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segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

Diretora de “Como Esquecer” fala de filme com Ana Paula Arósio

Entrevista: Malu de Martino
Diretora de “Como Esquecer” fala de filme com Ana Paula Arósio interpretando professora lésbica

Por Laura Lou*
Publicado em 11/11/2010 às 13:44


Crédito: Reprodução
Ana Paula Arósio, Arieta Corrêa e Malu de Martino

Está em cartaz nos cinemas o filme “Como Esquecer”, com direção de Malu de Martino. Malu tem uma longa estrada no cinema. Estudou em Nova Iorque na década de 80, e desde então dedica-se à direção de vídeos culturais, institucionais e documentários.

Em 2001 dirigiu o média-metragem “Ismael e Adalgisa”, que recebeu os prêmios de melhor filme eleito pela crítica e pelo júri popular no Festival de Cuiabá, melhor fotografia no Festival de Recife (2002) e melhor direção de arte no Festival Vitória Cine Vídeo. Em 2006 obteve vários prêmios com “Mulheres do Brasil”, entre eles o de melhor longa-metragem no Festival de Campo Grande e o de melhor atriz coadjuvante para Dira Paes.

Na entrevista abaixo Malu de Martino nos conta como foi dirigir seu recente longa ”Como Esquecer”, sobre a história de Julia (Ana Paula Arósio), professora de literatura inglesa que, após ter sido abandonada pela namorada (Antônia), com quem viveu por 10 anos, busca redescobrir a vida e voltar a ser feliz sozinha.

O que a motivou a fazer o filme? Ao final aparece na tela um “in memoriam” e sei que o filme foi baseado em um livro, mas até então desconhecido do público em geral.
O que me motivou a fazer o COMO ESQUECER foi basicamente a história. Me pareceu ser um desafio transportar para a tela grande a dor da perda a partir de um universo pouco explorado pelo cinema brasileiro, o LGBT. Sou fascinada pelo chamado cinema de personagem, imersões, reflexões sobre sentimentos mais profundos. Quando li o livro achei que, neste momento, o cinema brasileiro abre espaço para essas reflexões. Portanto essa foi a minha principal motivação. O “em memória” no final do filme refere-se às minhas grandes perdas, amigos que já se foram e que me fazem uma falta enorme… O COMO ESQUECER para mim é também um filme sobre amizade e me remete aos amigos que tenho e que tive, e a eles prestei minha homenagem.

Como foi a preparação dos atores, em especial da protagonista, Ana Paula Arósio?
Ensaiamos um mês e meio assiduamente. Construímos a intimidade dos atores e a confiança que depositamos uns nos outros, nesse período. A Ana Paula é uma trabalhadora incansável, aplicadíssima! Vimos filmes do Carl Drayer, do Truffault e do Won Kar Wai, além de inúmeros textos para ajudar nessa composição. Inclusive textos da Sonia Hirsh, que particularmente não parece relacionado ao trabalho, mas que ajudaram a verbalizar os sentimentos que buscávamos.

Qual foi a cena mais difícil de gravar e qual demorou mais tempo para filmar (ou que demandou mais retrabalho na filmagem)?
Para mim a cena mais difícil de rodar foi a cena em que a Julia (Ana Paula Arósio) pede para ser amarrada. Demorou muito e a Ana Paula ficou horas amarrada na cadeira para correções de luz e câmera. Ela optou heroicamente por não sair da cadeira para não “esfriar” e não haver problemas na continuidade. No mais, cinema dá trabalho, muito trabalho! Filmar em locações, prática frequente no cinema independente, é sempre delicado… cachorros que latem, vizinhos que cantam, crianças que brincam etc. Mas conseguir fazer o filme e ter o resultado esperado, me faz esquecer tudo isso e ter tesão de filmar de novo! [risos]

Considerando o avanço das conquistas em termos de visibilidade LGBT de 10 anos para cá, você acha que a aceitação do público por temáticas como essa do filme, especialmente lésbica, melhorou – ou tem melhorado – nos últimos anos?
Acho que avançamos sim. Ainda há muito a ser feito, mas sinto que o cinema caminha para uma maior abertura nesse sentido. Na minha opinião os veículos audiovisuais devem contribuir para maior esclarecimento e uma reflexão mais profunda dessas questões. Gosto de dizer que se ressaltamos as semelhanças aceitamos melhor as diferenças. A homovisibilidade se faz necessária num momento em que a aceitação das diferenças é fundamental para a nossa evolução.

Houve alguma razão especial para a escolha da Ana Paula Arósio e de Murilo Rosa para os papéis principais do filme?
Sobre o Murilo Rosa, conheço desde o meu primeiro filme, Ismael e Adalgisa, e somos amigos desde então. Eu tinha muita vontade de voltar a trabalhar com ele por sua dedicação ao trabalho e admiração que tenho pelo mesmo. Ao pensar na atriz que faria a Julia, conversando com Murilo, chegamos ao nome da Ana Paula Arósio, que considero a melhor atriz dramática da geração dela. Era preciso uma atriz que “comprasse” a ideia e se dedicasse completamente à proposta da direção. O Murilo se prontificou a fazer a ”ponte”, pois eu não a conhecia, nem ela a mim. Por indicação prévia dele fizemos chegar a ela o roteiro, em seguida nos encontramos em SP e ela topou a proposta prontamente. O resultado, na minha opinião, não poderia ter sido melhor. Penso que a escolha desses dois atores foi muito por causa das suas trajetórias profissionais e minha admiração pelo trabalho de ambos.

* Entrevista originalmente publicada no blog Crônicas Urbanas.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news #tech T-Mobile Garminfone gets updated to Android 2.1 Eclair OS

garminfone e1289861534589 T Mobile Garminfone gets updated to Android 2.1 Eclair OS

Let’s face it, the Garminfone didn’t do much to really attract customers in buying one of the navigation-focused smartphones. Thankfully, that hasn’t stopped the Android OS updates from trickling out, and the four people who actually bought the Garminfone will be happy to know that the handset has been updated to Android 2.1 Eclair.

T-Mobile didn’t find it worthy of an OTA update, so if you’re looking to update your Garminfone, you’ll have to do it manually. Luckily, manually updating software is fairly easy on Android, and you can find out how to do so in the link below. Even after the update, the handset may not be your first choice in Android phones, but we’re definitely glad it has been given a nice step up with Android 2.1. Will this make the handset more desirable? Sure. Would we recommend it? Not really.

Any Android update that’s takes the Garminfone past Android 1.6 OS is a good thing, so there’s already some value being added to the handset. If you’re one of those who purchased the handset, you may want to update your software as soon as possible. If you’ve had no qualms with the Garminfone, then you’ll definitely realize what you’ve been missing all along.

It would be nice to see this handset get the Android 2.2 Froyo update at some point, and I don’t see why it wouldn’t. If a much older phone like the MyTouch 3G can receive Froyo, then the Garminfone should be able to handle the update. We’re not holding our breath, but it should have the guts inside to be able to support at least one more Android OS update.

If you’re ready to get your Eclair on for your Garminfone, hit up this link to find out how to install it!

[Via: Phandroid]


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news #Apple sets #iTunes announcement, #Beatles may surface

A customer leaves the new Apple store, which is the world's largest, on its opening day at Covent Garden in London August 7, 2010. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett/Files

SAN FRANCISCO | Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:44am IST

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc has signalled it will make a major announcement about iTunes on Tuesday, touching off speculation about everything from a Web-streaming music service to the long-awaited arrival of the Beatles catalogue.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Apple is indeed finally bringing the music of the Fab Four to iTunes. EMI Group Ltd, the Beatles' record label, did not respond to a request for comment.

On Monday, Apple gave over the entire front page of its website to tease an announcement scheduled for 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (1500 GMT) Tuesday, but gave few decipherable clues.

"Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget," the message read.

The notice triggered debate among analysts and bloggers about what Apple might announce for iTunes, the world's No. 1 music retailer. It has been rumoured for months that Apple will launch a "cloud" -- or Web-based -- version of iTunes. Such a service would allow users to stream content over a network onto various devices.

An Apple spokesman declined to comment further. The company usually hosts a media event when it wants to unveil a major new product or service, but Tuesday's iTunes announcement will be made online, which only added to the mystery.

The Beatles -- arguably the most famous rock band of all time -- have been the most prominent hold-out from the iTunes Store. Rumours about an agreement with Apple have circulated for years, but Apple may have finally sealed the deal.

The iTunes Store has helped redefine music retailing since its launch in 2003. More than 10 billion songs have been downloaded from iTunes, which features a music catalogue of more than 12 million titles. Apple has also branched into selling and renting movies and TV shows.


Analysts said a streaming version of iTunes is in the offing at some point, but said it is not clear Apple has yet reached the necessary deals with record labels, with whom the company has repeatedly clashed over the years.

"There's been a lot of speculation about iTunes.com, with the cloud. I'm not sure if that's ready. It's really more around partnerships, content partnerships, before they can announce anything," said Kaufman Bros analyst Shaw Wu.

A cloud-based offering would represent a departure from the current iTunes service. Rather than storing downloaded music locally on computers, users' content would be housed remotely on Apple's servers, meaning they can theoretically be accessed and played from an Internet-connected device.

There are plenty of hints Apple is moving toward some sort of Web-based iTunes. In December 2009, Apple acquired streaming music service LaLa.

In addition, the company is spending $1 billion to build a massive data centre in North Carolina and expects to begin using it by the end of the year.

The shares of Cupertino, California-based Apple fell 0.3 percent to close at $307.04 on the Nasdaq.

(Reporting by Gabriel Madway; editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Richard Chang, Gary Hill and Andre Grenon


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26/10/2008 free counters

Dono de quiosque em Caraguatatuba (SP) diz que não houve briga antes de tiroteio


O proprietário do quiosque na praia Martin de Sá, em Caraguatatuba (litoral norte de São Paulo), onde houve uma troca de tiros nesta segunda-feira que deixou uma pessoa morta, afirmou à Folha que não houve briga ou confusão antes do primeiro disparo. Ao menos cinco pessoas ficaram feridas.


O crime aconteceu por volta das 18h no quiosque 13 A em uma das praias mais movimentadas da cidade. Ezequias de Sá Lima, dono do comérico, disse que o local estava lotado de clientes, que acompanhavam um show de pagode.

Lima afirmou que o homem era um dos clientes e estava sozinho. De repente, ele saiu do quiosque e, pouco tempo depois, voltou com a arma e disparou. O tiro acabou ferindo pessoas que estavam na areia, ao lado do quiosque.

O homem fugiu, mas foi perseguido por outros clientes do quiosque, que o mataram também a tiros. "Depois de atirar, o rapaz fugiu. Mas acabaram pegando [o atirador] depois de [perseguí-lo por] uns quatro quarteirões", disse Lima.

O comerciante não soube dizer por que o homem atirou dentro de seu quiosque.

Os feridos foram levados ao pronto-socorro da cidade, que não deu informações sobre o estado de saúde deles. De acordo com a Polícia Militar, nenhum dos feridos corre risco de morte.

Até as 22h de hoje, as polícias Civil e Militar de Caraguatatuba não sabiam informar o nome do morto ou dos feridos, e também não haviam prendido nenhum suspeito de envolvimento na morte do atirador.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Chavez promotes general U.S. calls drug kingpin

CARACAS | Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:18pm EST

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Thursday he would promote a general accused by the United States of helping Colombian guerrillas smuggle cocaine, to armed forces' general in chief.

General Henry Rangel is currently head of strategic operations and will be promoted to the top military rank as soon as Saturday, Chavez said.

Rangel became embroiled in another controversy this week when a Venezuelan newspaper published an interview in which he reportedly said the army would not accept an opposition victory in the 2012 presidential election.

In a live address broadcast on all Venezuelan TV and radio stations, Chavez said the quotes were taken out of context and he praised Rangel for patriotism.

"We are going to promote him from major general to general in chief," Chavez said.

Chavez also criticized Jose Miguel Insulza, president of the Organization of American States, who called the comments attributed to Rangel "unacceptable."

Audio of the interview on the Ultimas Noticias newspaper's website suggested Rangel may have been referring to what the armed forces would do if the opposition won in 2012 and purged the army of Chavez loyalists, rather than to an opposition victory itself.

In 2008, the U.S. Treasury Department designated Rangel and another high-ranking officer, Hugo Carvajal, as "drug kingpins," accusing them of materially assisting the narcotics trafficking activities of Colombia's FARC rebels. Both men deny any wrongdoing.

The United States frequently accuses Chavez's government of being lenient on cocaine trafficking. Chavez, who ended cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration several years ago, says his government has invested millions of dollars in fighting traffickers.

(Reporting by Frank Jack Daniel; Editing by Peter Cooney)


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Chavez Promotes Venezuela General Criticized for Threat Against Opposition

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez promoted a general criticized for vowing not to cooperate with opposition leaders should they take power after 2012 elections, raising tensions in the run-up toward the vote.

Henry Rangel Silva will take over as General-in-Chief, Chavez said last night on state television. The military won’t tolerate an opposition government because it would try to “sell” the country, the general said in a Nov. 8 interview published in Ultimas Noticias.

“The imperialist oligarchs will never have an Armed Forces subordinated in the shadows to their gross interests,” Chavez said yesterday in announcing the appointment.

The promotion coincides with the opposition’s rising popularity amid soaring inflation, rising crime and a shrinking economy. Chavez lost his two-thirds majority in the National Assembly in September and will seek a third six-year term in 2012 that would allow him to rule until 2019.

Chavez, a 56-year-old former paratrooper who was jailed in 1992 for a failed coup attempt, took power in 1998 elections. Chavez also lashed out against Jose Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, who called Rangel’s remarks “unacceptable” in an interview published yesterday in the Miami Herald.

‘You’re Irresponsible’

“Now Insulza is saying that he’s calling for a coup,” Chavez said. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re irresponsible, unworthy. Get the facts first.”

Chavez said Rangel is free to express his political opinions and that the opposition won’t be able to sway favors in the military ranks.

“The Armed Forces don’t have partial loyalty, rather complete loyalty to the people, a life project and a Commander- in-Chief. We’re married with this project,” Rangel said during the Nov. 8 interview.

Chavez said yesterday he fell victim to generals earlier in his presidency that were aligned with the U.S. He was briefly ousted from power in a coup in 2002.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Cancel in Caracas at dcancel@bloomberg.net.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Joshua Goodman at jgoodman19@bloomberg.net


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Palin's TV Series a Stage for Political Future?

The Palin, Inc. Reality Show

Sarah Palin and her family on "Sarah Palin's Alaska"

(Credit: TLC)

People have been debating whether "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is a reality show, political ad or documentary-style TV series. The TLC hit, which drew nearly five million viewers opening night, is all three.

"Sarah Palin's Alaska" is a revenue generating, image makeover series for Palin, Inc. It offers some family life (reality TV programming), plenty of nature loving on what Palin calls the "final frontier" (documentary) and a executive produced view of Palin the potential candidate (political).

For those not living without cable TV or the Internet, "Sarah Palin's Alaska" can't be separated from the larger Palin "reality show" and its star Sarah Palin.

There is the upcoming "America By Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag" book tour, with family members accompanying the author to presidential battleground states; Bristol's ongoing season on "Dancing with the Stars," with mom making appearances; Tea Party functions and her clout in endorsing candidates; Facebook and Twitter messages; sniping at critics and the "lamestream" media; calling for the defunding of "Obamacare" and castigating Fed Chair Ben Bernanke; and inventing new words (the New Oxford American Dictionary has named "refudiate" 2010's Word of the Year).

Todd, Piper and Sarah Palin fish for salmon in a cove in Redoubt Bay.

(Credit: TLC/Gilles Mingasson)

The former governor, vice-presidential nominee, book author, mom, Tea Party icon, Fox News commentator, nature tour guide, and the "I will run if nobody else were to step up" 2012 potential Republican presidential nominee is taking full advantage of her celebrity, as might be expected of anyone in her position and with a political future.

"It's a nature series for political voyeurs: viewers get to observe Ms. Palin observing nature," Alessandra Stanley wrote in her New York Times review of the Palin show. But Palin would argue that she is just trying to provide wholesome entertainment.

On her Facebook page, she wrote, "Americans are hungry for decent entertainment that doesn't offend our sensibilities or insult our intelligence. So many parents are upset about all of the negative things on television....The only real solution is to offer positive alternatives. That's what we have done here. It's my hope that these eight episodes will be just such a positive offering, and a tribute to Alaska, and a reminder of America's pioneering spirit."

To her critics, Palin said, "I am keeping my promise to fellow Alaskans that I would do all I could to support and promote Alaska."

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who is battling to keep her seat versus Palin-supported rival Joe Miller, said the former governor is more focused on the lower 48 states. "We have a common interest in a shared love for the state," Murkowski told Katie Couric in an interview on Monday. "She's not really that keyed into the state anymore. She is looking obviously at a bigger pond, so we don't see her up north very much."

Bottom line, "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is fine family entertainment, good wages for Palin, Inc., and a venue for advancing the larger Palin reality show and agenda, which could lead to a White House bid or a bigger house on Wasilla's Lake Lucille. LIke her Tea Party acolyte Christine O'Donnell, Palin is out to prove to voters that she is "you," while living by her maxim, "don't retreat, reload."


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Mexico blast spurs vacation firm to void penalty fees

A Toronto-based vacation company is backpedalling after initially refusing to waive a fee for a traveller who wanted to amend her plans to holiday in Mexico's Mayan Riviera, where a resort was rocked by an explosion this weekend.

The explosion in the lounge of the 676-room Grand Riviera Princess Hotel in Playa Del Carmen killed two Mexicans and five Canadians and injured several others.

The blast is being blamed on a build-up of methane gas at a nearby swamp.

Sunwing Vacations said Monday that since the explosion, the company has received more than 300 calls from concerned travellers.

Several of them wanted to change their travel plans — including Stephanie LaFlamme, an Ottawa resident who is due to fly out of Toronto to Playa Del Carmen on Saturday. She was booked to stay at the Grand Sunset Princess Hotel, which is adjacent to the Grand Riviera Princess Hotel.

'Not just a small accident'

She wanted to stay in a different hotel or even move to another area altogether over fears that something could go wrong at the Grand Sunset Princess Hotel.

"Especially when you learn that people died over this," she said. "To me, it's not just a small accident. It's major when people [die]; it's something big."

She said Sunwing initially refused to accommodate her unless she paid a penalty, saying her hotel was not impacted by the blast.

"This incident will not affect the holiday enjoyment of those travelling to the Grand Sunset Princess, and they are looking forward to welcoming all guests," Sunwing said in an email to LaFlamme.

CBC News contacted Sunwing and told the company about LaFlamme's story, prompting an executive to say on Monday afternoon that clients going to the Mayan Riviera can change their bookings without penalty up until Dec. 15.

Vice-president of sales and marketing Daryl McWilliams said travellers will be offered a comparably priced resort in the Mayan Riviera or a similar resort in another country.

"All of our staff in that area now are able to make specific offers to passengers that are concerned," said McWilliams.

He said staff would be following up with LaFlamme to inform her of the change and ensure her vacation goes smoothly.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Mexican Resort Hotel Blast Kills at Least 7


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26/10/2008 free counters

#news Ireland: Situation 'is serious', says EU


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26/10/2008 free counters

Italy seizes cocaine shipped from Brazil

The drugs were found hidden inside four tractors

Italian police say they have seized a tonne of pure cocaine, hidden inside four tractors shipped from Brazil.

They said the haul - with an estimated street value of up to 250m euros (£212m; $341m) - was their biggest in 15 years.

They made the discovery with the help of Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency.

Police think the drugs were destined for central and northern Europe as well as Italy.

Salvatore Cagnazzo, the commander in charge of the investigation, told AFP news agency the cocaine was found inside the tractors in a container which was unloaded in the port of Gioia Tauro in southern Italy.

Italian police open one of the packages containing cocaine discovered in a container unloaded at Gioia Tauro port in southern Italy, 15 November 2010 Italian police say it is their biggest cocaine haul in 15 years

When they put the agricultural machinery through the scanners, he said, they discovered the drugs stashed in the metal tubes.

No arrests have been made.

Our correspondent in Rome, David Willey, says Gioia Tauro has been developed in recent years as one of Europe's biggest container ports and has become a major transit point for imports to Europe from China and South America.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#listening Mercy Street [Peter Gabriel]


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26/10/2008 free counters

#politica : Diretor de UTI Neonatal confirma surto de infecção em hospital público do DF

15/11/2010 - 13h45

Renata Giraldi*
Da Agência Brasil
Em Brasília

A principal Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal pública do Distrito Federal foi atingida por um surto de três bactérias, que matou 11 bebês em 40 dias. Por questão de segurança, a direção do Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS) - onde ocorreram as mortes - determinou o isolamento de seis bebês e 24 são mantidos sob observação. Em todo o Distrito Federal há 81 leitos na rede pública à disposição da população – todos lotados.

O diretor da UTI Neonatal do HRAS, Alberto Henrique Barbosa, afirmou que foram tomadas três providências: a redução de novas internações, a ampliação do material hospitalar e o aumento de funcionários trabalhando em cada turno. Segundo ele, a expectativa é acabar com o surto, mas não há data para isso ocorrer.

“A gente espera que o surto seja debelado. Agora quanto tempo vai demorar para isso ocorrer? Não tem data definida”, disse Barbosa. “As mortes em UTIs neonatais ocorrem, mas aqui [no Hospital Regional da Asa Sul] passou do razoável”, afirmou o médico, informando que o número considerado “normal” de mortes em UTIs neonatais é de três casos por mês.

No HRAS, há 30 dos 81 leitos de UTIS neonatais da rede pública do Distrito Federal. Nos últimos dias surgiram as denúncias sobre as mortes por infecção no hospital. De acordo com especialistas, a contaminação ocorre por meio de objetos infectados e ausência de higienização por parte dos profissionais da área de saúde.

As bactérias relacionadas às mortes dos bebês são klebsiella, serratia e estafilococos. O diretor da UTI Neonatal negou a existência de casos de contaminação da superbactéria KPC (Klebsiella Pneumoniae Carbapenemase).

“Por enquanto não tem nada [registrado] de casos desta superbactéria, graças a Deus”, afirmou Barbosa. Em janeiro, houve o primeiro caso de contaminação da superbactéria em um hospital no Distrito Federal. Mas há suspeitas que apenas no DF mais de 100 pessoas tenham sido contaminadas.

*Colaborou Manuela Castro, da TV Brasil


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26/10/2008 free counters

#gastronomia Cappuccino fudge cheesecake

cappuccino fudge cheesecake

Given that it is but two days after one of the most indulgent meals of the year, I suspect the last thing you want to hear about is the most indulgent cake I have ever made, and yet, given the quality of the last two vegetable-focused, lighter dishes I have made — both of which I’d give a resounding “eh” — trust me, what I’ve got going on here is much more worthy of your attention, and your table at some distant dinner party. So pull up a chair.

adding butter to crumbs, chocolate
massive puddle of ganache

Because this cake is ridiculous, ridiculous bordering on obscene, so obscene that even a wee sliver of it takes an eating intermission mid-slice just to get through. Perhaps you’ll go get yourself a glass of water, do some stretches or deep yogic breathing, but I guarantee that you’ll do whatever it takes to psych you up enough to take on the second half.

espresso cheesecake

Because did I mention the part where this cake is ridiculous? Let’s start from the bottom. A standard cheesecake crumb crust consists of ground cookies and melted butter. This crumb crust takes those ground cookies and melted butter and raises it some brown sugar, fresh nutmeg and, oh, nearly half a pound of ground up bittersweet chocolate. For real.


From there, a normal cheesecake would delve into the, you know, cheesecake layer. Not this one. This one decides that you need an inch-thick cushion of fudgy Kahlúa-spiked ganache to soften the blow of the cappuccino cheesecake layer, which — as I am sure you’ve figured out by now — is also less than intuitive. You’d think that to make a coffee-flavored cheesecake, you’d simply dissolve some instant espresso in your batter. You probably wouldn’t think to also stir in rum, vanilla, and molasses (molasses, people!) but I did as the recipe instructed and landed on a coffee cheesecake that is neither sweet nor obvious, but laced with the faint bitter complexity you’d want from a good cup of coffee. You know, if that good cup of coffee had four bricks of cream cheese in it.

cappucino fudge cheesecake

I suspect by now you yourself need an intermission, and perhaps a run around the block to clear your head before you take on the rest of this description and yet the cheesecake marches on, slicking a sour cream-vanilla layer upon the cheesecake, and more Kahlúa ganache atop that and then, since we are obviously no longer pretending we care anything about subtlety, you might as well stud it with some chocolate-covered espresso beans. To make sure people get the idea.

cappuccino fudge cheesecake

Cappuccino Fudge Cheesecake
Adapted from Bon Appetit, February 2002

If this cake were a turkey, it would, by Butterball’s portion calculator, serve 2 adults and 4 kids (My little guy, incidentally, would serve 11 adults and 4 children and yes, I do call dibs on the cheek meat.) Bon Appetit says it serves 12. But I’m going to put it’s portion size at 30 one-inch wedges. Yes, 30. Because if you know anyone who can eat more than a one-inch wedge of this cake, I might need to meet them. I might have to shake their hand.

The only major change I made to the recipe was I tweaked it to fit in the 9-inch springform I had, rather than the 10-inch springform the recipe calls for, by keeping the crust, ganache, and sour cream topping amounts the same while only making 3/4 of the cheesecake filling. It just made it. So your cake looks exactly as mine does, this is what I’ve shared with you below. Check out the original if you’d like a higher proportion of cheesecake to the crust and its cronies.

1 9-ounce box chocolate wafer cookies or 9 ounces of homemade chocolate wafers
6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
7 tablespoons hot melted unsalted butter

1 1/2 cups heavy or whipping cream
20 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1/4 cup Kahlúa or other coffee-flavored liqueur

3 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoons dark rum
1 1/2 tablespoons instant espresso powder or coffee crystals
1 1/2 tablespoons ground whole espresso coffee beans (medium-coarse grind) (I skipped this, increased the espresso powder instead)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoons mild-flavored (light) molasses
3 large eggs

1 1/2 cups sour cream
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

A handful of chocolate covered espresso beans (optional)

Make crust: Finely grind cookies, chopped chocolate, brown sugar, and nutmeg in processor. Add butter and process until crumbs begin to stick together, scraping down bowl occasionally, about 1 minute. Transfer crumbs to 9-inch-diameter springform pan with 3-inch-high sides. Wrap plastic wrap around fingers and press crumb mixture firmly up sides to within 1/2 inch of top edge, then over bottom of pan.

Make ganache: Bring cream to simmer in large saucepan. Remove from heat; add chocolate and Kahlúa. Whisk until chocolate is melted and ganache is smooth. Pour 2 cups ganache over bottom of crust. Freeze until ganache layer is firm, about 30 minutes. Reserve remaining ganache; cover and let stand at room temperature to use later for decorating.

Make filling: Position rack in middle of oven and preheat to 350°F. Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl until blended. Scrape down bowl, making sure you get to the bottom, where little pockets of unmixed cream cheese love to hide. Beat in flour. Stir rum, espresso powder, ground coffee, vanilla, and molasses in small bowl until instant coffee dissolves; beat into cream cheese mixture. Beat in eggs one at a time, scraping down sides of bowl between each addition.

Pour filling over cold ganache in crust — it will go nearly all of the way to the top, don’t panic. Place cheesecake on rimmed baking sheet. Bake until top is brown, puffed and cracked at edges, and the center two inches moves only slightly when pan is gently shaken, about one hour. Transfer cheesecake to rack. Cool 15 minutes while preparing topping (top of cheesecake will fall slightly, making room for topping). Maintain oven temperature.

Make topping: Whisk sour cream, sugar, and vanilla in medium bowl to blend. Pour topping over hot cheesecake, spreading to cover filling completely. Bake until topping is set, about 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer cheesecake to rack. Refrigerate hot cheesecake on rack until cool, about three hours.

Run small sharp knife between crust and pan sides to loosen cake; release pan sides. Transfer cheesecake to platter. Spoon reserved ganache into pastry bag fitted with small star tip. If you’d like to make an approximation (perhaps less rushed?) of the above decoration, pipe 6 diagonal lines atop cheesecake, spacing 1 inch apart. Repeat in opposite direction, making lattice. Pipe rosettes (or, uh, stars if you realize you do not have the energy nor inclination to practice rosette piping at that hour) of ganache around top edge of cake. Otherwise, have fun decorating freely. Espress(o) — ow — yourself!

Garnish with chocolate-covered espresso beans, if desired. Chill until lattice is firm, at least 6 hours.

Do ahead: Cake is best made a day ahead, so the flavors have time to settle. The cake also takes enough time to make that it’s best not to rush through it the day you want to serve it. It can be made up to four days ahead. Wrap loosely in foil, forming dome over lattice; keep chilled.

  • 1 9-ounce box chocolate wafer cookies
  • 6 ounces bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 7 tablespoons hot melted unsalted butter

  • 1 1/2 cups whipping cream
  • 20 ounces bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1/4 cup Kahlúa or other coffee-flavored liqueur

  • 4 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons dark rum
  • 2 tablespoons instant espresso powder or coffee crystals
  • 2 tablespoons ground whole espresso coffee beans (medium-coarse grind)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons mild-flavored (light) molasses
  • 4 large eggs

  • 1 1/2 cups sour cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • Espresso coffee beans (optional)


For crust:
Finely grind cookies, chopped chocolate, brown sugar, and nutmeg in processor. Add butter and process until crumbs begin to stick together, scraping down bowl occasionally, about 1 minute. Transfer crumbs to 10-inch-diameter springform pan with 3-inch-high sides. Wrap plastic wrap around fingers and press crumb mixture firmly up sides to within 1/2 inch of top edge, then over bottom of pan.

For ganache:
Bring whipping cream to simmer in large saucepan. Remove from heat; add chocolate and Kahlúa. Whisk until chocolate is melted and ganache is smooth. Pour 2 cups ganache over bottom of crust. Freeze until ganache layer is firm, about 30 minutes. Reserve remaining ganache; cover and let stand at room temperature to use later for creating lattice pattern.

For filling
Position rack in middle of oven and preheat to 350°F. Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl until blended. Beat in flour. Stir rum, espresso powder, ground coffee, vanilla, and molasses in small bowl until instant coffee dissolves; beat into cream cheese mixture. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, occasionally scraping down sides of bowl.

Pour filling over cold ganache in crust. Place cheesecake on rimmed baking sheet. Bake until top is brown, puffed and cracked at edges, and center 2 inches moves only slightly when pan is gently shaken, about 1 hour 5 minutes. Transfer cheesecake to rack. Cool 15 minutes while preparing topping (top of cheesecake will fall slightly). Maintain oven temperature.

For topping:
Whisk sour cream, sugar, and vanilla in medium bowl to blend. Pour topping over hot cheesecake, spreading to cover filling completely. Bake until topping is set, about 10 minutes. Transfer cheesecake to rack. Refrigerate hot cheesecake on rack until cool, about 3 hours.

Run small sharp knife between crust and pan sides to loosen cake; release pan sides. Transfer cheesecake to platter. Spoon reserved ganache into pastry bag fitted with small star tip. Pipe 6 diagonal lines atop cheesecake, spacing 1 inch apart. Repeat in opposite direction, making lattice. Pipe rosettes of ganache around top edge of cake. Garnish with coffee beans, if desired. Chill until lattice is firm, at least 6 hours. (Can be made 4 days ahead. Wrap loosely in foil, forming dome over lattice; keep chilled.)


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#news Iran, Afghanistan call for all-out economic cooperation

TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Iran and Afghanistan called for all- out economic cooperation on Monday, the official IRNA news agency reported.

The foreign ministers of both countries made the remarks at a meeting of the Iran and Afghanistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki called for expansion of economic cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan in line with the current satisfactory political ties, said IRNA.

Such meeting demonstrates commonalities between the two great nations which have its roots in the will of their high ranking officials, mainly the presidents of Iran and Afghanistan, said Mottaki.

He expressed hope to witness deeply-rooted stability and tranquillity in Afghanistan.

Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmay Rasoul, for his part, called for expansion of all-out cooperation between the two countries and termed the current level of bilateral ties as "excellent."

Earlier in the day, at a joint press conference with Rasoul, Mottaki said that the presence of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan has caused insecurity in Afghanistan rather than bringing peace and stability to the country, while Rasoul said military strategy does not suffice for restoration of peace and security to Afghanistan.


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A sucessora de Irmã Dulce

Maria Rita Pontes, sobrinha da religiosa prestes a ser beatificada, administra uma entidade que responde por 49% dos atendimentos médicos da capital baiana
Heliana Frazão, de Salvador (BA)

Pequena e de aparência frágil, a freira baiana que adotou o nome de Irmã Dulce (1914-1992) sabia impor suas vontades. Foi combinando delicadeza e persistência que ela demoveu os pais da ideia de vê-la casada e ingressou ainda muito jovem na vida religiosa. Foram essas mesmas qualidades empreendedoras que a levaram a criar na Bahia, há pouco mais de 50 anos, um dos maiores e mais respeitados trabalhos filantrópicos do país, as Obras Sociais Irmã Dulce (Osid). Com jeito manso, sem imposições, Irmã Dulce também apontou sua sucessora: a sobrinha Maria Rita Pontes, hoje com 53 anos.

Assim como a tia, que também se chamava Maria Rita, a atual superintendente da Osid havia traçado planos para si diferentes daqueles imaginados pela família. Mas sentiu-se impelida a abandonar a carreira de jornalista quando um problema respiratório crônico de Irmã Dulce se agravou, em 1991. Aí a sobrinha deixou o emprego de jornalista no Rio de Janeiro e passou para a linha de frente da Osid, em Salvador. De lá para cá, ela tem estado ali, e as obras sociais não pararam de crescer.

De 180 mil atendimentos em 1992, ano em que Irmã Dulce morreu, a Osid passou para mais de 5 milhões em 2009. Os voluntários, que eram apenas 21, hoje são 240, que se somam aos 3.850 funcionários das 17 unidades administradas pela instituição. Antes de morrer, Irmã Dulce guardara num cofre uma carta testamento, informal, contendo uma lista tríplice com nomes que poderiam lhe suceder no trabalho. A sobrinha encabeçava a lista. O segundo nome era de Dulce Lopes Pontes, mãe de Maria Rita, também já morta. O terceiro, de uma meia-irmã da freira. A escolhida considerava a missão grande e pesada demais. E não pretendia abrir mão de sua vida pessoal. Preocupada com a sucessão, Irmã Dulce chegou a oferecer a gestão das obras a Madre Tereza de Calcutá, que declinou do pedido, assim como a Igreja Católica. “Foi uma decisão difícil, mas não tive escolha”, afirma Maria Rita. “Já estava muita envolvida com a obra e não podia deixar Irmã Dulce.”

Marcio Lima
Maria Rita na capela das Obras Sociais criadas pela tia. Sob sua gestão, os atendimentos passaram de 5 milhões por ano

Passados 18 anos de sua decisão, ela diz que não se arrepende. Sente-se realizada, embora quase não tenha vida pessoal. Mantém o celular ligado 24 horas e tem uma agenda repleta, às vezes imprevisível. “É uma vida integralmente dedicada a essa missão”, afirma. Desde que assumiu a Osid, Maria Rita tem profissionalizado a gestão. Há planejamento e metas, além de contratos com o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por meio do qual a Osid administra hospitais e clínicas que respondem por 49% da assistência de saúde da capital baiana. A parte do orçamento que não é coberta pelo SUS (cerca de 10%) é obtida por doações de pessoas físicas e jurídicas e da venda de lembrancinhas e produtos de panificação produzidos na unidade de Simões Filho, cidade vizinha a Salvador onde funciona o braço educacional da obra. Ela atende 800 crianças e adolescentes com ensino fundamental e cursos profissionalizantes.

“Irmã Dulce saía tirando pessoas das ruas e abrigando-as por todos os cantos, às vezes até no necrotério”, afirma Maria Rita. “Ela dizia que era melhor ficar ali, recebendo ajuda, que morrendo nas ruas.” Hoje, mesmo estruturada, a organização continua movida pelo espírito de Irmã Dulce, e não fecha a porta a quem quer que seja. “Se não tivermos um leito disponível, buscamos outro encaminhamento. Embora o tipo de gestão seja outro, não poderemos perder de vista a filosofia e os valores da obra, cuja missão é amar e servir”, diz Maria Rita.

No Bairro de Roma, na Cidade Baixa, em Salvador, onde fica a sede da Osid com seus 33.000 metros quadrados de área construída, há 15 núcleos de assistência médica e social, entre eles o Hospital Santo Antonio e um hospital infantil. A Osid ainda administra dois centros de saúde municipais em Salvador, em parceria com a prefeitura, e três hospitais estaduais, um na capital e outros dois nos municípios de Barreiras e Santa Rita de Cássia.

“Por falta de recursos, não fazemos um bom investimento desde o ano 2000”, queixa-se Maria Rita, que pretende construir um centro de Hemoterapia e Nefrologia e aumentar a unidade de assistência em oncologia, oferecendo também radioterapia, além da quimioterapia. Em outubro de 2009, numa viagem a Salvador que teve o objetivo declarado de agradecer ao Senhor do Bonfim pela ajuda no tratamento de um câncer no sistema linfático, a então pré-candidata à Presidência da República, Dilma Rousseff, visitou a unidade de oncologia da Osid. Em rápida conversa com Maria Rita, Dilma teria se comprometido a ajudar na ampliação. “Estamos contando com essa ajuda”, diz a mulher que herdou a terna teimosia da tia.

Maria Rita já planeja os caminhos que a obra deverá seguir no momento em que ela própria tiver de reduzir o ritmo de trabalho. Para ela, a beatificação de Irmã Dulce vai funcionar como garantia de perenidade da obra. “A beatificação dará muita serenidade ao Conselho Administrativo em relação ao futuro da Osid.” Na visão de Maria Rita, as obras ganharão maior visibilidade no Brasil e no mundo assim que Bento XVI anunciar a santidade de Irmã Dulce. O primeiro passo já foi dado pelo Vaticano, que no final de outubro reconheceu um milagre atribuído à freira baiana. Segundo dom Geraldo Majella Agnelo, cardeal arcebispo da Bahia e arcebispo primaz do Brasil, a beatificação deverá acontecer até o Natal.


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#Passione': Stela se incrimina para salvar o filho da prisão

Stela (Maitê Proença) tomará uma atitude radical para defender Danilo (Maitê Proença) em “Passione”. A socialite dirá que matou Saulo (Werner Schümenann) para salvar o filho. Pode parecer contraditório, mas sua reação a tira da lista de maiores suspeitos. Ao mesmo tempo, outros personagens ganham força como possíveis assassinos do executivo (veja quadros).

Danilo foge da clínica em que estará internado, vai à delegacia e afirma que matou o pai. Apesar dos apelos da mãe em relação ao estado do ex-atleta, que é levado de novo à reabilitação, o delegado diz que precisará investigar.

O depoimento de Danilo acaba vazando na imprensa. Tensa ao ser abordada por repórteres, Stela explode: “Meu filho é inocente! Quem matou Saulo Gouveia fui eu!”.

A confissão de Stela chega ao conhecimento da família. E ela se explica aos filhos e a Bete (Fernanda Montenegro): “Tive que defender meu filho! Não tive outra saída a não ser dizer que fui eu! Mas quero que vocês saibam que só disse isso pra proteger o Danilo, não matei o Saulo”.

No meio da confusão, uma descoberta inusitada: Arthurzinho (Julio Andrade) refaz seu depoimento e vai ao encontro de Laura (Adriana Prado), que até agora ninguém sabia ser sua amiga íntima. Na conversa, surge a suspeita de que eles podem ter matado Saulo. “Milady deve estar depondo neste momento. Eu amo aquela mulher, ainda mais agora que ela salvou a nossa pele”, diz o mordomo.

A trama vai ao ar daqui a 15 dias, na mesma semana em que Fred (Reynaldo Gianecchini) mata Myrna (Kate Lyra).


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10 #Bizarre Medical Discoveries

by Gracie Murano

People who think they have foot odor do, and those who don't, don't

It might be sweat and bacteria, but the main factor in how bad your feet smell is how you feel about them. In 1992, F. Kanda, E. Yagi, M. Fukuda, K. Nakajima, T. Ohta, and O. Nakata of the Shiseido Research Center in Yokohama, won the Ig Nobel prize for their pioneering research study "Elucidation of Chemical Compounds Responsible for Foot Malodour." They came with a very enlightening conclusion: people who think they have foot odor do, and those who don't, don't. Gee I wonder why would I think I have foot odor?

Expensive placebos are more effective than inexpensive placebos

The more expensive your pain medications are, the better the relief you get from taking them — even if they're fake. In 2008 Rebecca Waber and professor Dan Ariely published a study demonstrating that expensive placebos are more effective than inexpensive placebos. Yes, your heard it right: expensive fake drugs work better than cheap fake drugs. According to the authors, marketing actions, such as pricing, can alter the actual efficacy of products to which they are applied.

In three experiments, the authors show that consumers who pay a discounted price for a product may derive less actual benefit from consuming this product than consumers who purchase and consume the exact same product but pay its regular price.

You can get DST from sharing an inflatable doll

“But she was so nice!” It's an oft-heard moan that inevitably follows a speaker's being informed he tested positive for an STD. So what safer sex than solo sex? These days one can even find magazines with erotic articles about horny homo sapiens who seduce their silicone sweethearts. Caution, however, is definitely warranted when satiating oneself with such devices. For one thing, cases have been documented of STDs spread via sex toys. In 1996, Harold Moi and Ellen Kleist of Greenland were summoned to Harvard University to receive an Ignoble Prize for a paper Moi had published in Genitourinary Medicine three years earlier titled “Transmission of Gonorrhea Through an Inflatable Doll.”

It seems that while condoms will usually protect the male wearer, touching the condom's exterior just after handling sex toys like butt plugs, anal beads and similar devices can transfer germs that can cause grief for gals. (Link)

Country music can cause suicide

In 2004 two college students won the Ig Nobel Prize for their published report "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide". Social psychologists Steven Stack and Jim Grundlach found that the more a city's radio stations play country music, the higher the white suicide rate.

According to them, the themes found in country music foster a suicidal mood among people already at risk of suicide and that it is thereby associated with a high suicide rate. (Link 1 | Link 2)

Feeling in love is not much different from having a bad obsessive-compulsive disorder

It might be roses and moonlight to you, but to your friends, obsession with your new love may seem more like a disease. The finding that romantic love is biochemically indistinguishable from having severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, published in Psychological Medicine, won psychiatrists led by Donatella Marazziti of the University of Pisa, Italy, the Ig Nobel prize for chemistry in 2000.

Symptoms of asthma can be treated with a roller coaster ride

In 2010 Simon Rietveld of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Ilja van Beest of Tilburg University, The Netherlands, had too much time in their hands so they decided to make some experiments. They had 25-year-old women to ride rollercoaster. They later received a prize for discovering that symptoms of asthma can be treated with a roller coaster ride. (Link)

Swallowed gum does take longer time to digest

For generations, parents have told their children never to swallow chewing gum, lest it sit undigested for days, weeks or even years. This is, for the most part, an old wives' tale. Although your system cannot digest gum like other foods, it won't be stuck inside of you forever. It comes out with other waste your body can't use. But rare complications can occur. The medical literature contains several case reports of people, mostly small children, who developed intestinal obstructions because they had a habit of swallowing their gum. A 1998 study in the journal Pediatrics, for example, described three children who came to a clinic with intestinal pain, constipation and other symptoms, and were found to have small masses of chewing gum in their guts. One was a 4-year-old boy who always swallowed his gum after chewing five to seven pieces each day. Another was a 4-year-old girl. Three other studies, including one in The American Journal of Diseases of Children, describe similar cases. In most, the young patients were fine after removal of the obstructions. The phenomenon is rare, the studies noted. But they might also serve as a cautionary tale for the parents of small children, particularly those with a strong fondness for gum. (Link)

Coffee drinkers are more likely to see dead people

According to a research, heavy coffee drinkers are more likely to have hallucinations or feel "the presence of dead people,". A UK-based study quizzed 200 students on their caffeine intake and found those with the highest consumption were also more prone to report seeing, or hearing, things that were not there. Those who consumed a daily equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee or more - high caffeine users - were three times more likely to have extra-sensory experiences than low users, who had less than one cup daily. The Durham University study took in all caffeine consumption including coffee but also tea, caffeinated energy drinks or chocolate bars and caffeine pills.

When under stress, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. More of this stress hormone is released in response to stress when people have recently had caffeine. It is this extra boost of cortisol which may link caffeine intake with an increased tendency to hallucinate, say the scientists. (Link)

A blind person can get his sight back by implanting a tooth in his eyes

Surgeons successfully restored a man's sight by pulling out one of his teeth, placing a lens inside the tooth and then implanting the tooth in his eyeball. The technique can only be used when a person has a scarred cornea on an otherwise healthy eye.

The process requires a living tooth as an implant because doctors suggest there are chances the eye would reject a plastic equivalent. A patch of skin is then taken from the inside of the cheek and placed in the eye for two months, where it gradually acquires its own blood supply. The tooth segment is finally transplanted into the eye socket. The flap of grafted skin is then partially lifted from the eye and placed over its new sturdy base. (Link)

Wheat bags can cause burns

And last but not least, wheat bags can cause burns. They provide relief from the body's aches and pains but they can also burn, doctors from an Adelaide hospital's emergency department warned after treating a string of "wheat bag” heated in microwave ovens. (Link)


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