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quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Justin Bieber looks CRAZY on the cover of People Magazine

Posted by The Zeitgeisty Report (c) on Apr 8th, 2010 and filed under

justin bieber looking crazy on the cover of people

Justin Bieber looks totally demented on the new cover of People magazine, and I have a theory…I think a core bunch of subversives over at the magazine are trying to destroy his career! Yes, I think a few brave people have infiltrated that major media outlet for the masses of moronic, mentally deficient, moobyshmoobs and have a grand plan to eradicate the glut of talentless hacks, currently clogging up the arteries of our culture’s circulatory system! What other reason could their possibly be, to use such a horrendous photo? Hell, even Bieber himself knows he looks scary, tweeting:

Dear @peoplemag Covershoot…next time i laugh real crazy warn me u r still taking pics…still appreciate u but let’s get on the same page EXCLUSIVE story and pics in the new issue of @peoplemag . I look crazy as heck on the cover but if u cant laugh at yourself u aint havin fun

Crazy as ‘heck’? Who the HELL talks like that? Jesus, what a sham this kid is – a mendacious, machine made, fluffy headed sham. Thank those brave subversives over at People magazine, with luck Beaver will sink faster than one of those really hard turds..you know the kind you get after eating a pastrami on rye and you forget to drink enough liquid along with it…yeah..that kind.



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