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sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Médico é suspeito de abusar de menina de 12 anos em exame em IML no Entorno do DF

Publicada em 18/06/2011 às 15h42m


BRASÍLIA - Um médico legista foi preso em flagrante, no Gama, ao tentar se encontrar com uma menina de 12 anos. Ele é investigado por abuso sexual contra a menor durante um exame no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Luziânia, Goiás, no Entorno do Distrito Federal, em maio.

LEIA TAMBÉM:Médico é preso em Minas Gerais e acusado de oferecer drogas a adolescentes em troca de sexo

O caso foi investigado pela equipe da 14ª Delegacia de Polícia do Distrito Federal, que recebeu a denúncia da mãe da menina, no dia 26 do mês passado. Após o suposto abuso, o médico continuava falando com a menor.

- A mãe noticiou que a filha tinha sido submetida a isso durante o exame e, posteriormente, identificamos a pessoa que ligava como sendo o médico que realizou esse exame - diz o delegado Guilherme Henrique Nogueira.

Os investigadores passaram a acompanhar os telefonemas do médico para a garota. Num encontro marcado para o fim da tarde da quinta-feira, ele foi preso com fotos pornográficas de outras menores. No veículo do acusado, segundo o delegado, foram encontrados equipamentos eletrônicos, entre um laptop e um pen drive com conteúdo de pornografia infantil.

O médico legista também trabalhava num posto de saúde de Samambaia, no Distrito Federal, e no Serviço de Atendimento Médico de Urgência (Samu). Ele é acusado da prática dos crimes de estupro, aliciamento de menores e armazenamento de material de pornografia infantil. Se condenado, pode ficar até 15 anos na cadeia.

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26/10/2008 free counters

A hora do espanto


Rio - Nas últimas semanas, meu mundo se resumiu a desfiles, desfiles, desfiles. Se a barra da saia no próximo verão vai ser curta, longa ou assimétrica, se o plissado é a nova renda, quais as cores vão pegar na estação, o que Lea T., Ashton Kutcher e Zombie Boy comeram, disseram ou até pensaram — coisas imprescindíveis na vida de uma pessoa, como se vê. Não são, mas eu gosto e, como pago minhas contas em dia e muita gente tem interesse no assunto, me sinto à vontade para gostar.

Mas, depois de uma longa temporada de moda, vem aquela ressaca de quem se sente em dívida com os assuntos da vida real. Dei-me o luxo de acompanhar alguns deles, como a despedida da nova ministra-chefe da Casa Civil, Gleisi Hoffmann, de seus colegas no Senado. E foi bem divertido ver aqueles engravatados enaltecendo todas as qualidades da nova estrela do Planalto, dizendo como ela era maravilhosa, firme e cheia de virtudes. Os mesmos que serão os primeiros a jogar pedras ao menor sinal de deslize. Aliás, como Dilma prefere ser chamada de presidenta — eu tento, mas não consigo —, por que Gleisi não é ministra-chefa?

Também assisti, mudo, às homenagens da imprensa aos 80 anos de João Gilberto, o ‘pai da bossa nova’. Todo mundo se esmerou, fazendo cadernos lindos, tecendo altas láureas, recuperando arquivos e caçando curiosidades, mas nessa eu não caí. Ainda bem, porque depois se soube que João não leu nada e nem sequer se deu ao trabalho de atender a um telefonema de parabéns da própria filha, Bebel, aquela simpatia.

Parece que ele voltará aos palcos em setembro, mas, sinceramente, não contem comigo na plateia, pois tenho trauma de um show que ele fez em São Paulo e mostrou a língua para nós. E todo mundo sabe que João pode não aparecer. Decepções, bastam-me as do cotidiano.

Antes que me joguem pedras, não estou aqui negando a contribuição de João Gilberto à música brasileira nem tampouco seu inquestionável talento. Tanto que o manterei eternamente em meu iPod, protegido de seus arroubos de gênio. Cultivo o péssimo hábito de querer ser bem tratado nos lugares aonde vou.

Voltando à moda: ainda não me recuperei do desfile do estilista Samuel Cirnansk, que pretendia fazer uma ode ao fetiche e colocou as pobres modelos vestidas de noiva, com as mãos amarradas para trás, os pés sobre saltos altíssimos e a boca amordaçada por um cilindro de metal.

Todo tipo de arte guarda uma simbologia, e o mundo não chegou até aqui sem imagens chocantes e contestações que convidam à reflexão. Mas esse tabu já foi quebrado por outras gerações, e o que se viu foi um festival de mocinhas famélicas — o peso dessas meninas me assusta —, judiadas, correndo perigo de esborrachar-se sem defesa no chão. Os jornalistas rezavam para aquele suplício terminar, e de roupa quase não se falou.

Será que Catherine Deneuve tem razão? “Os brasileiros são caretas”, disse ela à coluna semana passada. As pessoas se chocaram ao vê-la fumando em lugar proibido, eu reclamo da língua do João e de sua falta de interesse pelo que os outros acham de seus 80 anos, e todo mundo só queria saber como Lea T. escondia seus tesouros naquele microbiquíni da Blue Man.

Sim, vou ter que concordar com a diva francesa e me render à evidência de que nossa fama internacional de libertinos é coisa para gringo ver em Carnaval. Mas o que me choca mesmo é nossa ausência de espanto diante do faturamento de R$ 20 milhões da consultoria de Palocci só em 2010, dinheiro que a gente só ouviu em sorteio de Mega Sena e do qual ninguém mais vai falar depois de sua demissão.

E os bombeiros, tadinhos, vivendo com pouco mais de R$ 900 por mês. E houve gente que se chocou com a revolta deles. É dura a vida da bailarina. Beijo, me liga, até amanhã.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Lula lembra mensalão para cobrar união ao PT

São Paulo - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recorreu ao passado, mais precisamente 2005, para cobrar da bancada petista unidade e apoio ao governo da presidente Dilma Rousseff em sua primeira crise política. Lula, que participou de um encontro do PT de São Paulo, fez referências ao principal escândalo de seu governo, o mensalão, para mobilizar os petistas. “Eu sei, o Zé Dirceu sabe, o João Paulo sabe, o Ricardo Berzoini sabe, que um dos nossos problemas em 2005 era a desconfiança entre nós, dentro da nossa bancada”, disse, para mais adiante explicar melhor.

“Você veja que a crise de 2005 começou com uma acusação no Correio, de R$ 3 mil, o cara envolvido era do PTB (Maurício Marinho, filmado recebendo propina), quem presidia o Correio era o PMDB e eles transformaram a CPI dos Correios, para apurar isso, numa CPI contra o PT, contra o Zé Dirceu e contra outros companheiros. Por quê? Porque a gente tava desunido”, disse Lula, ao lado do ex-ministro José Dirceu.

A falta de apoio do PT foi um dos fatores preponderantes para a queda de Antonio Palocci da Casa Civil, após a revelação pela “Folha de S.Paulo” da multiplicação de seu patrimônio.

Para Lula, as divergências do partido devem ser resolvidas internamente. “A gente se reúne, tranca a porta e se atraca lá dentro”, disse.

Depois, enfatizou que não pretende interferir na articulação do governo. “Tem deputado me ligando, querendo conversar. Vocês têm que resolver entre vocês. Todo mundo aqui é maduro, é cientista político.”

Lula revelou que esteve em Brasília sexta-feira, quando conversou com a presidente. E ironizou as críticas feitas por conta de sua primeira aparição em Brasília, no auge da crise envolvendo o então ministro da Casa Civil, Antonio Palocci.



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26/10/2008 free counters

Lady Gaga Goes Bald For 'Hair' Performance On Paul O'Grady Show (VIDEO)

First Posted: 06/18/11 10:54 AM ET Updated: 06/18/11 11:39 AM ET

Lady Gaga Bald

With the caveat that Lady Gaga is an entire context unto herself, there's something more simple and streamlined about the pop superstar these days, making her more approachable, and sometimes, even relatable. Of course, wearing dresses made of Kermit the Frogs and meat set a high, nearly unsustainable bar for abstract weirdness, but still, for the most part, it does seems that there is something more human about the Fame Monster.

Aside from her adventure in church-bating Catholic imagery, in which she cast herself as a lover of Judas, both Gaga's music and message have cast her in a more gentle light. Simpler dance beats to her singles and a new, straight-played video for her song "Edge of Glory," mark her artistic statements, while her public statements have put her even further into the mainstream, arena as a lover of all souls.

With her "Born This Way" single and publicity campaign, Gaga has signaled again that she seeks to win, for herself and every other misunderstood soul, a normal, accepted human existence, regardless of gender or creed or, especially, sexuality. Her passionate speeches for LGBT rights, as well as her non-stop inspirational tweets, place her at least in the close exurbs of the mainstream, stripped bare of at least some of her eccentricities in favor of sincerity.

In that vein of stripping down from pretense to prove that she's human, Lady Gaga went bald in a "Paul O'Grady Show" performance for her stripped down new song, "Hair." Perhaps it is only a fashion statement, but given the song title, it's unlikely, as she filled her piano top with wigs and took her own piece off halfway through. Perhaps she's saying something about shedding that skin, that costume, that barrier that she created with all of her vaunted costumes -- at least so that people know what she is inside before putting it back on.

The lyrics provide hints about that struggle; it seems that she's trying to prove that her hair, her costumes, her persona are normal. So by taking it off, showing the world her insides, she's proving her mainstream credentials, while still maintaing her built up image.

I just wanna be myself, And I want you to love me for who I am I just wanna be myself, And I want you to know, I am my Hair

I’ve had enough
I’m not a freak
I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets


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26/10/2008 free counters

RIP : Clarence Clemons dies of complications from stroke

Published: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 7:56 PM Updated: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 9:59 PM

clarence-clemons.jpgClarence Clemons, who has died, performs at Giants Stadium in this 2003 file photo.

Clarence Clemons — the Big Man with the big horn — died today of complications from a stroke he suffered last weekend, according to a spokeswoman for Bruce Springsteen who requested anonymity because she was not authorized by the Clemons family to issue a statement. He was 69 years old.

He was the spirit of the E Street Band, and the oaken staff that Bruce Springsteen leaned on.

"He was the kahuna of surf and soul and a man that had love in his heart and, always, a smile on his face. He was my brother — my musical brother," said original E Street Band drummer Vini "Mad Dog" Lopez.

Lopez last saw Clemons when he guested at an E Street Band show in Philadelphia, in 2009. "I was in the dressing room with him, and we were laughing and talking about golfing," said Lopez.

Clemons was having a hard time walking, Lopez remembered.

"It's just a shame," said Lopez of Clemons's death. "He had a lot more he could give."

There have been many charismatic figures in the E Street Band, but none had the personal gravity of Clarence Clemons, the group’s Bunyanesque saxophonist.

Springsteen himself acknowledged this, always introducing Clemons last at concerts and adopting a reverential attitude uncommon among rock stars. It’s Clemons’ big shoulder that Springsteen was looking over lovingly on the famous cover of his "Born to Run" album. As his bandleader beamed at him, Clemons, black-hatted and bold, turned toward the camera and blew his sax.

Clemons seemed to be a character out of a storybook — or better yet, a widescreen movie about the triumph of a romantic gang of rock ’n’ roll renegades. Wildly popular among fans of the E Street Band, he was the sort of larger-than-life figure to whom legends accrued. Recognizing this, Clemons and Springsteen did much to play up those legends: "Big Man: Real Life and Tall Tales," Clemons’ 2009 autobiography written with Don Reo, combined genuine reflections with fiction in an attempt to capture the mythical quality of the musician.

Springsteen’s oft-told story of his initial meeting with Clemons felt Biblical: with a lightning storm raging outside, the Big Man tore the door off an Asbury Park club, strode onstage, and made magic. (Springsteen would later immortalize this meeting in "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out," a song on "Born to Run.")

Was this embellished? Most likely. But reality never seemed quite big enough to accommodate Clarence Clemons.

"Mere facts," wrote Bruce Springsteen in the preface to Clemons’ book, "will never plumb the mysteries of the Big Man."

Born in Norfolk, Va., Clemons was the son of a Baptist minister who had no love for raucous rock ’n’ roll. But at the age of 9, his family gave young Clarence an alto saxophone — and soon he discovered his lung power was formidable.

Clarence Clemons
Enlarge Clarence Clemons poses for a photo during an interview Jan. 29, 2003, at his Singer Island, Fla. home. (AP Photo/Hillery Smith Garrison) Clarence Clemons: 'The Big Man' Through the Years gallery (11 photos)

By young adulthood, he excelled at music and athletics and earned a football scholarship to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Injuries suffered in a car accident prevented the young lineman from trying out for the Cleveland Browns. From then on, Clemons dedicated himself to his horn.

Clemons called his instrument "a vehicle to move my spirit around."

"I don’t think it’s only my saxophone," Clemons told All Access Magazine in 2008, "it’s who I am. My spiritual guide … told me that my purpose in life was to bring joy into the world. He didn’t know about my music, he didn’t know who I was. He saw my heart, he saw my soul, and he saw my determination for this life."

On the tenor saxophone, Clemons developed a style that was considerably more than the sum of his influences: party-ready King Curtis, brassy Junior Walker, skronking Earl Bostic. Clemons could be tough, raspy and percussive, but as a carrier of melody, his shoulders were broad.

After playing with a number of Asbury Park outfits in the early ’70s, Clemons joined the as-yet-unnamed E Street Band in 1972. Along with bassist Garry Tallent, drummer Vini Lopez, organist Danny Federici, pianist Dave Sancious and Springsteen himself, Clemons was an original member of the group.

He was also the oldest, and it’s no exaggeration to suggest he was often treated as the in-house big brother. His saxophone became a pillar of the E Street sound, and helped anchor Springsteen’s storytelling in blues, jazz and gospel traditions.

"That night we first stood together," said Springsteen of Clemons during his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction speech in 1999, "I looked over at C and it looked like his head reached into the clouds. And I felt like a mere mortal scurrying upon the earth, you know. But he always lifted me up. Way, way, way up. Together we told a story of the possibilities of friendship, a story older than the ones that I was writing and a story I could never have told without him at my side."

Clemons’ solos on songs like "Jungleland" and "Born to Run" were quintessential rock ’n’ roll sax rides — things of beauty and drama unmatched by efforts of thousands of imitators. But Clemons also took his support role seriously. On "Spirit in the Night," his graceful passages were part of a thick tapestry of sound. On "Hungry Heart," the E Street Band’s first Top 10 hit, his baritone sax tugged at the bottom of the track like taffy on the sole of a sneaker.

Bruce Springsteen performs Out in the Street Bruce Springsteen performs Out in the Street Bruce Springsteen performs Out in the Street on 7/28/08 at Giants Stadium. Watch video

That wasn’t the only time Clemons swapped his trademark tenor for a baritone. In the early ’70s, he kept another tool in his shed: a lilting soprano saxophone; on more recent tours, he covered the top end with a pennywhistle. Reeds weren’t all he did — with the E Street Band, Clemons also proved himself an able percussionist and an enthusiastic backing vocalist, too.

With his instantly identifiable tone and passion for all varieties of popular music, Clemons was often in demand as a session musician. When E Street activities slowed in the ’80s and ’90s, Clemons had no difficulty finding work. He played on scores of records, including Aretha Franklin’s "Who’s Zooming Who," Twisted Sister’s "Come Out and Play" and Roy Orbison’s comeback "King of Hearts." In 1989, he joined the inaugural version of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Band, where his charismatic stage presence and playful attitude fit in perfectly.

When Lady Gaga attempted to resurrect the glory of ’80s stadium rock on her recent album "Born This Way," she called in Clemons.

"The universe is there to give you what you want," Clemons told All Access about his multifaceted success. "You just need to be there to get it."

Clemons also released five solo albums under his own name. "Hero," a 1985 set produced by Narada Michael Walden, gave him a hit duet (with Jackson Browne): "You’re a Friend of Mine," a song, ironically, about the relationship between Clemons and Springsteen. Even on his solo sets, the sax player could not elude the shadow of the Boss.

For two years, Clemons operated Big Man’s West, a rock venue in Red Bank that became something of a clubhouse for the E Street team and affiliated acts. Springsteen himself appeared at Big Man’s close to 20 times. Although the club closed its doors for good in 1983 for financial reasons, its existence helped revive the Shore sound. Many of the musicians who’d rock the Garden State (and beyond) during the late ’80s took the stage at Big Man’s, including Jon Bon Jovi and John Eddie.

Stone Pony founder Butch Pielka warned the saxophonist about the perils of running a rock club.

"He offered me some advice in the beginning, like, ‘Get out of the business,’ " Clemons told The Star-Ledger this year. "My accountant agreed with him: ‘Just consider that you had a party for two and a half years, and invited all your friends, and you picked up the tab.’ That’s what it was like."

Clemons’ celebrity never quite faded. But in recent years, a series of debilitating ailments kept him out of the limelight. The Big Man was felled by multiple spinal surgeries and knee replacements. Undeterred, he continued to blow from his wheelchair. ("He’s always on time, he’s always in pain," wrote Don Reo in "Big Man.")

The musician lived long enough to see "Who Do I Think I Am?," a documentary about his life, air at the Paramount Theatre in his beloved Asbury Park this April. Hobbled by his health problems, he nevertheless took the stage at the Paramount and answered questions and signed autographs, smiling all the while.

Under the stagelights, surrounded by those who loved him, Clemons was in his element. Pushing 70, he rehabbed hard, hoping for a chance to join the E Street Band on tour in 2012.

He told Rolling Stone magazine in February that as long as he had a mouth, a brain and a pair of hands, he would keep on playing. Nobody who saw Clemons perform would ever have doubted it: his dedication was total. The saxophone was a conduit for his spirit, he assured us, and that spirit was a colossus.

Far beyond the boardwalk of Asbury Park, those big notes will keep echoing.


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26/10/2008 free counters

#dilma #PT SUS reduz verba e hospitais cancelam cirurgias de aneurisma no cérebro

18 de junho de 2011 | 0h 00

Felipe Oda - O Estado de S.Paulo

Cirurgias endovasculares, operações minimamente invasivas para tratamento de obstruções nos vasos sanguíneos, estão suspensas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) para pacientes com aneurisma cerebral não emergencial. O problema está na redução do valor pago pelo governo para a compra dos materiais necessários para o procedimento.

Robson Fernandjes/AE
Robson Fernandjes/AE
Entregue à sorte. Emília Alves está com a fala prejudicada, mas teve a cirurgia nas Clínicas adiada por falta de material

Apenas casos emergenciais, com liminares judiciais ou pacientes de hospitais que têm o material em estoque estão sendo operados. Casos considerados eletivos, quando não há risco imediato ou sofrimento intenso, estão sendo orientados a esperar por um quadro emergencial ou realizar o tratamento cirúrgico tradicional, com abertura do crânio. No entanto, em algumas situações a técnica não é eficaz nem aconselhada.

O Ministério da Saúde admite "eventuais" problemas na realização do procedimento e justifica que reduziu o valor na tabela do SUS com base em estudos técnicos e econômicos. "Os distribuidores dos produtos assumiram que essa situação não ocorreria", afirma Maria Inez Gadelha, coordenadora de Média e Alta Complexidade, do Departamento de Atenção Especializada à Saúde, do Ministério da Saúde (mais informações nesta pág.).

Aneurisma cerebral é a dilatação anormal de uma artéria do cérebro, que pode se romper e provocar uma hemorragia. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o problema afeta até 5% da população.

A cozinheira Emília Alves Soares, de 55 anos, é uma das pacientes que tiveram a cirurgia adiada. Ela estava com a operação marcada para o dia 3 deste mês, no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, mas o procedimento não foi realizado. "O hospital disse que não tinha o material. E não deram previsão de quando serei tratada", afirma.

Aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes não operados morrem quando o aneurisma rompe. Dos sobreviventes, 50% ficam permanentemente incapazes de trabalhar. "Estou entregue à sorte", conta Emília. Ela está com a fala embolada, sente dores de cabeça e formigamento no rosto - reflexos do aneurisma não tratado.

"O próprio médico contou que o SUS cortou a verba e não poderia me operar", diz a costureira Iraci Freire dos Santos, de 47 anos, que tentou ser operada no mês passado no mesmo hospital. Ela descobriu o aneurisma quando se sentiu mal durante o trabalho. Foi internada em 2009, mas os médicos descartaram a operação na época. O quadro piorou e agora ela sente formigamento no rosto, dores e tem dificuldades para falar.

O Hospital das Clínicas afirma que não há falta de material, mas que prioriza os casos de emergência - por isso, algumas cirurgias estão sendo adiadas. O hospital afirma que vai remarcar as cirurgias canceladas.

Impasse. O problema com o material começou em dezembro, quando o Ministério da Saúde reduziu de R$ 2.230 para R$ 1.100 o valor pago pelos espirais de platina destacáveis, necessários para as operações. Hoje, o valor está em R$ 1.350.

Há três meses, quando os estoques das espirais começaram a acabar nos hospitais, o corte no valor pago pelo produto começou a comprometer o atendimento aos pacientes, segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Neurorradiologia Diagnóstica e Terapêutica (SBNRDT). De acordo com Paulo Eloy de Passos Filho, presidente da SBNRDT, a decisão do ministério foi feita sem planejamento. "O governo tomou a decisão de reduzir o preço sem consultar ninguém."

Alexander Moreira, presidente da Associação Brasileira de Distribuidores ou Importadores de Material Médico de Alta Complexidade, explica que alguns hospitais ainda têm o produto em consignação. "Por contrato, não podemos retirá-los." Ele afirma que, enquanto não houver reajuste no valor, não será possível importar o material. Em média, o insumo é vendido por US$ 500 nos Estados Unidos.

enquanto isso :

Dilma defende sigilo dos gastos da Copa

Ministério recua e promete 'máxima transparência' sobre Copa



O ministro do Esporte, Orlando Silva, recuou nesta quinta-feira e disse que vai divulgar todas as despesas com a organização da Copa 2014 e dos Jogos Olímpicos 2016, no Rio.

Dilma diz que sigilo de orçamentos da Copa foi mal interpretado
Prestação de contas da Copa exclui novas obras e serviços
Veja especial sobre a Copa de 2014

A declaração foi dada depois que a Folha ter revelado que, em ofício enviado ao TCU (Tribunal de Contas da União), o ministério havia informado que a prestação de contas de gastos estimados em R$ 10 bilhões nos eventos estaria vinculada à "conveniência do Executivo".

O valor se refere aos novos contratos, sobretudo na área de segurança, saúde e telecomunicações.

Em entrevista dada após conversa com a presidente Dilma Rousseff, o ministro declarou que ela própria, em "ordem explícita", exigiu que todo processo de contratação para os eventos tenha "máxima transparência".

"O TCU nos solicitou quando e que outros temas serão incorporados a essa matriz. Respondemos ao TCU que vamos fazer aditivos na medida em que consolidarmos os vários temas", declarou.

Segundo o ministro, o governo pretende divulgar todas as informações sobre os projetos e seus custos. "Todo e qualquer recurso público utilizado terá máxima transparência. Temos interesse de ofertar ao TCU, ao Ministério Público, ao Congresso, à sociedade", disse.

Orlando Silva defende o poder de COI e FIFA em exigir mudanças nos projetos da Copa e das Olimpíadas

Plantão | Publicada em 17/06/2011 às 20h34m

Geralda Doca

BRASÍLIA - O ministro do Esporte, Orlando Silva, defendeu o poder da Fifa e do Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI) em exigir mudanças nos projetos para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Fifa e COI não precisarão respeitar os limites de aditivo de preço impostos hoje, de 25%, no caso de construção, e de 50%, no caso de reforma.

- A lei de licitação hoje diz que se houver mudança qualitativa no projeto, pode haver aditivos acima de 50%.

Ele destacou ainda que a contratação integrada limita o número de aditivos, pois permite que uma mesma empresa faça os projetos básico e executivo e realize a obra:

- Quem executa a obra é quem faz inúmeros pedidos de aditivos aos contratos.

Silva disse que o Regime Diferenciado de Contratações (RDC) representa um avanço sobre a legislação atual ao ampliar o pregão eletrônico e a inversão de fases da licitação, a começar pelo preço, o que de fato é decisivo na concorrência. O sigilo sobre o preços, alegou o ministro, tem a finalidade de impedir que as empresas combinem previamente os valores. Além disso, os órgãos de controle terão acesso irrestrito a todos os dados, garantiu.

Ele mencionou que, conforme o texto aprovado na Câmara, eventuais mudanças ao projeto terão que ser embasadas por especifividades técnicas e que elas podem equivaler à regras qualitativas.

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26/10/2008 free counters

Passageira de helicóptero que caiu em Porto Seguro (BA) é resgatada com vida

Bombeiros ainda procuram três vítimas; duas crianças morreram no acidente

17 de junho de 2011 | 22h 47


RIO e BRASÍLIA - Um helicóptero modelo Esquilo, prefixo PR-OMO, que transportava sete pessoas, caiu por volta das 18h30 de sexta-feira, 17, no mar de Porto Seguro, no sul da Bahia, a cerca de 300 metros da costa. Os bombeiros e a Marinha localizaram destroços da aeronave e resgataram com vida uma mulher de 35 anos, de prenome Fernanda, em estado grave de saúde.

Segundo a Aeronáutica, a mulher estava em estado de choque, com múltiplas fraturas, e foi encaminhada ao Hospital Luis Eduardo Magalhães, em Porto Seguro. Três passageiros morreram, entre eles duas crianças, e ainda há outras três pessoas desaparecidas. Entre os mortos confirmados está Mariana Noleto, namorada de Marco Antônio Cabral, filho do governador do Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral.

"Logo que chegamos, encontramos mortas duas crianças. Uma mulher foi encontrada morta junto à praia e uma senhora conseguiu se salvar nadando até a praia. Ela foi encaminhada para o hospital. Temos informações de que outras três pessoas, sendo duas mulheres e o piloto, continuam desaparecidas. Um navio patrulha de Salvador já foi acionado e deve iniciar as buscas por volta das 7 horas deste sábado", disse capitão Jorge Cordeiro, agente da Capitania dos Portos de Porto Seguro.

A aeronave estaria sendo pilotada pelo empresário Marcelo Mattoso de Almeida, sócio do First Class Group e do Jacumã Ocean Resort, um condomínio de luxo nos arredores de Trancoso. O grupo saía do Villa Vignoble Terravista Resort para o Jacumã Ocean Resort, os dois em Trancoso, quando aconteceu o acidente. Além de Mariana, estavam no helicóptero Jordana Kfouri, mulher de um empreiteiro carioca, seu filho Lucas Magalhães Links, a babá da criança e o piloto, Marcelo Mattoso de Almeida, empresário e dono de um resort da região. O governador do Rio está em Porto Seguro acompanhando as buscas.

(Clarissa Thomé, Tânia Monteiro, Tiago Décimo e Ricardo Valota)

Texto atualizado às 03h20.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Suspicious vehicle found near Pentagon, one arrested

WASHINGTON, June 17 (Xinhua)-- A suspicious vehicle was found near Pentagon early Friday, and one person has been arrested near the Arlington National Cemetery, local media reported.

The arrested was carrying a suspicious device and pro-al-Qaida literature, ABC News reported.

Another one or two persons might also have been involved in the case, a Pentagon police spokesman was quoted by local media as saying.

Roads around the Pentagon have been closed as a multi-agency probe is under way.

The vehicle, believed to be loaded with explosives, was found in the bushes near the northern parking lot of the Pentagon, the reports said. No further details about the investigation were released.

The road closures have caused masssive traffic jam around the area during the morning rush hour.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Train rams into Sri Lankan elephants

COLOMBO, June 18 (Xinhua) -- Three elephants were killed in Sri Lanka Saturday when a speeding train rammed into a herd crossing a railway track, wildlife officials said.

A baby elephant and two female elephants were thrown several meters away following the impact of the train and were killed instantaneously in the town of Galgamuwa.

Officials told Xinhua that some railway track run across village areas in Sri Lanka where elephants often roam resulting in frequent accidents between trains and elephants.

In the latest incident the elephants were crossing the railway track after coming out of a section of a forest reserve when the accident took place.

Sri Lanka's elephants are protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance of Sri Lanka, and killing them carries the death penalty.

The World Wildlife Fund says as a result of forest clearing in Sri Lanka, human-elephant conflicts have increased and led to the death of both humans and elephants, and the destruction of property.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the elephant population has decreased dramatically during the past century.


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26/10/2008 free counters

1 killed, 16 injured in blast in Quetta, SW Pakistan

QUETTA, Pakistan, June 18 (Xinhua) -- At least one person was killed and 16 others including four security personnel were injured Saturday morning as a roadside bomb hit a security vehicle patrolling on the street of Quetta, capital city of Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan, sources in Quetta told Xinhua, adding that four security personnel were critically injured.


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26/10/2008 free counters

La pequeña Phobos eclipsa al gran Júpiter


A principios de este mes, Mars Express realizó una maniobra especial para observar una alineación inusual de Júpiter y la luna marciana Fobos. Las impresionantes imágenes han sido procesadas en una película de este raro evento.

En el momento en que la Mars Express, Fobos y Júpiter se alinearon el 1 de junio de 2011, había una distancia de 11.389 kilómetros entre la nave y Fobos, y otros 529 millones kilometros hasta Júpiter.

La Cámara Estéreo de Alta Resolución de la Mars Express se mantiene fija en Júpiter para la conjunción, lo que garantiza que el planeta permaneciese estático en el marco. La operación ha remitido un total de 104 imágenes durante un período de 68 segundos, todas ellas tomadas con la cámara de super-resolución canal.

Al conocer el momento exacto en que Júpiter pasa detrás de Fobos, la observación ayudará a verificar e incluso mejorar nuestro conocimiento de la posición orbital de la luna marciana.

Las imágenes mostradas aquí fueron procesadas en el Departamento de Ciencias Planetarias y de Teledetección del Instituto de Ciencias Geológicas de la Universidad Libre de Berlín.


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26/10/2008 free counters

La Alicia más oscura vuelve al País de las Maravillas

Foto: EA
Foto: EA Ampliar foto

MADRID, 17 Jun. (Portaltic/EP) -

La última y más siniestra interpretación de la obra de Lewis Carroll llega esta semana de la mano de 'Alice: Madness Returns', un título editado por Electronic Arts y desarrollado por Spicy Horse para Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 y PC. Para aquellos que no disfrutaron de la primera aventura en el País de las Maravillas imaginado por American McGee, EA la regala de forma descargable.

En la secuela del videojuego de PC ('American McGee's Alice'), Alice regresa al País de las Maravillas para descubrir toda la verdad sobre su oscuro pasado. Han pasado 11 años y por fin ha salido del sanatorio mental de Rutledge Asylum, pero las pesadillas siguen atormentándola después de la tragedia que acabó con la vida sus familiares.

Pero el lugar que una vez fue su refugio ahora se ha convertido en un mundo de pesadilla, locura y amenazas. 'Alice: Madness Returns' se construye alrededor del mismo escenario, con su peculiar estilo artístico y nuevos efectos visuales.

En cuanto a su desarrollo, 'Alice: Madness Returns' es una aventura que combina los saltos con combates contra los más siniestros enemigos del País de las Maravillas.

En palabras del cofundador y director creativo de Spicy Horse Games, American McGee, su equipo "se enorgullece de ofrecer la posibilidad de viajar una vez más al alucinante País de las Maravillas que creamos para Alice". "El equipo ha puesto mucha ilusión y ha trabajado muy duro para entregar a los fans de la franquicia y a los nuevos usuarios una historia trepidante que vuelva a sumergirles en el original universo de Alice con ese toque distintivo y muy cuidado que caracteriza a la saga".

El vicepresidente de EA Partners, Sinjin Bain, ha dicho que la reacción de los fans ante la franquicia de Alice "está siendo todo un fenómeno". Desde el lanzamiento del primer título de la saga en el año 2000, los fans han estado "rogando por una nueva entrega y profundizar más en el pasado que atormenta a Alice".

Además, los fans de la franquicia tendrán la posibilidad de completar su experiencia en El País de las Maravillas con un gran surtido de contenido descargable, disponible después del lanzamiento, como nuevas armas y vestidos que amplían las capacidades ofensivas y defensivas de Alice.

En este sentido, Bain ha explicado que "para recompensar a nuestro público por el entusiasmo y la fidelidad demostrados", la compañía ha decido "no escatimar en cuestión de contenido descargable, ofrecer un gran catálogo y ampliar la experiencia hasta límites insospechados."

La estrategia de lanzamiento de EA es una prueba de esta declaración de intenciones. C la compra de 'Alice: Madness Returns', EA ofrece la posibilidad de canjear un Online Pass (para Playstation 3 y Xbox 360) que permite descargarse y disfrutar de 'American McGee's Alice' y descargar la versión en PC a través de la EA Store.com, para aquellos que compren el videojuego en su versión para ordenadores.

Con un PEGI 18+, 'Alice: Madness Returns' ya está disponible para Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 y PC.


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26/10/2008 free counters

La ONU divide la lista de sanciones a talibán y Al Qaeda en dos

NUEVA YORK, 18 Jun. (Reuters/EP) -

El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas ha dividido la lista de sanciones existente contra talibán y líder de Al Qaeda en dos, lo que varios diplomáticos han afirmado que podría ayudar a inducir a los talibán a participar en una mesa de conversaciones para alcanzar un acuerdo de paz en Afganistán.

La decisión ha llegado en el momento en que Washington planea recortar el número de tropas desplegadas en el país --cerca de 100.000-- durante el próximo mes como parte del proceso de cesión de las operaciones de combate a las fuerzas de seguridad afganas, que terminaría en 2014.

Los detalles sobre las listas de sanciones se incluían en dos proyectos de resolución propuestos por Estados Unidos, y han sido adoptados por los 15 miembros del Consejo de manera unánime. Una de ellas establece una 'lista negra' de líderes talibán y la otra una 'lista negra' de líderes de Al Qaeda, a los que se imponen la prohibición de viajar y la congelación de activos económicos.

"Estados Unidos cree que el nuevo sistema de sanciones para Afganistán será una herramienta importante para promover la reconciliación a la vez que acorrala a los extremistas", ha señalado la embajadora estadounidense en la ONU, Susan Rice.

Rice ha apuntado que esta decisión "envía un mensaje claro a los talibán de que hay un futuro para los que se separan de Al Qaeda, renuncian a la violencia y se ciñen a la Constitución de Afganistán".

Los talibán afganos, que dirigían el país antes de ser expulsados del poder por Estados Unidos en 2001, acogieron al líder de Al Qaeda, Usama bin Laden, cuando lanzó su ataque contra las Torres Gemelas en septiembre de ese mismo año. La separación de ambos movimientos ha sido uno de los principales objetivos de Occidente desde hace años.

La resolución sobre Al Qaeda fortalece los poderes del defensor del pueblo, que maneja las quejas de individuos que señalan que no deberían estar incluidos en las listas.


El embajador alemán en Naciones Unidas, Peter Wittig, ha señalado que el defensor del pueblo ahora tendrá el poder de recomendar la eliminación de gente de la 'lista negra'. Los miembros del Consejo tendrán que estar de acuerdo de manera unánime para que dicho consejo sea efectivo.

Sobre la 'lista negra' de los talibán, Wittig ha afirmado que el Gobierno afgano deberá ser consultado en todos los aspectos de su confección.

El embajador afgano en Naciones Unidas, Zahir Tanin, ha afirmado que el movimiento da a su país "más flexibilidad". "Ayudará a crear un régimen que permita a la gente unirse al proceso de paz", ha agregado. Tanin ha indicado también que, pese a que no supone el fin de las sanciones contra los talibán, jugará un "papel psicológico" que podría decantar la elección de aquellos que se estén planteando dejar las armas.

En la actualidad hay 138 personas relacionadas con la lista de los talibán y 253 nombres vinculados con la de Al Qaeda. Afganistán ha pedido en varias ocasiones la exclusión de personas de la lista. Tanin ha asegurado que en la última de ellas se pidió que se sacara de la misma a unas 20 personas, sin conseguirlo.



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26/10/2008 free counters

US, Vietnam urge peace in South China Sea

Posted: 18 June 2011 0655 hrs

A Chinese salvage and research ship is shown anchored in disputed South China Sea waters near the major Philippine island of Palawan. (AFP PHOTO/HO/DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIR)

Photos 1 of 1

A Chinese salvage and research ship is shown anchored in disputed South China Sea waters near the major Philippine island of Palawan. (AFP PHOTO/HO/DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIR)

WASHINGTON - The United States and Vietnam on Friday jointly called for freedom of navigation and rejected the use of force in the South China Sea, amid simmering tensions between Beijing and its neighbours.

After talks in Washington, the two former war foes said that "the maintenance of peace, stability, safety and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is in the common interests of the international community."

"All territorial disputes in the South China Sea should be resolved through a collaborative, diplomatic process without coercion or the use of force," the two countries said in a joint statement.

Disputes have flared in recent weeks in the South China Sea, with Vietnam holding live-fire military exercises after accusing Chinese ships of ramming an oil survey ship and cutting the exploration cables of another one.

China staged its own three days of military exercises in the South China Sea, which state media said was aimed at boosting the country's offshore maritime patrol force.

"The US side reiterated that troubling incidents in recent months do not foster peace and stability within the region," the statement said.

It said that the incidents "raise concerns about maritime security, especially with regard to freedom of navigation, unimpeded economic development and commerce under lawful conditions, and respect for international law."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in remarks in July 2010 on a visit to Vietnam that were closely watched around Asia, said that the United States had a vital national interest in freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.

China and Vietnam each claim the strategic Paracel Islands and Spratly archipelago.

China has myriad disputes in the potentially resource-rich sea with countries including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. The Philippines said Friday that it was sending its aging naval flagship into the disputed waters.

Amid the tensions, China said Tuesday that it would not resort to the use of force in the South China Sea and urged other countries to "do more for peace and stability in the region."

- AFP /ls



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26/10/2008 free counters


By Katie Sharp
Following a historically awful sweep by the Red Sox, the Yankees bounced back with a win over the Indians 11-7 last Friday night. The Yankees jumped out to an 11-2 lead thanks to a rare combination of speed and power at the plate, before a meltdown by the bullpen nearly cost them the game.

The Yanks swiped five bases and knocked out seven extra-base hits in the win, and a search of the wonderful Play Index at Baseball-Reference.com tells us that it's the first time a Yankee team has reached both those totals in any game in the Live Ball Era (since 1920).

Yet, the bullpen almost cost them the victory, as they combined to allow five hits, five walks and five runs in the final two frames. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, it was the first game in franchise history that Yankee relievers put up that pitching line, in no more than two innings pitched.

The Yankees continued their winning ways with a 4-0 defeat of the Indians in the second game of the four-game set. Curtis Granderson led the offense with his 20th homer of the season, joining Mickey Mantle as the only Yankee center-fielders to reach 20 home runs within the team's first 62 games.

The game was also noteworthy as it marked the fifth straight contest the Yankees had been hit by a pitch, dating back to the start of the Red Sox series. As my Stats & Information colleague Vince Masi points out in our Guest Yankeemetric of the week, this five-game streak of being plunked is tied for the third-longest by a Yankee team in the last 90 seasons.

Their winning streak was extended to three games on Sunday with a 9-1 rout of the Indians. The Yankees had a season-high 18 hits in the victory, but not one of them left the park. The last time a Yankee team won a game at home with that many hits, and without one of them being a homer, was on July 20, 1973 in 12-2 victory over the White Sox.

Brett Gardner was the offensive star, hitting two doubles and a triple. Gardner became the sixth Yankee left-fielder in the Live Ball Era to have at least two doubles and a triple in a game. As you can see on the chart to the right, Gardner joins an interesting list of names that includes Hall-of-Famers Earle Combs and Babe Ruth.

The Yankees couldn’t complete the four-game sweep, however, losing 1-0 to the Indians on Monday night. In our Obscure Yankeemetric of the Week, the Elias Sports Bureau reports that the last time the Yankees won the first three games of a four-game set at home, and then lost the fourth one 1-0, was in August of 1980 against the Mariners.

It was another frustrating day at the plate, as the Yankees were held to five hits and had 10 strikeouts for the sixth time this season. Last year they only had five games of this type (five-or-fewer hits, at least ten strikeouts), and only three times in the Live Ball Era have they had more such games: 1967 (10), 1968 (8), and 2002 (10).

In what many Yankees fans perceive to be a recurring theme this season, the team was once again stifled by a pitcher they had never faced before in Carlos Carrasco. In case you missed the official tally on this stat, this was the fifth time they've faced a pitcher for the first time and they are now 2-3 in those games this season.

The Rangers came to the Bronx on Tuesday for a three-game series and the Yankees welcomed them with a 12-4 victory. The last time the Yankees scored at least 12 runs at home, following a game they were shut out, was in 1996. After being blanked 7-0 on July 25, the Yankees beat the Royals the next day 15-1.

That 15-1 rout marked a significant milestone for the team during that magical 1996 season, as they took an 11-game lead in the division. According to a game story in the New York Daily News, it was the biggest division lead for a Yankees team this late in the season since 1958, when they also won the World Series.

The balls were flying out of Yankee Stadium on Wednesday night, as the Bronx Bombers hit five home runs in another 12-4 win over the Rangers. All five of the longballs came off the bats of the Yankees four infielders – Mark Teixeira, Eduardo Nunez, Robinson Cano and Ramiro Pena.

According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the last time the entire Yankees infield each homered in a game was on August 22, 1939. Babe Dahlgren, Joe Gordon, Frankie Crosetti, and Red Rolfe each went deep in a 14-5 win over the White Sox.

Eduardo Nunez celebrated his birthday in style, with a home run in the fourth inning. A quick search of the Play Index at Baseball-Reference.com tells us that he's the first Yankee shortstop to homer on his birthday and, at the age of 24, the third-youngest to do it in the Live Ball Era. Only Yogi Berra, at age 22 in 1947, and Rusty Torres, at age 23 in 1971, were younger than Nunez.

The Yankees finished off their 10-game homestand with a dramatic walk-off win on Thursday afternoon, thanks to a run-scoring single by Brett Gardner in the bottom of the 12th inning that gave the Yankees the 3-2 victory.

It was Gardner's third career walk-off hit and all three have come in extra innings. Since he joined the major-league club in 2008, Gardner now has the most extra-inning walk-off hits by a Yankee.

Brian Gordon, a converted outfielder and 32-year-old veteran of 15 minor league seasons, made his debut with the Yankees, pitching five and one-third innings while allowing two earned runs.

The only other pitcher to make his debut in pinstripes at the age of 32 or older, with at least five innings pitched and two-or-fewer earned runs allowed, was Orlando Hernandez. "El Duque" threw seven innings of one-run ball in his first game as a Yankee on June 3, 1998.



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26/10/2008 free counters

#corrupção #PT José Dirceu diz que investigação em Campinas é abuso de autoridade

O ex-ministro José Dirceu (PT), afastado do primeiro mandato do governo Lula por suspeitas de ser um dos principais idealizadores do esquema do mensalão, criticou nesta sexta-feira as investigações contra a prefeitura de Campinas, que apuram suspeitas de fraudes envolvendo a empresa de água e esgoto da cidade, a Sanasa. Dirceu afirmou em seu blog que se trata de "um caso exemplar de abuso de autoridade, de prisões preventivas desnecessárias e ilegais, de coação, de ameaças e chantagens políticas por parte de vereadores ligados ao governo tucano de São Paulo."

Uma comissão de vereadores da cidade decidiu dar prosseguimento ao processo de cassação do prefeito Hélio de Oliveira Santos (PDT). Segundo a Câmara de Vereadores, ele entregou a defesa e deve ser ouvido no dia 29 de junho, mas pode se recusar a falar. Na documento entregue à Câmara, o advogado do prefeito, Alberto Rollo, afirmou que o Ministério Público nunca fez qualquer acusação contra seu cliente. "A denúncia diz mais ou menos o seguinte: a imprensa local está publicando um monte de coisas que as pessoas fizeram. Então, se o prefeito é o responsável maior pela prefeitura, ele tem que ser cassado", disse.

"O que vemos em Campinas é mais um caso de violação fragrante dos direitos individuais, a pretexto de combater a corrupção. Mais um exemplo de uso político de investigações do Ministério Público de São Paulo, de objetivos eleitorais e ação política travestidos de luta pela ética. E o pior de tudo, mais um caso de encobrimento de denúncias contra o PSDB e de envolvimento do PT sem provas e evidências", disse Dirceu.

Ele defendeu o prefeito e citou uma reportagem publicada hoje no Estado de S. Paulo, dizendo que Hélio Santos sofre perseguição política. O processo que pede o impeachment do prefeito foi aprovado por unanimidade na Câmara três dias depois de o MP e a Corregedoria da Polícia Civil deflagrarem uma operação que prendeu 20 pessoas, entre elas o vice-prefeito, Demétrio Vilagra (PT), e dois secretários municipais, Carlos Henrique Pinto (Segurança Pública) e Francisco de Lagos (Comunicações).

Todos respondem ao processo em liberdade. As prisões foram determinadas pela Justiça com base na apuração de irregularidades em contratos da Sanasa, feita pelo MP. As denúncias partiram do ex-presidente da Sanasa Luiz Augusto Contrillon de Aquino, que, com o benefício da delação premiada, apontou aos promotores como funcionava a suposta operação de tráfico de influência. Segundo a investigação, a primeira-dama e ex-chefe de gabinete, Rosely Nassin Jorge Santos, é a chefe do esquema de corrupção.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Um em cada 3 americanos se arrependeu do que escreveu na web

Imagem sem data mostra a foto com conteúdo sexual postada pelo congressista Anthony Weiner no Twitter. Foto: BigGovernment.com/AP

Imagem sem data mostra a foto com conteúdo sexual postada pelo congressista Anthony Weiner no Twitter
Foto: BigGovernment.com/AP

O ex-deputado democrata norte-americano Anthony Weiner, pressionado a renunciar depois de se envolver num escândalo sexual pela internet, não está sozinho. Um em cada três norte-americanos disse ter tuitado ou publicado algo na web de que se arrependeu mais tarde.

O número cresce para 54% para pessoas abaixo de 25 anos, e donos de smartphones são duas vezes mais propensos a publicar algo de que se arrependerão, segundo uma nova pesquisa. "A informação publicada pelas pessoas no Twitter e no Facebook pode, facilmente, ter vida própria", disse Jennifer Jacobson, analista de mídias sociais da Retrevo.com, site de análise de eletrônicos e compras que realizou a pesquisa. "Você não conhece sempre quem segue você na internet e praticamente qualquer pessoa pode copiar sua publicação, salvá-la e compartilhá-la com o mundo todo", disse.

Weiner renunciou do cargo na quinta-feira após admitir ter enviado fotos sensuais de si mesmo para mulheres na internet. Ele é o terceiro membro do congresso dos EUA a renunciar este ano devido a um escândalo sexual. A pesquisa, que entrevistou mil pessoas, mostrou que as publicações que causam arrependimento cresceram em relação ao ano passado: 3% dos participantes afirmou que um tweet ou publicação havia arruinado seu casamento ou relacionamento, enquanto 6% afirmou que ela causou problemas em casa ou no trabalho.

Jacobson disse que a pesquisa ressalta os perigos das mídias sociais entre pessoas que sentem que precisam estar conectadas o tempo todo. Embora algumas publicações problemáticas possam ser apagadas ou remediadas, algumas pessoas veem o controle dos danos como algo desafiador, se não impossível. Cerca de 51% dos donos de iPhones publicaram algo de que se arrependeram, seguidos por 45% dos usuários de BlackBerrys e 43% dos donos de aparelhos com Android.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Casey Anthony's trial is a summer obsession

By Ann O'Neill, CNN
June 17, 2011 -- Updated 1533 GMT (2333 HKT)
Casey Anthony was 19 when she had Caylee. She is now 25 and on trial, accused of killing Caylee with duct tape..
Casey Anthony was 19 when she had Caylee. She is now 25 and on trial, accused of killing Caylee with duct tape..
  • Half the TV sets turned on in Orlando, Florida, are tuned in to the Casey Anthony trial
  • Anthony, 25, is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in June 2008
  • Family drama and lurid details have made the trial a national obsession
  • The judge says the jury could get the case by the end of next week

Orlando, Florida (CNN) -- Here in the land of Mickey, where parents lavish time and money to immerse their little ones in the magic of childhood, another name has stolen the show: Casey.

Casey Anthony, 25, is accused of killing her doe-eyed toddler and the murder trial is inescapable this summer: Inside the diner, the gym, the hair salon -- even the car wash -- TV screens are tuned in to the coverage and grabbing eyeballs.

At Fields BMW in suburban Winter Park, no one has switched channels in the customer lounge since testimony began four weeks ago.

"I don't think anybody's brave enough to grab the remote," said Whitney Lore, the cashier.

The drama sucked in Trevor Ball this week as he waited for his wife's BMW to be serviced. He fired off a Casey update to her by text: The prosecution rests.

Half the people who turn on their TVs in Orlando during the daytime are watching the trial, says Steve Hyvonen, news director at WKMG, a CNN affiliate. That usually only happens here when a hurricane hits.

So it's no surprise that all the local television stations have abandoned normal daytime programming to carry the trial live. Even the U.S. Open comes in second to Florida vs. Casey Anthony.

"It's the biggest thing that has happened in Orlando in years," said Mike Boslet, editor of Orlando magazine. "The whole world is watching."

Nobody has changed the channel in the customer lounge at Fields BMW since the Anthony trial began.
Nobody has changed the channel in the customer lounge at Fields BMW since the Anthony trial began.

Cable TV's usual suspects -- Nancy Grace, Greta van Susteren and Geraldo Rivera -- come and go in black SUVs from "Casey Land," the tent city that occupies a vacant lot across the street from the Orange County Courthouse. The scene is reminiscent of big trials of the past: O.J. Simpson, Michael Jackson, the Menendez brothers, Scott Peterson.

Why the Anthony case?

"You've got this attractive young mother and this horrible death of a child," said Robert Thompson, who teaches television and popular culture at Syracuse University.

"And then there are all those details -- all the made-up jobs and made-up people and the 31 days the child was missing. Those are the kind of details that make this better than a crime drama," he explained.

"Once you start following this story, you're hooked."

The true-crime spectacle often threatens to obscure a sad truth: A little girl named Caylee never got to grow up. And a teenager with a wild streak had a baby too soon.

Caylee was a mistake, Casey's mother used to say. But she'd always add that the adorable little girl was the best mistake Casey ever made.

'I'm pregnant'

For seven months, Casey Anthony kept her pregnancy secret, according to testimony at her trial.

She's putting on a little weight, her mother explained to relatives curious about Casey's round belly at a wedding in early June 2005. "I thought she was filling out."

Fight outside Casey Anthony courthouse
Tot mom's brother, dad paternity tested
Anthony jurors hear complex testimony
What are Casey Anthony jurors thinking?

The parents suspected, but they didn't really want to know, her father, George, later explained to the 12 people chosen to do what he never could -- judge and possibly punish his daughter.

With a baby well on the way, denial can last only so long.

"I have something important to tell you," Casey confided in her mother two weeks after that June wedding. Then she delivered the news any parent of a teenage girl dreads: "I'm pregnant."

George and Cindy Anthony did not scold their daughter or throw her out of the house. They didn't even ask who the father was. They were over the moon about becoming grandparents.

Cindy Anthony immediately went shopping, buying maternity clothes, stuffed animals and a baby book. She arranged a baby shower for her daughter and turned the computer room into a Winnie the Pooh themed nursery.

"Casey had a Winnie the Pooh room and we had a lot of Winnie the Pooh stuff, so it was a no-brainer," she testified.

The grandparents were in the hospital delivery room when Caylee Marie Anthony was born on August 9, 2005. Soon, mother and daughter were at odds over the baby.

While George, an ex-cop, was quiet and reserved, Cindy, a nurse, could be volatile and her daughter found her controlling, according to police reports and other records in the voluminous court file.

After Caylee's birth, Cindy was constantly on Casey to be more responsible. She accused her of being an unfit mother, Casey told her brother, "and maybe I am."

Casey was not the first teenage mother to learn how hard it can be to go home to the responsibilities of a baby when you're 19 and all your friends are out partying.

Caylee didn't live to see her third birthday. On July 15, 2008, her grandmother -- not her mother -- reported her missing.

From 'low rent mystery' to national obsession

This "angel photo" of Caylee Anthony helped turn her case into a national obsession.
This "angel photo" of Caylee Anthony helped turn her case into a national obsession.

In the beginning, there was little to set this case apart. Then the now-familiar "angel" photo of Caylee was released. The image of the girl with the big brown eyes, her tiny hand curled under her chin, helped turn a search for a missing child into a national obsession.

"This started out as kind of a low-rent type of mystery," said Boslet, the editor at Orlando Magazine. "But then we had people outside the Anthony home screaming."

He was referring to the lawn chair brigade of protesters who swarmed the Chickasaw Park subdivision as the search for Caylee morphed into a murder investigation during the summer and fall of 2008.

They gathered in the street outside the Anthonys' house, carrying placards with slogans such as "Baby killer" and shouting "Murderer!" and "Tell the truth," all under the glare of television camera lights.

The details that slowly emerged in the case were truly bizarre, right down to the alleged murder weapons: duct tape and chloroform. They only fueled the frenzy.

Caylee was last seen alive after lunch on June 16 as she got into her mother's white Pontiac Sunfire and waved to her grandfather. "JoJo, see you later," she said, "I'm going with Mommy."

Caylee was missing for a month before her grandmother realized it and called the police. All the while, her mother seemed to enjoy a party girl's carefree life, working as a "shot girl" at a club where her new boyfriend worked and entering a "hot body" contest. (She did not win.)

From the tales Casey told her friends and family for those 31 days, Caylee seemed to be on a toddler's dream tour with a nanny called Zanny: Disney World, SeaWorld, Lego Land, the beach, Tampa, Jacksonville.

It was all a fantasy, the testimony showed, just like the job at Universal Studios that Casey pretended to go to every day and an imaginary boyfriend with an imaginary trust fund.

Cindy and George Anthony attend the trial almost every day. Both have testified for the prosecution.
Cindy and George Anthony attend the trial almost every day. Both have testified for the prosecution.

A towed car broke the case wide open. When George and Cindy Anthony reclaimed their daughter's Sunfire, it reeked of death. "Please don't let this be Casey or Caylee," he prayed. And then he told his wife, "We need to get home right now. This car stinks."

"What died?" Cindy Anthony exclaimed after he pulled the car into the garage. She retrieved Caylee's favorite doll from the child's car seat. It reeked, too, so she sprayed it with Febreze, she testified.

At the trial, as prosecutors focused on trying to prove Caylee's body had been in the trunk, they called witnesses who are experts on hair, fibers and human decomposition -- even an authority on bugs.

Now when they gather, Orlando's ordinary people talk like crime scene investigators, well versed on the life cycle of the coffin fly and other stomach-turning subjects.

'A tweet a minute'

O.J. Simpson's murder trial was a gavel-to-gavel cable news extravaganza; 17 years later, social media fuels the Anthony case. iPads are ubiquitous in court and the blogging, tweeting and online chatting comes fast and furious in the courtroom's balcony seats.

"A tweet a minute," says Jacqueline Fell, a producer at CF13, Orlando's cable news channel. "It's nonstop, gavel to gavel."

Boslet, the Orlando Magazine editor, hired "Marinade Dave" Knechel, a local blogger and armchair expert on the case, to cover the trial. A freelance graphic artist who takes care of his elderly parents and two cats, Knechel had never worked as a reporter. He started his blog to share his secret marinade recipes and human interest stories.

Blogger "Marinade Dave" Knechel points to the spot where Caylee Anthony's body was found.
Blogger "Marinade Dave" Knechel points to the spot where Caylee Anthony's body was found.

He drove one day by Jay Blanchard Park in Orlando and saw the dive teams searching for Caylee. He posted an entry on his blog and started to gain a following, including Stan Strickland, the original judge in the case.

When Strickland commented in court one day that Marinade Dave seemed "fair-minded," Casey Anthony's defense howled in protest and the judge stepped down.

Boslet met his new blogger at a credentialing meeting at the court. Marinade Dave would have trouble getting a seat on his own; more than 700 members of the media applied for credentials. But as a blogger for the local magazine, he was a shoo-in for a balcony seat.

It was a win for the magazine, too, Boslet said. Traffic on the magazine's Web site spiked 40% in May and June's numbers should go even higher.

'Tot mom'

Thompson, the television and popular culture professor at Syracuse University, has two words to explain the continuing obsession with the Anthony case: Nancy Grace.

Her fans account for nearly all the people who stand in line overnight, jostling and jockeying for one of the 50 public courtroom seats.

The crowd goes wild

"Nancy Grace sunk her teeth into the Anthony case and never let go," Thompson said.

The search for Caylee during summer 2008 brought in viewers as participants in a mystery, he added. When it ended badly, people already were invested. They want to know how this story ends.

For the first two weeks of the trial, Grace broadcast her show live from HLN's two-story "Casey Land" tent, which the locals dubbed "the Taj Mahal."

Caylee adored her mother, but Casey was not ready for the responsibility, witnesses testified.
Caylee adored her mother, but Casey was not ready for the responsibility, witnesses testified.

She expects to return for the verdict.

Check out Nancy Grace's guide to the trial

In the beginning, Grace said, she was captivated by the photos and videos of Caylee smiling, singing and dancing. "When I looked into those big brown eyes, it just hit home."

Then the story became an unfolding drama about mothers and daughters.

"I've never seen anybody lie like tot mom," Grace said, invoking the moniker she gave Casey Anthony. It stuck.

The former prosector considers the Anthony case a Greek tragedy. Casey Anthony blew it: "She was cute and petite and smart and articulate," she said "She had the whole world ahead of her, and she ruined it."

But she views Casey's mother as the most heartbreaking figure. Cindy Anthony was Caylee's "real mother," the one who fed her, changed her and let her feel safe and loved, Grace said.

Casey Anthony wouldn't look her mother in the eye in court on Tuesday. Her sullen expression was unchanged. "She turned away and was so coldhearted," Grace observed.

Earlier in the trial, jurors saw recorded jailhouse visits in which Casey railed at her parents like a spoiled, petulant child.

No one in the Anthony family will be spared if the defense lives up to its promise to tear the lid off a trove of dark family secrets, including allegations of incest and sexual abuse.

Casey Anthony was "raised to lie, lie, lie" after being sexually molested by her father when she was 8, defense attorney Jose Baez told the jury during opening statements. He says Caylee drowned in the pool and George Anthony found her and covered it up.

Casey's father vehemently denies the allegations and sits stoically in the back of the courtroom with his wife.

As the case winds to a close, some trial watchers find it more of a why-dunnit than a who-dunnit. There's a thirst for explanations, for understanding.

"As a young prosecutor I used to wonder, 'Why, why, why?'" Grace said. Now she knows that sometimes there are no answers.


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