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segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

Vaticano cobra de #Dilma que preserve acordo bilateral sancionado por #Lula

Emissário da eleita, o petista Gilberto Carvalho tem encontro com representante do papa, em Roma, e entrega carta com pedido de \"trégua\" à Igreja após \"tensão\" eleitoral envolvendo a questão do aborto; petista e Bento XVI agendam encontro para 2012

22 de novembro de 2010 | 22h 01

Jamil Chade, de O Estado de S.Paulo

GENEBRA - O Vaticano cobra do novo governo de Dilma Rousseff um compromisso para que não reabra o acordo que rege as relações bilaterais e que foi alvo de muita polêmica. O assunto foi debatido ontem em uma reunião entre o secretário da Santa Sé para Relações com os Estados, Dominique Mamberti, e Gilberto Carvalho, chefe de gabinete do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

No mesmo encontro, fixou-se que Dilma fará uma viagem ao Vaticano em 2012 para se reunir com o papa Bento XVI. A visita já está sendo organizada pelo Palácio do Planalto e pela Santa Sé e faz parte da tentativa de se estabelecer uma "trégua" entre o Vaticano e Dilma depois das polêmicas entre Dilma e a Igreja durante a campanha eleitoral.

No contato com o emissário de Dilma, o Vaticano solicitou que o acordo feito com o governo brasileiro, conhecido como "concordata", entre em vigora partir do próximo mandato. O primeiro acordo proposto pela Igreja em 2007 falava na obrigatoriedade do ensino de religião em escolas públicas, acesso às reservas naturais para missionários e isenção de impostos.

O Itamaraty reduziu o acordo a uma mera declaração de boas relações entre a Santa Sé. A concordata já foi aprovada pelo governo Lula e pelo Congresso, mas esbarrou em um processo e está no Supremo Tribunal Federal. "Não acreditamos que isso ofereça um risco para sua entrada em vigor", garantiu Carvalho.


Dilma decidiu na última quinta-feira aproveitar a ida de Carvalho a Roma para mandar um recado à Igreja de que seu governo não abrirá guerra contra a Santa Sé. Enviou por meio de Carvalho uma carta ao papa, pedindo que a Igreja "não recue" em relação ao Brasil, estabelecendo uma trégua e insistindo que o futuro governo conta com a Santa Sé para aplicar o seu projeto de erradicação da pobreza.

A carta, ainda mantida em sigilo até amanhã, quando será lida pelo Papa, pede sua bênção ao governo e assegura que a eleita quer diálogo com o Vaticano.

"O que nós queríamos e acho que conseguimos era limpar de uma vez por todas o mal estar da campanha eleitoral", admitiu Gilberto Carvalho.


Nem na carta e nem durante a reunião foi tratada a questão do aborto. Mas, Carvalho admitiu que a campanha de Dilma viveu "momentos de grande tensão" diante dos comentários do Papa sobre o assunto, poucos dias antes do segundo turno.

Bento XVI, em uma reunião com bispos do Maranhão, condenou a descriminalização do aborto e da eutanásia e recomendou aos bispos brasileiros que emitissem "juízo moral" sobre essas questões, mesmo em "matérias políticas". Embora não tenha feito referência direta à eleição, o papa pediu aos bispos que orientassem os fiéis a usar o voto para a "promoção do bem comum".

"Não sabíamos que direção esses comentários tomariam", admitiu. Carvalho acusou "forças no Brasil" de terem influenciado o papa a fazer tais declarações e garantiu que para Dilma o assunto é "parte do passado".


Do lado do Vaticano, Mamberti confirmou que o Brasil é de "importância fundamental" para a Santa Sé e que uma visita de Dilma já em 2011 ao Papa seria relevante para mostrar o compromisso na relação bilateral. Carvalho, porém, explicou que dificilmente a viagem poderia ocorrer em 2011.

"O primeiro ano é sempre um período para amarrar o governo", explicou o emissário. "A data que se trabalha é 2012 para a visita de Dilma", apontou.

"Minha principal mensagem e objetivo foi a de tranquilizar o Vaticano em relação ao que será o governo Dilma", disse ao Estado por telefone Carvalho, ao sair da reunião. Na conversa, ele informou que a eleita não tem intenção de rever o acordo com o Vaticano, mas ressaltou a necessidade de manter o caráter laico do Estado. "Não podemos esquecer que 22,5% da população brasileira é composta de evangélicos." Segundo Carvalho, "não haverá diferença qualitativa entre o governo Dilma e o governo de Lula em relação à Igreja".


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26/10/2008 free counters

Al-Qaeda publica online estratégia de ataque frustrado aos EUA

Bombas enviadas foram interceptadas em outubro; divulgação pode indicar aumento na confiança do grupo extremista.

22 de novembro de 2010 | 22h 33

Pacote interceptado continha fios e pó branco

A Al-Qaeda na Península Arábica, grupo que assumiu a autoria dos pacotes explosivos endereçados aos EUA e interceptados em 29 de outubro, publicou na internet os detalhes de sua estratégia de ação.

Veja também:
linkBomba interceptada em avião estava programada para explodir nos EUA, dizem investigadores

lista Entenda a expansão da Al-Qaeda no Iêmen
As franquias da Al-Qaeda

Os planos estão surpreendentemente detalhados em uma revista online publicada pelo grupo extremista, relata o correspondente da BBC no Oriente Médio, Jon Leyne.

O grupo diz que pagou US$ 4,2 mil (R$ 7,2 mil) para enviar pelo correio do Iêmen dois pacotes explosivos, endereçados a sinagogas em Chicago.

O grupo disse que o ataque fracassado era o início de uma estratégia de lançar mão de operações menores, porém mais frequentes, com o objetivo de "sangrar o inimigo até a morte".

As bombas foram interceptadas em Dubai e na Grã-Bretanha - antes que pudessem seguir viagem aos EUA -, graças a inteligência fornecida por um ex-militante da Al-Qaeda.

A programação na bomba interceptada em solo britânico confirma, segundo autoridades, que o interesse dos extremistas era atingir um alvo americano, e não europeu ou no Oriente Médio.


A divulgação do plano na web - incluindo seu tempo de preparação e número de pessoas envolvidas - é uma prática incomum dentro da Al-Qaeda e sugere, de acordo com Leyne, que o grupo pode estar ganhando confiança em seu esconderijo no Iêmen ou querendo se gabar.

"Nunca vimos um grupo militante da órbita da Al-Qaeda divulgar um plano de sua filosofia, seus detalhes operacionais, suas intenções e seus próximos passos", disse o especialista em segurança Ben Venzke, do IntelCenter, grupo que monitora ameaças terroristas.

Os extremistas até listaram os custos exatos dos itens usados na operação, como celulares, de transporte e de correio. Disseram que divulgariam detalhes de sua metodologia para outras facções da Al-Qaeda pelo mundo.

Suspeita-se que o autor da publicação seja Anwar al-Awlaki, um iemenita-americano que é conhecido por suas habilidades de comunicação e que, acredita-se, está escondido no Iêmen.

Para alguns analistas, a divulgação pode ser também fruto da necessidade de chamar atenção para ataques menores, já que o grupo falhou em concretizar recentes ações de grande porte.

Pode ser, ainda, uma tentativa de passar falsas informações para as agências de inteligência ocidentais. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#DILMA #LULA #MONEY Propostas para reajustes salariais nos três poderes

Publicada em 22/11/2010 às 23h17m
O Globo

BRASÍLIA - Todos os poderes tiveram a ideia do reajuste neste fim de governo Lula. No Judiciário, a principal proposta, defendida pelo relator-geral do Orçamento, senador Gim Argello, é de aumento de 56% aos servidores . O próprio presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Cezar Peluso, disse não abrir mão do aumento .

Antes, em pleno recesso branco, já havia sido enviada ao Congresso outra proposta para o Judiciário: o reajuste de 14,79% dos vencimentos dos ministros do STF.

A partir daí, cresceu o movimento no Legislativo para que parlamentares também aumentassem seus salários. Uma das principais propostas é de equiparação salarial dos parlamentares com os ministros do Supremo. Outra opção seria a correção com a perda inflacionária dos últimos quatro anos.

No Executivo, o presidente Lula defendeu aumento do salário do próprio presidente , valendo para sua sucessora. Em Seul, Dilma Rousseff disse desconhecer a proposta, mas falou de reajuste aos ministros , cujos salários seriam "muito defasados" em relação ao mercado. Lula também já havia defendido um "bom reajuste" aos ministros.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Secretário de segurança do RJ põe em dúvida proposta de #Dilma

22/11/2010 - 22:26

A principal proposta da presidente eleita Dilma Rousseff para a segurança pública foi posta em dúvida por seu principal executor. Para o secretário de Segurança Pública do Rio de Janeiro, José Mariano Beltrame, as UPPs (Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora) não podem ser simplesmente copiadas no restante do Brasil.

A avaliação foi feita nesta segunda-feira (22) em rápida conversa com a imprensa, que questionou o secretário se ele aceitaria tocar o projeto no governo federal. Beltrame disse que não foi convidado para a tarefa e duvidou da eficácia do modelo para o país.

- A UPP não é um modelo que pode ser copiado. Ela tem seu objetivo que é desarmar território garantido por arma de fogo. Eu não sei se em outro lugar do Brasil tem essa realidade. UPP não dá para copiar, você pode utilizar alguns itens, o método. Agora copiar, eu acho que teria que se fazer uma análise no Brasil para ver se você tem uma realidade de arma de fogo como tem no Rio de Janeiro.

Implantado desde o final de 2008 no Rio sob a gestão do governador Sérgio Cabral (PMDB), o projeto das UPPs foi uma das grandes bandeiras apresentadas por Dilma na campanha para combater a violência e a criminalidade em outras metrópoles.

Gabrielli deve continuar na Petrobras

Dilma se reúne com cotados para o governo
Trata-se, basicamente, de expulsar os traficantes de favelas dominadas por facções criminosas. Atualmente, as UPPs estão presentes em 13 complexos nos morros da capital fluminense.

Beltrame negou que o tema tenha sido tratado em uma reunião hoje com o secretário nacional de Segurança Pública, Ricardo Ballestreri, mesmo após a onda de arrastões neste último fim de semana no Rio. A avaliação do governo é que os ataques foram uma reação da principal facção criminosa do Estado às UPPs.

O secretário informou que teria uma reunião com Dilma amanhã, num encontro com outros secretários e especialistas em segurança. Mas foi avisado, ainda pela manhã, que o evento fora cancelado, e ainda não foi remarcado


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS Philippines to mourn massacre victims


Posted at 11/23/2010 9:26 AM | Updated as of 11/23/2010 9:26 AM

SHARIFF AGUAK, Philippines — The Philippines was on Tuesday set to mourn the one-year anniversary of the country's worst massacre amid fears of attacks by gunmen loyal to the clan blamed for the murders.

Four military battalions were deployed to protect families and supporters of the victims who planned to make an emotional journey atop a remote grassy hill in the southern province of Maguindanao where the carnage took place last year.

Security fears were punctuated when a motorcycle bomb wounded two people in the provincial capital, Shariff Aguak, on Sunday just as preparations were in full swing for the commemoration ceremonies.

"There are four battalions already deployed in Maguindanao. The situation is manageable, but the military is not taking any chances," Lieutenant Colonel Benjie Hao, one of the ground commanders in the south, told Agence France-Presse.

The relatives are expected to be joined by local officials as well as religious leaders who will lead an ecumenical prayer in front of a memorial marker with all the names of the victims at midday (0400 GMT), organizers said.

The powerful Ampatuan clan, which had governed Maguindanao province since 2001, allegedly orchestrated the murders of 57 people in a futile bid to stop a member of a rival Muslim clan from running as governor.

Those killed were relatives and supporters of the rival, Esmael Mangudadatu, who were to have filed his election nomination papers, as well as 32 local journalists who had travelled in the convoy to report on the news.

Their bodies were later found in a shallow pit, and witnesses who have so far testified in the ongoing trial in Manila said the victims were gunned down mostly by Andal Ampatuan Jnr, the clan patriarch's son and namesake.

President Benigno Aquino declared Tuesday a "day of remembrance" and ordered government employees to wear black to symbolize unity with the victims' relatives.

"I call on the Filipino people to solemnly bear the departed in their thoughts, and for all the citizens from all walks of life to commit, in solidarity, to the quest for justice to the victims," Aquino said.

But a year after the massacre, rights monitors say the Ampatuan family remains powerful, with many members of their private army remaining on the loose.

While Ampatuan Snr and Jnr and four other clan leaders have been jailed, more than 100 of the 196 people accused in the crime are at large, and allegedly can receive calls from their leaders to stage attacks.

Governor Esmael Mangudadatu, the clan rival whose political challenge to the Ampatuans allegedly was the reason for the massacre, said those killed -- including his wife and two sisters -- should be remembered as martyrs.

"This is the darkest moment in Maguindanao history and they should be considered as martyrs. Their ultimate sacrifice led to a new beginning," Mangudadatu said.

Rights watchdog Amnesty International said Aquino, who took office on June 30 this year, must make true on his promise to abolish private armies still operating with impunity in the country's south and ensure justice in the case.

"The government has to show that the Philippines has the ability and will to deal fairly but resolutely with a massacre that constituted the worst ever attack on journalists anywhere in the world," said Amnesty's Asia director Sam Zafiri on the eve of the one-year anniversary.

"How the Philippine government handles this case will demonstrate how serious President Aquino is about reining in private armies and curbing human rights violations," Zafiri said.

The Ampatuans had previously ruled Maguindanao with the support of then president Gloria Arroyo, who supplied the family's private militia of up to 5,000 men so they could be used as a proxy force against Muslim rebels.

Rights groups have alleged she also ignored the Ampatuans' reputation for violence because they helped deliver votes in national elections -- charges she denies.

However politicians in the restive southern Philippines and elsewhere across the country are infamous for having similar -- if not so violent -- private armies.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS The Buzz: Condom controversy


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS Ireland is front-page news as world's media covers predicament in depth

MARY FITZGERALD, Foreign Affairs Correspondent

MEDIA: IF THERE was a common thread in international coverage of Ireland’s decision to accept a rescue package, it was one of relief. There was much talk of humiliating U-turns and climbdowns.

The admonishing tone of the Wall Street Journal ’s coverage was typical. “Ireland finally sought tens of billions in bailout money . . . after weeks of bickering.” It continued: “Ireland – reluctant to give up control of its tax and spending policies – caught other EU nations off guard by fiercely resisting help.”

The International Herald Tribune ran the headline “Threat of chaos forces Irish hand”. The Washington Post noted the Government was in “for the roughest ride”.

The Financial Times noted that “[Ireland’s] battered Government and bust banks never had a prayer once euro zone partners decided that its insolvency, real or perceived, was jeopardising other members of the euro and therefore the future of the single currency itself.”

There was much discussion in UK media outlets over the British exchequer’s contribution to the rescue package. The Daily Mail dubbed Sunday a “day of infamy for Ireland” and tutted that “every family in Britain will have to pay £300 to bail out the Irish”.

On the BBC Radio 4 show Start the Week , US satirist PJ O’Rourke painted a grim scenario of Ireland’s predicament spreading “everywhere”. In the New York Post , under the headline “Beggared by euro”, British historian Andrew Roberts wrote: “The Celtic Tiger has caught mange and is scratching itself raw” before advocating that Ireland quit the euro.

A New York Times op-ed mused on Ireland becoming “the green thread that unravels the European quilt”. Listing the excesses of the boom, the writer then offered this conclusion: “When the story of the Great Recession is remembered, Ireland will offer the most potent cautionary tale. Nowhere did the imaginations of utopians run so rampant and nowhere did they receive a more stinging rebuke.”


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS Irish PM refuses to bow to election calls


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS Australia's Qantas A380s back in service from Nov. 27

SYDNEY, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Qantas Airways said on Tuesday that its fleet of A380 superjumbos will start returning to service from Saturday, Nov. 27.

"We are completely comfortable with the operation of the aircraft," chief executive Alan Joyce told reporters on Tuesday.

The airline's six A380s were grounded on Nov. 4, after QF32 flying from Singapore to Sydney suffered an explosion in one of its four engines over the Indonesian island of Batam.

Qantas engineers then began investigations into all of the Rolls Royce Trent 900 engines on the aircraft.

Joyce said Qantas would have four of the A380s operating by Christmas.

The airline plans to take delivery of two more A380s by the end of 2010 and another two in early 2011.

The first flight will be QF31, an A380 due to fly from Sydney to London via Singapore on Saturday.

The aircraft for that service will be transported to Sydney on a ferry flight from Los Angeles.

A second aircraft is expected to depart Los Angeles for Sydney later this week.

As more of the fleet return, Qantas will assess when and how best to deploy them.

"In line with its conservative approach to operational safety, Qantas is voluntarily suspending A380 services on routes that regularly require use of maximum certified engine thrust, and will do so until further operational experience is gained or possible additional changes are made to engines," it said in a statement.

"This is an operational decision by Qantas and pilots still have access to maximum certified thrust if they require it during flight.

Qantas also said its A380 engines remain subject to a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) airworthiness directive issued on Nov. 11.

The directive mandates that all the Trent 900 engines undergo certain inspections every 20 flying cycles.

Qantas will comply with the directive for A380s brought back into service and for new aircraft entering its fleet.

Asked if Qantas will seek compensation from Rolls Royce, Mr Joyce said: "We will have that dialogue, but now is not the time."

Joyce said Rolls Royce had been "fantastic" during the process to get the fleet back in the air, but he also said the British engine maker was aware of the impact.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS Colombian Army searches for FARC leader after bombing

BOGOTA, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- Colombian Army commander Alejandro Navas said Monday that his troops were looking for leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), alias Fabian Ramirez, who was in the camp bombed Saturday in the Caqueta department.

The camp is located in "very thick terrain, we are removing the rubble. One of the hypothesis is that Ramirez could be buried under the rubble and the other is that he could have escaped," Navas told local radio station Radio Caracol.

On Nov. 20, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said that the public forces carried out a military operation against a FARC camp and that Jose Benito Cabrera, also known as "Fabian Ramirez," "apparently" died.

Navas said that they found many weapons, one computer, USB sticks, a silver suitcase with at least some 2 million Colombian pesos (2,000 U.S. dollars) and some jewelry with Ramirez's initial and name near San Vicente del Caguan in Caqueta.

According to authorities, Ramirez is about 47 years old, and is the second leader of the FARC south block. His main task is drug trafficking.

Due to this, the United States has requested his extradition and has offered 2.5 million dollars for any information leading to his capture.

Navas also said that during the bombing "four drug terrorists were killed and two more were detained." He said that the military intelligence used information from some rebels to find the camp.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#NEWS At least 347 people killed in Cambodia festival stampede

People stand near the bodies of the stampede victims in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Nov. 23, 2010. At least 339 people were killed in a stampede on Monday night as millions of Cambodians celebrated the annual water festival in the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on state TV early Tuesday. The accident took place on a bridge that connects the city with the Diamond Island which has become the center of celebrations.    (Xinhua/Phearum) (zw)

People stand near the bodies of the stampede victims in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Nov. 23, 2010. At least 339 people were killed in a stampede on Monday night as millions of Cambodians celebrated the annual water festival in the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on state TV early Tuesday. The accident took place on a bridge that connects the city with the Diamond Island which has become the center of celebrations. (Xinhua/Phearum)

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- At least 347 people were killed and 394 others injured in a stampede on Monday night as millions of Cambodians celebrated the last day of the three-day annual Water Festival in the capital Phnom Penh.

The death toll has increased to 339 with other 329 people injured in the stampede, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a live televised speech early Tuesday. But Deputy Prime Minister Sok An said later that the death toll rose to 347 and the number of injured climbed to 394.

"This is the biggest death toll since Pol Pot regime and even flood has never inflicted such a high death toll," Hun Sen said. But he added that "Urgent investigation showed that it has nothing to do with terrorism."

"Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my condolence to all victims and their relatives," Hun Sen said.

The prime minister announced Nov. 25 as the national mourning day to commemorate those people killed in the stampede.

Meanwhile, he urged the doctors to do their best to save the injured people and ordered investigation into the cause.

Deputy Prime Minister Sok An said a national level committee was established to investigate the horrific stampede.

Sok An said the committee divided into three sub-committees: the forensic examination sub-committee led by the Health Minister Mam Bun Heng, the corpse and injured people settlement sub- committee led by the Minister of Social Affairs Ith Samheng, and the investigation sub-committee led by Prum Sokha, secretary of state for the Interior Ministry.

"The committee will deal with all work relevant to the accident, " he said.

The accident took place on a bridge that connects the city with the Diamond Island which has became the center of celebrations. Some of the panicky people tried to flee over the bridge and crushed underfoot while a number of them fell over the bridge into the water

People carry the bodies of the stampede victims in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Nov. 23, 2010. At least 339 people were killed in a stampede on Monday night as millions of Cambodians celebrated the annual water festival in the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on state TV early Tuesday. The accident took place on a bridge that connects the city with the Diamond Island which has become the center of celebrations.    (Xinhua/Phearum) (zw)

People carry the bodies of the stampede victims in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Nov. 23, 2010. At least 339 people were killed in a stampede on Monday night as millions of Cambodians celebrated the annual water festival in the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on state TV early Tuesday. The accident took place on a bridge that connects the city with the Diamond Island which has become the center of celebrations. (Xinhua/Phearum)

The injured were rushed to the nearby hospitals, and many were said to have lost consciousness. Ambulance sirens were heard in many parts of Phnom Penh soon after the accident. Some of the hospitals in the capital were filled to capacity with bodies and patients.

Sar Kheng, deputy prime minister and minister of interior, has rushed to the scene.

Cambodia's Water Festival from Nov. 20 to 22 is the largest annual festival in the Southeast Asian nation, around two million Cambodians, especially those from rural areas converged to the city to enjoy the regatta.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Confraria Queirosiana

8º Grande Capítulo entroniza novos confrades

"Nós, Confrades Queirosianos, juramos ler, estudar e divulgar a obra de Eça de Queiroz em Portugal e no Mundo com sabedoria, elegância e bom gosto".

Sob este juramento foram entronizados, no 8º Grande Capítulo da Confraria Queirosiana, onze novos confrades. Os apreciadores e cultores da obra de Eça de Queirós foram insigniados nos graus de leitores e louvados, enquanto os que já se distinguiram na divulgação da vida e obra do escritor foram entronizados nos graus de louvado e grão-louvado.

O Solar Condes de Resende, a casa onde o escritor se apaixonou por aquela que viria a ser sua esposa, D. Emília, foi palco de mais um Capitulo da Confraria Queirosiana, que comemora o aniversário de Eça desde 2003. A festa reuniu grande número de confrades espalhados pelo País, personalidades das mais diversas profissões e ocupações, que testemunharam a insigniação dos novos confrades.

Estiveram também presentes outras Confrarias e entidades ligadas à Cultura e à Gastronomia, designadamente a Federação Portuguesa das Confrarias Gastronómicas, assinalando assim o 10º aniversário da Lei que considerou o Património Gastronómico como parte integrante da Cultura Portuguesa.

A cerimónia foi presidida por Nelson Cardoso, em representação do Presidente da Câmara de Gaia, que manifestou a grande honra do Município em receber tão ilustres personalidades neste Capítulo, como contributo para a potenciação do concelho na área da cultura. "Esta página da Confraria orgulha o Município e ajuda a colocá-lo num patamar de excelência a nível nacional", sublinhou.

Nelson Cardoso referiu-se à entidade promotora do evento, a Associação dos Amigos do Solar Condes de Resende, como um exemplo de "dedicação, amor e doação a este tipo de trabalho que transforma este equipamento cultural numa referência de excelência no panorama da Área Metropolitana do Porto".

Durante o 8º Capítulo foi lançado o nº 7 da nova série da "Revista de Portugal", fundada em 1889 por Eça de Queirós, que foi apresentado pelo seu director, o egiptólogo Luís Manuel de Araújo.

César de Oliveira, Presidente da Assembleia Municipal de Gaia e confrade queirosiano, apresentou o livro "Republicanos, monárquicos e outros autarcas gaienses", da autoria de Gonçalves Guimarães, mesário-mor da Confraria Queirosiana, o qual fez a história dos autarcas gaienses da 1ª República, num contributo para a evocação do centenário da República.

O discurso de encerramento do Capítulo foi proferido por José Manuel Tedim, Presidente da Direcção, que fez o balanço das actividades desenvolvidas no presente ano. De seguida, os confrades depositaram uma coroa de louros na estátua de Eça de Queirós, no Jardim das Camélias do Solar.

O 8º Capítulo da Confraria Queirosiana terminou com um jantar de confraternização, sucedendo-se o Baile das Camélias, com exibição de dançarinos profissionais e o convite à valsa para todos os participantes.

Novos Confrades

- Grau Leitor e Louvado: Maria Alda Barata Salgueiro, Maria Angelina dos Santos Rodrigues, Maria Augusta Osório de castro Pedrosa Dias dos Santos Lemos, Maria Luísa Pinto Costa Lima Tavares, António Manuel Lacerda Vieira, Nuno Miguel de Resende Jorge e Mendes e José Manuel Alves Tedim

- Grau Louvado e Grão-Louvado: Fernando Hélio Loureiro, Carlos Alberto Santarém Nunes Andrade, Ana Margarida de Sousa Dinis Vieira e Ana Teresa Peixinho.



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\m/(>.<)\m/ #listening to Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling #Stones

\m/(>.<)\m/ #listening to Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling #Stones on @Grooveshark: link» #nowplaying \m/(>.<)\m/


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♫ listening to REVOLUTION by BEATLES

♫ listening to REVOLUTION by BEATLES http://www.stereomood.com/song/32895


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♫ listening to A DAY IN THE LIFE by THE BEATLES

♫ listening to A DAY IN THE LIFE by THE BEATLES http://www.stereomood.com/song/33389


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\(^ω^\) #listening to Under Pressure by #Queen

\(^ω^\) #listening to Under Pressure by #Queen on @Grooveshark: link» #nowplaying


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#NEWS French nuclear giant Areva to postpone capital increase to 2011

2010-11-22 20:18:49

PARIS, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- French giant nuclear power group Areva, which seeks to boost funds via a capital increase, was likely to postpone the operation to next year, local business daily Les Echos reported on Monday.

According to its report, the capital increase seems to be delayed to spring 2011 as "the process's stagnation is partly due to conditions imposed by the Sovereign Fund of Qatar to participate in the operation."

"Qatar wants to eventually convert all or part of its shares in an investment in the mining activity of the nuclear group," it added on its web site.

Decided in June 2009, the state-run nuclear group planned to raise up to 3 billion euros (4.11 billion U.S. dollars) from a capital increase after offering 15 percent of its stake to investors. The company pledged to close the operation before the end of this year.

Among bidders for Areva's stake, the report cited Kuwait's sovereign funds and Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI).

Areva officials were not immediately available to comment.

The capital increase is expected to help the company to boost its financial resources enough to realize its projects and investments. Areva registered a 6.4-percent rise in its turnover to 4.15 billion euros (5.69 billion dollars) over the first half in 2010 from the same period last year.

Its shares were in red in early trading on Monday session after falling by 3.57 percent to 332.15 euros (455.69 dollars).


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#Passione : Clara voltará a fazer maldades em 'Passione'

22 de novembro de 2010 10h14

Mariana Ximenes tomou gosto pela vilania. Foto: TV Press

Clará voltará a fazer maldades em 'Passione'
Foto: TV Press

Em fase de reaproximação de Totó (Tony Ramos), Clara (Mariana Ximenes) voltará a colocar suas garras para fora e aprontará novas maldades em Passione. De acordo com a coluna Telinha, do jornal Extra, o autor Silvio de Abreu recheou os novos capítulos com cenas secretas da vilã com Diogo (Daniel Boaventura). Nas falas escritas para a personagem existem marcações do tipo "falsa" ou "fingindo emoção".

Em uma cena que será exibida na sexta-feira (26), Clara trocará olhares de forma sensual com Diogo. Assim que sabe por Das Dores (Magda Gomes) que a cena foi assistida por Ednéa (Priscila Assum), a vilã roubará Talarico (Luiz Serra), dono da cantina italiana em que trabalha, e colocará a culpa na colega de trabalho. O dono do restaurante se queixará sobre o assalto com Olga (Débora Duboc), que tentará abrir os olhos do amigo. "Não foi a Ednéa que te disse que a Clara e o Diogo estavam de gracinhas? Foi a bandida da Clara quem te roubou! Ela está fazendo com essa Ednéa o mesmo que fez comigo! Talarico, a Clara e o Diogo devem estar juntos". Talarico não demitirá a funcionária acusada e a vilã ficará surpresa ao vê-la servindo as mesas do local.



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#news Israel to invest 23 million dollars in Western Wall plaza

Agence France-Presse
First Posted 21:29:00 11/21/2010

JERUSALEM-- Israel's cabinet on Sunday approved plans to invest millions of shekels in a five-year project to expand the plaza next to the Western Wall, one of Judaism's holiest sites in Jerusalem's Old City.

The plans to improve access to the site were outlined in a statement from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which said it would invest 85 million shekels (23 million dollars, 17 million euros) in the project.

"The aim of the plan is to improve access for millions of visitors to the site and also to the archaeological sites, and to upgrade the physical infrastructure and the transport infrastructure on the area," it said.

The project will be directed by Netanyahu's office and carried out in conjunction with the Western Wall Heritage Foundation and financed by a number of government offices, including the ministry of interior, tourism, education and defence.

"The Western Wall is the most important heritage side for the people of Israel, and we are committed to develop it and preserve it so it will continue being a focal point for visitors and an inspiration for millions of visitors, tourists
, both old and young, from Israel and abroad," Netanyahu was quoted as saying in the statement.

Last month, planners in Jerusalem said they were considering creating the first new "gate" into the Old City in more than 100 years as part of a broader plan to improve access into the Old City and intensify the tourist profile of the Western Wall.

Construction work in and around the Old City is one of the most contentious issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has a history of triggering unrest.

Each year, more than six million people visit the Western Wall, Israel's biggest tourist attraction which is revered by Jews as the last remaining remnant of the Second Temple.

Above the wall is the area known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif or Noble Sanctuary, which houses the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.


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6 Cars That Will Save GM

by Jerry Edgerton
Sunday, November 21, 2010

provided by

Can General Motors (NYSE: GM - News) once again reign as the world's largest automaker? Will investors in Thursday's IPO look like geniuses or dupes? And will taxpayers see a return on their $50 billion bailout? It all comes down to this: Do you want to buy one of these six cars? If you -- and a few million others every year -- see a good reason to part with your hard-earned money in the following slides, then GM just may rise again.


Chevrolet Silverado

While it's the sleek sports cars and green gas sippers that get all the press, pickup trucks haul in the profits.

Although not redesigned as recently as its arch-rival the Ford F-series, the Silverado remains among the top-selling vehicles in America. And J.D. Power analyst Jeff Schuster notes that pickups have led this year's recovery in sales -- both the Silverado 1500 version often bought by individuals and the bigger work pickups going to contractors and other small businesses.

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Cadillac CTS

As GM's market share slumped over the years, so did Cadillac's image as a luxury brand vs. German and Japanese competitors. But Cadillac has come a long way from 1980s disasters such as the Cimarron. Leading the sleek new parade are the CTS sedan, wagon, and, for 2011, a coupe. Reviewers like the CTS combination of comfort and sporty performance. And, like a luxury car should, it has a high-performance version, the CTS-V. With a 6.2 liter, 556-horsepower V-8 -- take that, Germans -- the souped up CTS stands up well to European competitors in race track test drives. Whether the CTS suits your tastes or not, it's dripping 'tude, something most GM offerings have lacked for decades.

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Chevrolet Equinox

The Equinox gives GM a worthy competitor in the compact SUV category against sales leaders Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4. Reviewers have given it high marks for being almost as roomy as a mid-size SUV but with gas mileage (22 mpg city, 32 highway) that rivals many sedans. Buyers seem to like it, too. Combined sales for Equinox and its corporate sibling, the GMC Terrain, are up 169 percent compared with a year earlier. Having a compact crossover contender is especially important, since sales in recent years have been moving to these vehicles and away from bigger SUVs. And the high mileage here will help GM meet new federal requirements.


Buick Regal

The picture is certainly worth six words: This is not your father's Buick. In resurrecting its Regal nameplate and putting it on a car that is not the least bit stodgy, GM is making a strong statement. J.D. Power and Associate analyst Jeff Schuster predicts that the Regal will, as intended, lure in younger buyers. "Is that really a Buick?" was the reaction of reviewers, who said the crisp handling could challenge luxury sport sedans like the Audi A4, even while selling at a lower price. Regal follows the already-successful Buick LaCrosse, whose strong sales contributed to GM's bang-up third-quarter results. On its website, however, GM still feels the need to explain that the new Regal has "modern, aerodynamic lines." The next step for the once-great company: Reaching the point where it doesn't have to tell people that.


Chevrolet Cruze

Television commercials show the Cruze hunting down its rivals with tag lines such as "It's Civic season." Cruze -- adapted from a car already popular in Europe -- is GM's first strong entry in the compact segment dominated by the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla. "Cruze is a crucial model because it is the biggest launch since the bankruptcy," says J.D. Power's Schuster. And with its EPA ratings of 24 mpg in city driving and 36 on the highway, Cruze is essential to GM's strategy for meeting the strict 2016 federal average mileage requirements.

[The Most Stolen Cars in the U.S.]


Chevrolet Volt

The beneficiary of years of publicity about plug-in electric cars, the Volt will begin silently rolling out of dealerships in December. Despite a brief controversy about its credentials as an electric car, the Volt has an advantage over its main plug-in competitor, the Nissan Leaf. When battery power runs out, the Volt has a back-up gasoline generator that sends power to the electric motor and extends its range up to 300 miles -- three times that of the battery-only Leaf. Volt won't turn a profit anytime soon, but it should burnish GM's image as a company bringing out high-tech, green cars. "Volt will be a buzz creator, bringing in new customers who might not otherwise visit a Chevy showroom," says analyst Jesse Toprak, of automotive site TrueCar.com. And GM's top line will get a charge from GE, which recently announced it would buy 12,000 Volts for the corporate fleet.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#gastronomia Panda Bread

Ok, so I’ve seen a lot of amazingly cute panda things, but this literally made me giddy when I saw it. I’ve never seen anything like it and I really want to try out the recipe. The original recipe is from an Asian website called Taro Taro (which features a photo gallery of user submitted panda bread!), luckily for those of us who can’t read the site, wlteef.blogspot.com was kind enough to post a translation. The recipe is after the cut!


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Panda Bread:

Ingredients: 600g loaf (206 x 108 x100h)
230g bread flour
70g cake flour
30g sugar
milk + 1 yolk = 210g (I used skim milk)
4.5g salt
18g unsalted butter (I used 20g)
4g yeast
8g green tea powder dissolved in 10g boiling hot water
8g cocoa powder dissolved in 8g boiling water

1. Heat up milk and yolk to temperature of 38C. (I beat the yolk lightly with milk and send it to the microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds).
2. Put everything in bread machine and set to dough cycle. Let it knead for 20 minutes. Stop the cycle and restart the dough cycle and let it knead for another 15 minutes.
3. Divide dough (about 560g) into 3 parts: 75g for the chocolate, 210g plain and the rest of the dough which is less than 280g for the green tea.
4. Add chocolate to the 75g dough and knead till the colour is even. Add green tea mixture to the 280g dough and knead till colour is even. (I did this step manually).
5. Prove all 3 pieces of doughs on separate greased plates covered loosely with oiled cling wrap for 30 – 40 minutes.
6. Punch air out of dough and prove for another 20 – 30 minutes.
7. Use 90g plain dough for the face and 2 pieces of 27g chocolate dough for the eyes. (Refer to photo guide in Step (7) in TARO’s site).
8. Fill the hollow of the eyes with 30g plain dough. (Refer to photo guide in Step (8) in TARO’s site).
9. Roll remaining plain dough over the patterned dough. (Refer to photo guide in Step (9) in TARO’s site).
10. Divide the remaining chocolate dough into 2 pieces (17.5g each) for the ears. (Refer to photo guide in Step (10) in TARO’s site).
11. Use 70g of the green tea dough to fill up the hollow between the ears. (Refer to photo guide in Step (11) in TARO’s site).
12. Wrap the rest of the green tea dough all around the patterned dough. (Refer to photo guide in Step (12) in TARO’s site)
13. Place dough into a well-greased loaf pan and cover it with a lid and prove for 50 – 60 minutes in an enclosed area eg. microwave oven.
14. Bake at 200? for 25 – 30 minutes.

1. This is not an exact translation of TARO’s recipe because I used the bread machine to help me so the first few steps might be different from TARO’s.
2. For Step (12), I did not wrap the green tea dough all around the patterned dough. Compare my finished product to that of TARO’s, you can see the difference.
3. My first prove is 60 minutes, 2nd prove is 30 minutes and final prove is 60 minutes.
4. I bake at 185C for 25 – 30 minutes.


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