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quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras : Morre cadete que passou mal após exercícios no Rio

Agência Estado
Morreu hoje o cadete Renan Mendonça Borges Gama, que passou mal no dia 24 de setembro após realizar exercícios de campo pelo Comando da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (Aman), no Rio de Janeiro. Na tarde desta quarta-feira, 5, Gama teve morte cerebral confirmada pela Aman.

O cadete, que cursava o 3º ano do Curso de Artilharia, passou mal após retornar de um exercício no terreno. Ele estava internado no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo do Hospital Samer, em Resende. Exames constataram comprometimento dos sistemas hepático e renal, além de focos infecciosos pulmonares.

Na época da internação, os médicos trabalham com três hipóteses: leptospirose, febre maculosa ou rabdomiólise. Todas apresentam sintomas iniciais parecidos, como febre, náuseas, vômitos, dores musculares e dores de cabeça. A Aman afirmou prestar todo o apoio necessário aos familiares do cadete. Foi instaurado inquérito policial para apurar o caso.

Coração de cadete da Aman, que teve morte cerebral, para de bater
06/10/2011 |  Rio de Janeiro


O gerente médico do Hospital Samer, Henrique Miller Balieiro, confirmou que o coração do cadete Renan Mendonça Borges Gama, de 23 anos, parou de bater às 12h10m desta quinta-feira. O militar estava internado na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) do Samer, em Resende. no Sul Fluminense, desde o dia 24 de setembro, depois de passar mal num exercício de campo realizado pela Academia militar das Agulhas Negras (Aman). O paciente apresentava dignóstico de rabdomiólise e insuficiência renal aguda e teve morte cerebral na última terça-feira. A síndrome de Rabdomiólise é causada após um alto esforço físico, e compromete toda a musculatura do corpo.

O médico informou ainda que familiares do catete, que vieram de São Gonçalo, na Região Metropolitana do Rio, manifestaram o desejo de doar os órgãos do militar. Henrique Balieiro explicou que não foi possivel fazer a doação por causa da própria doença e pelos vários medicamentos que foram aplicados no organismo do paciente. Esses medicamentos comprometeram os órgãos de Renan. Nem mesmo as córneas puderam ser doadas.

No início da manhã desta quinta-feira, o Hospital Samer havia divulgado um boletim médico do cadete. De acordo com os médicos, ele estava sendo mantido vivo com a ajuda de aparelhos, que não foram desligados. Renan passou mal no dia 24 de setembro durante exercício de campo da Aman e foi internado. Em nota, a academina militar esclarece que não houve omissão de socorro. O comando Aman informou que já instaurou um processo administrativo para apurar os fatos relacionados à morte cerebral do cadete. No entanto, segundo o Exército, até o momento não foi recebida nenhuma denúncia sobre maus-tratos por parte de militares ou de omissão de socorro à vítima.

"O exercício que foi realizado pelo cadete Gama teve também a participação de mais de 400 cadetes do 3º ano em dois turnos, com duração de cinco dias cada turno, sem nenhum outro caso grave. O Comando da AMAN está consternado com ocorrido, mas esclarece que não houve omissão de socorro. Cabe ressaltar que as atividades realizadas durante o exercício estavam rigorosamente previstas no Plano Geral de Ensino desta Academia, tendo sempre o acompanhamento de equipe médica.", diz trecho da nota.

entrevista ao portal G1, Pedro Luiz Nascimento Motta, vizinho da família de Renan em São Gonçalo, disse que o cadete foi internado com falência renal. Pedro Luiz denunciou que, em conversa com outros cadetes, soube que Renan participava com um grupo de um exercício de campo em que são realizadas várias atividades militares por períodos de três a cinco dias. Segundo vizinho, cadetes disseram que Renan começou a se queixar de dores durante os exercícios e informou o problema aos superiores, mas não teria recebido atendimento.

A Aman também informou na época da internação que os médicos trabalhavam com três hipóteses: Leptospirose, Febre Maculosa ou Rabdomiólise. Todas apresentam sintomas iniciais parecidos, como febre, náuseas, vômitos, dores musculares e dores de cabeça.

"Naquele hospital, foram realizados exames que constataram um comprometimento dos sistemas hepático e renal, além de focos infecciosos pulmonares. Por volta das 10h do dia 25 de setembro, o cadete foi submetido a hemodiálise e tratamento com antibióticos, a fim de reduzir os focos infecciosos", diz trecho da nota divulgada após a internação do cadete.

Da Agência O Globo

Hospital confirma morte de cadete da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras

Internado desde o dia 24 ao se sentir mal após treinamento, jovem de 23 anos já tinha morte cerebral

iG Rio de Janeiro | 06/10/2011 16:43
Em nota divulgada na tarde desta quinta-feira (6), o Hospital Samer, em Resende, no Sul Fluminense, confirmou a morte do cadete da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (Aman) Renan Mendonça Borges Gama, de 23 anos, que estava internado na unidade desde o último dia 24. O jovem foi hospitalizado ao se sentir mal após um treinamento na Aman.

Ontem, a Aman informou que o cadete já apresentava quadro de morte cerebral. Segundo o Samer, quando Renan foi internado, ele teve diagnosticada rabdomiólise (quebra rápida de músculo esquelético devido a lesão no tecido muscular) e insuficiência renal aguda.
De acordo com o hospital, durante a internação, o quadro evoluiu para o coma profundo e morte cerebral. O Comando da Aman abriu um procedimento administrativo para apurar o fato. A instituição informou ainda que está prestando assistência religiosa, psicológica e médica aos familiares do cadete.


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26/10/2008 free counters

SUS Sem ambulância, bebê espera 12h por transferência de hospital no RJ

Lorena tem 4 meses e sofre de um problema de coração que requer cirurgia.
Patroa da mãe da menina pagou R$ 1,2 mil por ambulância particular.


Um bebê de quatro meses que precisa de uma cirurgia de emergência no coração ficou 12 horas esperando por uma ambulância para ser transferido do Hospital da Posse, em Nova Iguaçu, na Baixada Fluminense, para o Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso, no subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro.
A pequena Lorena nasceu prematura e sofre de cardiopatia, um problema no coração. A família conta que na segunda-feira (3), a bebê passou mal e foi levada para a emergência do Hospital da Posse.
Na noite de quarta-feira (5), a família conseguiu uma vaga no Hospital de Bonsucesso, que realiza esse tipo de cirurgia. E foi quando o drama passou a ser conseguir uma ambulância. A família conta que ligou para o Samu, para o Corpo de Bombeiros, mas não conseguiu nada.
"A gente se sente incapaz porque a gente fez de tudo para ela chegar até aqui. Ela conseguiu sobreviver, está lutando. A gente está lutando, e a gente está vendo que ninguém está ajudando", disse Marisa Souto da Rocha, tia da menina.
Com a indefinição, a patroa da mãe do bebê pagou R$ 1,2 mil para uma ambulância particular que chegou por volta das 11h desta quinta-feira (6), para fazer a transferência da menina do Hospital da Posse para o Hospital de Bonsucesso.
O pai da pequena Lorena diz que o estado dela piorou e ela precisa ser operada com urgência. "Eles disseram que se ela não for operada com urgência, eu posso perder minha filha", disse Paulo César da Silva.
A prima da bebê, Carine Lamarca, também reclama. "O hospital (da Posse) não tem recurso suficiente para tratar da cardiopatia dela. Então ela só está no oxigênio, de adulto, um aparelho enorme, o rostinho dela fica ali machucando. Então não tem viabilidade dela ficar aqui", queixou-se a jovem pela manhã.
"Não tem nem mais nada, a gente quer resolver", diz Andrea Cristina Lamarca da Silva, tia da menina.
A assessoria de imprensa da Prefeitura de Nova Iguaçu e do Hospital da Posse disse que ainda está apurando o motivo dessa demora. O hospital afirmou ainda que vai ressarcir o dinheiro pago pela patroa da mãe de Lorena para contratar a ambulância particular.


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Steve Jobs Day

Steve Jobs Day

stevejobsday2011.com/ - 
Why Steve Jobs Day? Well, we admire his work. We've embraced his vision. And we love what he's brought to the world. Let's take a day to honor the man ...
Dia 14 de outubro já havia sido escolhido para homenagear executivo, mesmo antes da sua morte
06 de Outubro de 2011 |

Steve Jobs Day
O carinho e a admiração das pessoas para com Steve Jobs, fundador da Apple, que morreu ontem (05/10) nos Estados Unidos, é maior do que se imaginava. Para homenageá-lo, fãs do mundo inteiro criaram um dia exclusivo para o ídolo, o Steve Jobs Day. A data foi escolhida antes mesmo da sua morte e, por isso mesmo, os organizadores afirmam que esta será uma celebração da vida e não um memorial do executivo.

O evento, que vai acontecer na próxima sexta-feira (14/10), consiste em realizar homenagens ao executivo de diversas maneiras. Uma delas é se vestindo como Jobs, usando uma gola olímpica preta e calça jeans. A outra é falar sobre ele em alguma rede social.

As fotografias poderão ser enviadas para o site do evento ou postadas em blogs. Já os comentários devem se referir aos produtos da fabricante ou trabalhos memoráveis do executivo.

Para fazer parte do evento, acesse o site.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Incêndio atinge 12 carretas em pátio de transportadora no Maranhão

Plantão | 06/10 às 17h52 Globo Notícia SÃO PAULO - Um incêndio atingiu doze carretas no pátio de uma transportadora no Maranhão. O fogo teve início em um terreno vizinho, às margens da BR-135, na entrada de São Luís. O incêndio levou três horas para ser controlado pelos bombeiros.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Opositor de Chávez pede ação de Dilma sobre direitos humanos

O líder opositor venezuelano Leopoldo López afirmou nesta quinta-feira (6) que espera maior apoio e solidariedade do governo da presidente Dilma Rousseff em relação ao seu antecessor, o ex-presidente Lula, diante de casos de violações de direitos humanos em seu país.
De passagem pelo Brasil, López se mostrou otimista com o compromisso da presidente em colocar os direitos humanos no centro da política externa brasileira.
"Sim, nós esperamos que exista maior compreensão (...) [do governo da presidente Dilma]. Não somente [em relação ao] intercambio econômico, mas também que se assuma a luta pela democracia e pelos direitos humanos. A presidenta Dilma Rousseff foi uma lutadora pela democracia, ela viveu na própria carne a perseguição. Muitos do que hoje governam no Brasil foram também inabilitados", afirmou López em coletiva de imprensa.
Ex-prefeito de Chacao, na área metropolitana de Caracas, o oposicionista teve seus direitos políticos suspensos pela Controladoria Geral da Venezuela em 2008, sob acusação de desvios de verbas --não houve uma sentença judicial definitiva.
A Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos exigiu sua reabilitação política, mas integrantes do governo venezuelano já mostraram disposição em não reconhecer a decisão. López comparou a resistência do governo de Hugo Chávez à reação da ditadura militar no passado.
"Seria fazer o mesmo que fizeram, em seu momento, a ditadura militar no Brasil, Pinochet no Chile, Fujimori no Peru. Colocar-se à margem dessa decisão não é qualquer coisa", criticou. López comparou o atrito entre oposicionistas e chavistas a "uma luta Davi contra Golias".
No Brasil, ele seguiu uma agenda de compromissos em São Paulo e Brasília, com encontros com o ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, o presidente do Senado Federal, José Sarney (PMDB-AP) e com congressistas da Comissão de Relações Exteriores das duas Casas. Segundo ele, não foi solicitada nenhuma audiência com integrantes do governo da presidente Dilma.


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Qaddafi warns developing world of similar fate; deposed leader believed to be in south

Deposed leader Muammar Qaddafi said leaders of the developing world who recognized Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) that ousted him with the aid of NATO firepower would suffer a similar fate.

“If the power of (international) fleets give legitimacy, then let the rulers in the Third World be ready,” he said in an apparent reference to NATO’s military support for NTC forces.

He made the comments in an audio recording obtained by Reuters on Thursday from Syria-based Arrai television. It was not clear when the message was recorded.
“To those who recognize this council, be ready for the creation of transitional councils imposed by the power of fleets to replace you one by one from now on,” he said.

Qaddafi also called on Libyans to take to the streets, saying conditions in Libya were “unbearable.”

“I urge all Libyan people to go out and march in their millions in all the squares, in all the cities and villages and oases,” Qaddafi said.

“Go peacefully ... be courageous, rise up, go to the streets, raise our green flags to the skies,” he added.

Qaddafi has been on the run since NTC forces captured the Libyan capital Tripoli on Aug. 23. Despite several leads as to his whereabouts, he has eluded capture, along with two prominent sons.

The NTC has mounted a manhunt to find Qaddafi that is focusing on the Sahara desert near the borders with Niger and Algeria.

Qaddafi said the NTC was illegitimate. “How did it get its legitimacy? Did the Libyan people elect them? Did the Libyan people appoint them?”

Arrai TV broadcast Qaddafi’s last speech on Sept. 20.

The de facto prime minister, meanwhile, said that Qaddafi was hiding in southern Libya under the protection of tribes, crossing occasionally into Niger, but transitional government forces expect to pinpoint his whereabouts soon.

“The latest report is that he is in southern Libya under the protection of the Tuareg tribe, and from time to time crosses into Niger,” Mahmoud Jibril told Reuters during a visit to Baghdad.

“Security is the most important thing for him. To specify where he is exactly even for ten hours is very difficult. I hope within the coming days we will be able to confirm where he is located exactly,” he said.

Jibril said he was in Iraq to discuss re-establishing diplomatic relations between Tripoli and Baghdad and to ask for the fellow OPEC country’s help in oil development.

The NTC has mounted a manhunt for Gaddafi that focuses on the Sahara desert near the borders with Niger and Algeria.


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26/10/2008 free counters

RIP Steve Jobs Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]

Dear Steve: your products changed my life

Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
I went to the downtown Apple store this morning.
It was raining. Sort of fitting for the mood at the store.
Several people braved the downpour to pay tribute to Steve. Messages on Post-it notes were covering the front window. It was quite moving actually. Candles were lit and flowers were scattered on the ground.
When it started to hail briefly, I went inside. The mood was somber. The usual high-fiving employees were quiet. One of the employees told me that when they arrived at the store this morning the notes were covering the door. They carefully removed them one by one and placed the notes in rows at the bottom of the window.
While in the store, the David Bowie song Changes started playing. It was sad to hear but fitting. Apple has changed, at least how we know it.
Please check out the rest of the pictures and their captions below. This isn’t a sight exclusive to the San Francisco Apple Store. Similar tributes are happening at Apple Stores all around the world. If Steve was the heart and soul of Apple, even Apple’s fingertips are in mourning today.

Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
A small crowd gathered outside in the rain to pay their respects.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
view from inside the store looking out.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
An impressive makeshift shrine with notes, flowers, candles and a single teddy.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
The notes were on both sides of the door. I’m sure by the end of today there will be even more goodbyes. A couple of employees on the far right had just finished a hug.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Post-it notes waiting to be written on.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
A wonderful one of a kind Steve Jobs graphic made by Slustr Design. This print of Steve Jobs was made on a Mac, within two hours after it was announced that he had died. Too bad I couldn’t get the link to work, Slustr Design. Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
These four young men are graduates of the San Francisco Art Institute. The guy that designed the print is in the picture but didn’t want to be acknowledged. Sort of like a Banksy. They used part of their rent money to print the Steve Jobs graphic at Kinkos.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
The rain dripping down the window made it seem like the apple really was crying.
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]
Sad Goodbyes To Steve At The San Francisco Apple Store [Gallery]

Time Magazine Runs Special Steve Jobs Issue – Includes Touching Preview From Biography

Time Magazine had their issue for this week all ready to go, and then they heard the terrible news of Steve Jobs’ passing. They cancelled the current issue, and went to work immediately on a retrospective issue all about Steve Jobs. From the special issue, via Fortune, is an excerpt from the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaccson, which details the day Steve pitched the idea for the biography.
In the early summer of 2004, I got a phone call from him. He had been scattershot friendly to me over the years, with occasional bursts of intensity, especially when he was launching a new product that he wanted on the cover of Time or featured on CNN, places where I’d worked. But now that I was no longer at either of those places, I hadn’t heard from him much. We talked a bit about the Aspen Institute, which I had recently joined, and I invited him to speak at our summer campus in Colorado. He’d be happy to come, he said, but not to be onstage. He wanted, instead, to take a walk so we could talk.
That seemed a bit odd. I didn’t yet know that taking a long walk was his preferred way to have a serious conversation. It turned out that he wanted me to write a biography of him. I had recently published one on Benjamin Franklin and was writing one about Albert Einstein, and my initial reaction was to wonder, half jokingly, whether he saw himself as the natural successor in that sequence. Because I assumed that he was still in the middle of an oscillating career that had many more ups and downs left, I demurred. Not now, I said. Maybe in a decade or two, when you retire.
But I later realized that he had called me just before he was going to be operated on for cancer for the first time. As I watched him battle that disease, with an awesome intensity combined with an astonishing emotional romanticism, I came to find him deeply compelling, and I realized how much his personality was ingrained in the products he created. His passions, demons, desires, artistry, devilry and obsession for control were integrally connected to his approach to business, so I decided to try to write his tale as a case study in creativity.
The will be the 7th time that Steve Jobs has been on the cover of Time Magazine, and here’s a slideshow of all of them. The issue will be hitting newsstands and iPads tomorrow, and Time’s site later today.
To produce this special issue, TIME stopped the presses on its previously planned issue in order to devote its cover and 21 pages of the full issue to Jobs’ life and career. The issue includes a six-page essay by Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson, a historical report on Jobs career by TIME technology reporters Harry McCracken and Lev Grossman and a photo essay by Diana Walker, who has been shooting Jobs for TIME since 1982.
The biography has been moved up twice, and is now set for October 24th. There’s another excerpt detailing Isaacson’s last encounter with Steve, about four weeks ago. The WSJ reports, “Jobs indicated at that time that he knew he was going to die soon”. The excerpt below is very touching, and shows Steve’s appreciation for his family above all else in the end.
A few weeks ago, I visited Jobs for the last time in his Palo Alto, Calif., home. He had moved to a downstairs bedroom because he was too weak to go up and down stairs. He was curled up in some pain, but his mind was still sharp and his humor vibrant. We talked about his childhood, and he gave me some pictures of his father and family to use in my biography. As a writer, I was used to being detached, but I was hit by a wave of sadness as I tried to say goodbye. In order to mask my emotion, I asked the one question that was still puzzling me: Why had he been so eager, during close to 50 interviews and conversations over the course of two years, to open up so much for a book when he was usually so private? “I wanted my kids to know me,” he said. “I wasn’t always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did.”
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson is available to pre-order in the iBookstore, Amazon, and else where.

Wall Street: Spirit & vision of Steve Jobs will live on at Apple
Published: 03:44 PM EST (12:44 PM PST)

Steve Jobs changed the world with his ideas, and those same principles make up the backbone of Apple, which is why Wall Street watchers believe the company will continue to innovate and succeed even after the passing of its iconic co-founder.

Reacting to the news that Jobs has died at the age of 56, analysts on Wall Street praised him as an inspiring leader who changed the world. But they also remain confident in the future of Apple as a company, even without Jobs around to guide his creation.

The optimism expressed by analysts has been shared so far by investors, as AAPL stock was down less than 1 percent on Thursday afternoon following the news that Jobs had passed.

Piper Jaffray

"Jobs inspired not only the many Apple products that created new categories and changed the way people live, work and play, but he inspired other technology leaders to do the same," analyst Gene Munster said. "All the while, Jobs was developing perhaps his greatest accomplishment, Apple itself.

"We believe that Jobs' legacy includes his many great inventions as well as those people who know lead Apple and will carry on his way of creating the future."

He believes that Jobs's final great act as CEO was grooming Tim Cook to be his successor. Munster said Cook is more than capable with what he called a "rare combination" of humility and motivation.

"While there may be concerns among investors as to whether or not Cook can continue Jobs' streak of innovation, we believe there is no better candidate to lead the company Jobs co-founded," he said. "And in many ways, it will be Jobs and his deeply rooted vision that will always guide Apple and its leaders."

Munster said he believes Cook will carry out a long-term roadmap that he and Jobs likely jointly established. He thinks that Apple's course for the next five years is probably already plotted internally.

Wall Street 1

Ticonderoga Securities

Analyst Brian White shared a similar sentiment, calling Apple itself a creation of Jobs that is built to "stand the test of time." He said that Jobs's presence will always be felt at the company and will inspire employees to innovate for many years to come.

"Steve Jobs' acceptance of nothing but the highest quality work has been thoroughly ingrained in the Apple culture during his tenure, creating a team that we believe will continue to thrive," White wrote in a note to investors.

He referenced the letter Jobs sent to the Apple board when he announced he was stepping down as CEO in August. In that letter, Jobs said that "Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it," and White said he agrees with that assessment.

"Clearly, there is no one like Steve Jobs in the tech world and Apple will never have another Steve Jobs at he helm, however, we believe he has created an incredibly talented team with Tim Cook as CEO that can lead Apple to continued success for many years to come," White said.

Wall Street 2

Sterne Agee

"Apple is his legacy just like Disney is Walt Disney's and GE for Thomas Edison," analyst Shaw Wu said of Jobs in a note filed on Thursday. "It is the culture of innovation, thinking different, risk taking, and execution that will live on."

Going forward, Wu believes that the greatest challenge for Apple will be maintaining the culture that Jobs instilled. But he believes that Cook, along with designer Jonathan Ive, iTunes and iAds chief Eddy Cue, iOS software leader Scott Forstall, marketing head Phil Schiller, Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer, and Mac hardware executive Bob Mansfield represent a strong lineup at the company.

"We are buyers on potential weakness in AAPL shares as we believe the company has transformed itself into one of the key platforms of the future with iCloud and the App Store poised to benefit in the coming decade from a company that produced hot products," he said. "In the near-term, the stock may remain volatile as Tim Cook gains confidence from investors."

Apple's Fifth Ave store becomes memorial site for Steve Jobs
Published: 09:52 AM EST (06:52 AM PST)

Mourning the loss of Steve Jobs, many who admired the man and appreciate his contributions to the world have shown their respects by placing flowers, candles, notes and apples outside of the Apple Store on New York City's Fifth Avenue.

Though the glass cube that serves as the store's entrance remains under wraps as construction continues, Apple fans have taken to paying their respects at the front steps of the retail location. The Fifth Avenue store is an East Coast hub for Apple, serving as one of the most heavily trafficked stores in the world with its instantly recognizable grand entrance.

People began to gather outside the store Wednesday night as news of Jobs's passing spread. Thursday morning, the site remained active, with members of the media present to cover the story, and admirers of Jobs coming by to pay their respects.

Laid at the entrance were flowers, candles, balloons and apples, along with letters dedicated to the Apple co-founder reiterating that he will be missed. Placed at the center of the makeshift memorial, a sign read "Keep Thinking Different," referencing Apple's memorable ad campaign.

Construction at the Fifth Ave cube has been underway since June. The $6.7 million project will replace the previous design of 90 glass panes with 15 larger ones, giving it a cleaner and simpler look.

The original cube was personally designed by Jobs, and is one of the most photographed landmarks in New York City. Jobs even paid for the project himself and owned the structure.

Below are photos of the Fifth Ave store as seen Thursday morning, courtesy of AppleInsider reader Ryan.

Memorial 1

Memorial 1
Mourners began to memorialize Steve Jobs at the Apple Fifth Avenue store Wednesday night.

Memorial 1
A customer exits the Fifth Avenue Apple Store on Thursday morning.

Memorial 1
Media and crowds remained at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York Thursday morning.

Memorial 4

Memorial 5
Newspapers across the world have hailed Steve Jobs as 'visionary' in covering his death.


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