when environment ministers agreed the existing U.N. climate pact, the Kyoto Protocol, in 1997. Plans by world leaders to attend have brightened hopes since Rasmussen said last month that time had run out to agree a full legal treaty in 2009. The aim for Copenhagen is a politically binding deal and a new deadline in 2010 for legal details. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, writing in the Guardian newspaper on Monday, said: "The British government is absolutely clear about what we must achieve. Our aim is a comprehensive and global agreement that is then converted to an internationally legally binding treaty in no more than six months." He added: "If by the end of next week we have not got an ambitious agreement, it will be an indictment of our generation that our children will not forgive." Some 56 newspapers from 45 countries including The Guardian, Le Monde, El Pais and Toronto Star on Monday published a joint editorial urging world leaders to take decisive action. "Humanity faces a profound emergency. Unless we combine to take decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet," it said. "The politicians in Copenhagen have the power to shape history's judgment on this generation: one that saw a challenge and rose to it, or one so stupid that we saw a calamity coming but did not avert it." A PINPRICK IN RISING TEMPERATURES The Kyoto pact binds industrialised nations to cut emissions until 2012 and even its supporters admit it is only a pinprick in rising world temperatures, especially since Washington did not join its allies in ratifying the pact. This time, the idea is to get action from all major emitters including China and India to help avert more droughts, desertification, wildfires, species extinctions and rising seas. The meeting will test how far developing nations will stick to entrenched positions, for example that rich nations must cut their greenhouse gases by at least 40 percent by 2020 -- far deeper than targets on offer. The United Nations wants developed nations to agree deep cuts in greenhouse emissions by 2020 and come up with immediate, $10 billion a year in new funds to help the poor cope. He wants developing nations to start slowing their rising emissions. (Writing by Alister Doyle, Editing by Dominic Evans)


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26/10/2008 free counters

Bulgari Ring for Save the Children

As part of the celebrations taking place in 2009 to mark the 125th anniversary of its foundation, Bulgari has created a commemorative Limited Edition silver ring supporting "Rewrite the Future" Save the Children’s global campaign. The silver band has "S. Bulgari" engraved on the outside and "Save the Children" on the inside. The price of the ring is $290, in which $60 of every sale will be donated to the campaign.

Bulgari ring

Jeweller Bulgari is supporting our Rewrite the Future global campaign in 2009.

As part of the celebrations taking place in 2009 to mark the 125th anniversary of its foundation, Bulgari has created a commemorative Limited edition silver ring supporting Rewrite the Future — Save the Children’s global campaign. The ring, pictured, pays tribute to the silversmith origins of Sotirio Bulgari on the exterior and Save the Children’s logo engraved on the interior.

Bulgari has committed to raising €10 million by the end of 2009 from worldwide ring sales. In the UK, each ring will cost £200 and Bulgari is donating £40 from the sale of each ring. €1 million has already been donated to Save the Children and the remaining figure will be raised during 2009 through Bulgari stores and selected Bulgari authorised dealers, including Harrods.

The ring will be on sale exclusively at Harrods from the 2nd January. Harrods have also joined forces with Bulgari by donating £10.00 from the sale of each ring to Rewrite the Future. You can purchase the ring exclusively from Harrods until 31st January, and Harrods will continue to sell the ring in their Fine Jewellery Room throughout 2009.

Rewrite the Future

Today, 37 million children around the world are missing out on education due to armed conflict and violence. When war is over, schools are often destroyed and teachers killed so there is no longer a school for children to attend. Where schools do exist, resources are scarce, classes are overcrowded and teachers are untrained.

Two years ago Save the Children launched its global campaign Rewrite the Future which is focused on securing quality education for the millions of children out of school due to conflict and violence. Rewrite the Future pledges to:

  • Ensure that 3 million out-of-school children gain access to good-quality education in conflict-affected countries by 2010.
  • Improve the quality of existing education programmes for a further 5 million children.

Since 2006, Save the Children has rebuilt schools, supplied school materials and protected children from abuse and exploitation, paving the way for a durable change in the lives of almost 6 million children.

Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Secretary General of the International Save the Children Alliance commented: “We are very pleased to announce this global partnership with Bulgari. Their commitment and support for education is one of the most valuable ways to make a difference to children’s lives in war afflicted countries.


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26/10/2008 free counters

SJP Years Ahead of the Brooch (brooches)

Say what you will about SJP (whether or not her style was entirely manufactured by Patricia Field) but Sarah J is light years ahead of the trends. While everyone today is buzzing about brooches, Parker (and our editors at Splendora HQ!) was pinning them to her cashmere sweater in 2004!


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26/10/2008 free counters

ASOS Lips Ring

Have fun with this playful Lips Ring by ASOS. At $12 a pop, you might as well get one for your BFF.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Bijules Nail Rings

We loved seeing these nail rings on Nicole Richie earlier this year and we're excited to report that the same sexy/ugly look is now available for purchase online. Wear solo or on all fours. They're bound to be all over the desert at Burning Man next week.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Striking Silver Hand Ring

We've seen two-finger rings before but this silver thumb and index finger ring by Betony Vernon is quite spectacular. It's sculpted to connect your digits in a most mysterious way. It costs a small fortune but we're sure you won't see this one at Forever 21 anytime soon.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Foxy Zoe & Morgan Ring

Since seeing Wes Anderson's latest we have a fox affinity. London-based design duo Zoe & Morgan share the same soft spot. We love their Foxy 18k diamond ring (shown here), but if 450 GBP ($736) isn't in the wallet, the sterling silver version at 55 GBP ($90) is a cunning second choice. Get in touch via the website to ship to the US.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Sumptuous Serpent Bracelet

We've been following Isharya jewelry since their first collection and their offerings are consistently divine. This sumptuous serpent bracelet is 18k gold plated and available in black and emerald enamel. For those of you that are lucky enough to be in San Francisco this weekend, you can snag one for 30% off at their trunk show this Saturday, November 7th at Peekadoodle. Email info@isharya.com for more details.


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26/10/2008 free counters



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26/10/2008 free counters

Banana Cellfoam™ with flip phone.


Ipod Mini in a Banana Cellfoam™
Ipod Mini in a Banana Cellfoam™

I started the Cellfoam project in 2003 with the intent to make a wacky banana cover that would fit most cell phones. It has been many steps in the making, from casting wax molds to manufacturing in china. In future posts I look forward to sharing my experiance and resouces.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Banana Cellfoam™

Welcome to the new Cellfoam.com more pics and info coming soon.

Turn your cell phone into a banana phone!

Banana phone covers fit bar and flip style cell phones approximately 1 3/4” x 5 inches or smaller. Wide phones like the iphone or blackberry do not fit well.

Bananas are $10 each plus shipping and handling.
California orders will include 9.5% sales tax.


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26/10/2008 free counters