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quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

#RIO Three people died and at least 13 others injured in an explosion early in a restaurant located in the center of Rio de Janeiro.


The Agency GloboPor Ludmilla de Lima (@ ludmilla.lima oglobo.com.br) | The Globe Agency - NEW YORK - The first victim identified after a serious explosion in Tiradentes Square, downtown Rio, on Thursday, would be the chef of the restaurant Steak Carioca. According to Lt. Col. Amaury Simões the 5th Battalion (Harmony Square), one hypothesis is that a gas leak in the restaurant would have caused the explosion. - One hypothesis is that a leak has caused the accumulation of gas during the day yesterday, when the store was closed for the holiday. The chef was the first to arrive and must be turned on the light switch and caused the explosion. Of the 13 wounded, at least one is in very serious condition and two in serious condition. Experts now analyze the wreckage and the bodies of three dead begin to be removed. According to people who were nearby, the square was almost empty at the time and the explosion is compared to a force pump. - I was having breakfast at the hotel which is next door when I heard the explosion and saw people falling on the floor of the hotel and screaming 'help'. It was very sad. It looked like an atomic bomb. Never seen anything like it in the River - Edgar de Almeida account Negrao de Lima, Bob Lester, 98 years. Mayor Eduardo Paes is still in place. RIO - The Lavradio Street in City Centre, has a range interdicted to vehicular traffic at the time of Avenida República do Chile, due to the explosion that hit a building in Rua da Carioca, No. 9, in Tiradentes Square. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. The streets of the Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco also remain off-limits to the work of firefighters.

Incident occurred in a building located on the corner of the Carioca and Viscount of Rio Branco
iG Rio de Janeiro | 13/10/2011 07:48 - 08:49 UPDATED
Three people died and at least 13 others injured in an explosion early on Thursday (13) in a restaurant located in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Still no word on what might have caused the incident.
According to the Fire Department, the victims were employees of the restaurant. People who are on the scene report that there is a strong smell of gas in the region. The hypothesis of a gas leak, however, has not been confirmed by the authorities.
The restaurant was located on the ground floor of a building located on the corner of the Carioca and Viscount of Rio Branco, at the time of Tiradentes Square. The bodies of the victims were thrown about 40 meters after the explosion.
Due to the incident, several wrecks are scattered throughout the area and traffic was stopped on the streets of Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco. Firefighters, municipal guards and military police are in place, which was isolated.
The injured are being taken to the Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, in downtown Rio, but there is no information about the state of their health.
* Anderson with reporting by Ramos, especially for iG
Explosion in downtown Rio kills 3, injures 10 people
An explosion in the center of Rio de Janeiro killed three people and wounded ten in the morning of Thursday, according to the Fire Department. The accident occurred in a building in Tiradentes Square, near Rua da Carioca.
The cause of the explosion are still unknown, but may have been treated for a gas leak, according to sources cited by the channel Globonews.
Television pictures showed the wounded being carried by rescue teams. There are at least eight fire engines on site. The explosion completely destroyed the ground floor of the building and rescue workers searching for victims following the upper floors.
At the crash site is a restaurant. Signs of destruction can be realized until the ninth floor of the building, firefighters said.

Today at 7:39 a.m. - Updated today at 8:56 a.m.Explosion leaves victims in a building in downtown Rio
Newspapers in Brazil

Scenes of panic were recorded this morning at Rua da Carioca, near the Tiradentes Square, in downtown Rio, where there was a loud explosion. The CBN radio said three people were killed and 13 injured, three seriously. Firefighters are in place to provide relief to victims. Many onlookers are in place.
The explosion destroyed the facade of a building and a newsstand near the Hotel Formula One Light has been thrown by the firemen. According to GloboNews, the company's technicians said that there was an explosion in a manhole.
Area where the explosion occurred was completely destruídaÁrea where the explosion occurred was completely destroyedThe facade of the building Wealth in Ouvidor Street, No. 9, was totally destroyed and several broken windows. At least seven floors of the building were hit.
Injured woman is taken by bombeirosMulher wound is removed by firefightersThe streets of the Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco are closed to traffic. Agents of CET-Rio, and Comlurb Municipal Guard, and Military Police and Firefighters are on site, which is isolated.
Explosion in building in Square Rods leaves dead and injured
Posted on 13/10/2011 at 08h15m
O Globo (granderio@oglobo.com.br) with CBN
Explosion in the region of Praça Tiradentes in Rio leaves dead and injured / Photo: Play TV Globo
RIO - A large explosion in a building that is on Rua da Carioca 9, at the corner of Avenue Steps, in Tiradentes Square, left at least three dead and five to ten people injured early on Thursday. The victims were thrown about 40 meters from the scene of the accident, which happened in the Carioca Steak Restaurant, located on the ground floor of the building Wealth.
According to reports, at least five injured were taken to the Souza Aguiar Hospital, also at the center.
The facade of the building, which is commercial and residential, was totally destroyed, and several windows were broken. At least four floors of the building have been achieved. The debris also hit a newsstand, and trees of the region.
Still no word on what caused the explosion. The Operations Center of the city said it is investigating the case. Light said the accident was not caused by their facilities. Firefighters evacuated the place gas cylinders.
The streets of the Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco are closed to traffic. Teams of city hall, with agents of CET-Rio, and Comlurb Municipal Guard, and Military Police and Firefighters are on site, which is isolated. Despite the ban, there is a large cluster of people in the area of ​​the accident.


Incident occurred in a building located on the corner of the Carioca and Viscount of Rio Branco

iG Rio de Janeiro | 13/10/2011 07:48 - 08:49 UPDATEDThree people died and at least 13 others injured in an explosion early on Thursday (13) in a restaurant located in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Still no word on what might have caused the incident.According to the Fire Department, the victims were employees of the restaurant. People who are on the scene report that there is a strong smell of gas in the region. The hypothesis of a gas leak, however, has not been confirmed by the authorities.The restaurant was located on the ground floor of a building located on the corner of the Carioca and Viscount of Rio Branco, at the time of Tiradentes Square. The bodies of the victims were thrown about 40 meters after the explosion.Due to the incident, several wrecks are scattered throughout the area and traffic was stopped on the streets of Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco. Firefighters, municipal guards and military police are in place, which was isolated.The injured are being taken to the Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, in downtown Rio, but there is no information about the state of their health.* Anderson with reporting by Ramos, especially for iGExplosion in downtown Rio kills 3, injures 10 peopleAn explosion in the center of Rio de Janeiro killed three people and wounded ten in the morning of Thursday, according to the Fire Department. The accident occurred in a building in Tiradentes Square, near Rua da Carioca.The cause of the explosion are still unknown, but may have been treated for a gas leak, according to sources cited by the channel Globonews.Television pictures showed the wounded being carried by rescue teams. There are at least eight fire engines on site. The explosion completely destroyed the ground floor of the building and rescue workers searching for victims following the upper floors.At the crash site is a restaurant. Signs of destruction can be realized until the ninth floor of the building, firefighters said.

Today at 7:39 a.m. - Updated today at 8:56 a.m.Explosion leaves victims in a building in downtown RioNewspapers in BrazilScenes of panic were recorded this morning at Rua da Carioca, near the Tiradentes Square, in downtown Rio, where there was a loud explosion. The CBN radio said three people were killed and 13 injured, three seriously. Firefighters are in place to provide relief to victims. Many onlookers are in place.The explosion destroyed the facade of a building and a newsstand near the Hotel Formula One Light has been thrown by the firemen. According to GloboNews, the company's technicians said that there was an explosion in a manhole.Area where the explosion occurred was completely destruídaÁrea where the explosion occurred was completely destroyedThe facade of the building Wealth in Ouvidor Street, No. 9, was totally destroyed and several broken windows. At least seven floors of the building were hit.Injured woman is taken by bombeirosMulher wound is removed by firefightersThe streets of the Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco are closed to traffic. Agents of CET-Rio, and Comlurb Municipal Guard, and Military Police and Firefighters are on site, which is isolated.Explosion in building in Square Rods leaves dead and injuredPosted on 13/10/2011 at 08h15mO Globo (granderio@oglobo.com.br) with CBNExplosion in the region of Praça Tiradentes in Rio leaves dead and injured / Photo: Play TV GloboRIO - A large explosion in a building that is on Rua da Carioca 9, at the corner of Avenue Steps, in Tiradentes Square, left at least three dead and five to ten people injured early on Thursday. The victims were thrown about 40 meters from the scene of the accident, which happened in the Carioca Steak Restaurant, located on the ground floor of the building Wealth.According to reports, at least five injured were taken to the Souza Aguiar Hospital, also at the center.The facade of the building, which is commercial and residential, was totally destroyed, and several windows were broken. At least four floors of the building have been achieved. The debris also hit a newsstand, and trees of the region.Still no word on what caused the explosion. The Operations Center of the city said it is investigating the case. Light said the accident was not caused by their facilities. Firefighters evacuated the place gas cylinders.The streets of the Carioca, Assembly and Viscount of Rio Branco are closed to traffic. Teams of city hall, with agents of CET-Rio, and Comlurb Municipal Guard, and Military Police and Firefighters are on site, which is isolated. Despite the ban, there is a large cluster of people in the area of ​​the accident.







Incidente ocorreu em um edifício localizado na esquina das ruas da Carioca e Visconde de Rio Branco

iG Rio de Janeiro | 13/10/2011 07:48 - Atualizada às 08:49
Três pessoas morreram e pelo menos outras 13 ficaram feridas em uma explosão ocorrida na manhã desta quinta-feira (13) em um restaurante localizado no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria provocado o incidente.
Segundo informações do Corpo de Bombeiros, as vítimas eram funcionárias do restaurante. Pessoas que estão no local relatam que há um forte cheiro de gás na região. A hipótese de vazamento de gás, no entanto, ainda não foi confirmada pelas autoridades.
O restaurante estava localizado no térreo de um prédio situado na esquina das ruas da Carioca e Visconde de Rio Branco, na altura da Praça Tiradentes. Os corpos das vítimas fatais foram arremessados por cerca de 40 metros, após explosão.
Devido ao incidente, diversos destroços estão espalhados pela região e o trânsito foi interditado nas ruas da Carioca, Assembleia e Visconde de Rio Branco. Bombeiros, guardas municipais e policiais militares estão no local, que foi isolado.
Os feridos estão sendo levados para o Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, no centro do Rio, mas ainda não há informações sobre o estado de saúde deles.
* com reportagem de Anderson Ramos, especial para o iG

Explosão no centro do Rio mata 3 pessoas e fere 10

Uma explosão no centro do Rio de Janeiro matou três pessoas e feriu outras dez na manhã desta quinta-feira, segundo informações do Corpo de Bombeiros. O acidente ocorreu num prédio na Praça Tiradentes, próximo à Rua da Carioca.
As causas da explosão ainda são desconhecidas, mas pode ter se tratado de um vazamento de gás, de acordo com fonte citada pelo canal Globonews.
Imagens de TV mostram os feridos sendo levados pelas equipes de socorro. Há ao menos oito carros dos bombeiros no local. A explosão destruiu totalmente andar térreo do prédio e as equipes de resgate seguem buscando vítimas nos andares superiores.
No local do acidente funciona um restaurante. Os sinais de destruição podem ser percebidos até o nono andar do edifício, segundo os bombeiros.



Explosão em prédio na Praça Tirantes deixa mortos e feridos

Publicada em 13/10/2011 às 08h15m
O Globo (granderio@oglobo.com.br)Com CBN

Explosão na região da Praça Tiradentes no Rio deixa mortos e feridos / Foto: Reprodução TV Globo
RIO - Uma grande explosão em um prédio que fica na Rua da Carioca 9, na esquina com a Avenida Passos, na Praça Tiradentes, deixou pelo menos três mortos e entre cinco a dez pessoas feridas na manhã desta quinta-feira. As vítimas foram arremessadas a cerca de 40 metros do local do acidente, que aconteceu no Restaurante Filé Carioca, que fica no térreo do edifício Riqueza.
De acordo com informações, pelo menos cinco feridos foram levados para o Hospital Souza Aguiar, também no Centro.
A faixada do prédio, que é comercial e residencial, foi totalmente destruída, e várias vidraças foram quebradas. Pelo menos quatro andares do edifício foram atingidos. Os destroços atingiram também uma banca de jornal, e árvores da região.
Ainda não há informações sobre o que provocou a explosão. O Centro de Operações da prefeitura informou que está apurando o caso. A Light afirmou que o acidente não foi provocado por suas instalações. Bombeiros já retiraram botijões de gás do local.
As ruas da Carioca, Assembleia e Visconde de Rio Branco estão interditadas ao trânsito. Equipes da prefeitura, com agentes da CET-Rio, Guarda Municipal e Comlurb, além de Bombeiros e Policiais Militares estão no local, que está isolado. Apesar da interdição, há uma grande aglomeração de pessoas na área do acidente.

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Explosão aconteceu por volta das 7h30 - Reprodução/GloboNews
Explosão aconteceu por volta das 7h30
RIO - Três pessoas morreram e pelo menos 13 ficaram feridas em uma explosão na manhã desta quinta-feira, 13, no centro do Rio. A explosão na Praça Tiradentes ocorreu na cozinha do restaurante Filé Carioca, localizado no térreo do prédio de número 9, na Rua Carioca.
De acordo com a funcionária Michele Medeiros Santos, de 29 anos, os empregados da cozinha sentiram um forte cheiro de gás e pediram que todos deixassem o local por volta das 7 horas. No entanto, não houve tempo para que três pessoas que estavam no interior do estabelecimento saíssem. Houve a explosão e os corpos das três vítimas fatais foram projetados para a Praça Tiradentes.
Os bombeiros ainda procuram por mais vítimas nos andares mais altos dos prédios, com ajuda de escadas. Ainda não há um número exato de feridos na explosão, já chega a 13 pessoas hospitalizadas, de acordo com informações preliminares.
A explosão destruiu totalmente o andar térreo de pelo menos dois prédios na Praça Tiradentes. Os destroços foram lançados a uma distância de cerca de 100 metros e o trânsito na região está complicado.
Até o nono andar de um dos prédios atingidos há sinais de destruição, com muitos vidros quebrados, principalmente no edifício Riqueza, localizado no numero 9 da rua, colado ao hotel Formule 1. A grande quantidade de policiais militares tenta controlar a curiosidade das pessoas.
Às 8h50, peritos da Polícia Civil faziam a perícia nos corpos dos três mortos que permanecem na Praça Tiradentes, para onde foram projetados após o estouro./ COM PEDRO DANTAS, SOLANGE SPIGLIATTI E WILSON TOSTA
Atualizada às 9h08

13/10/2011 09h13 - Atualizado em 13/10/2011 09h13

'Tudo acabou', diz dona de sorveteria atingida por explosão no Centro do RJ

Aos prantos, Márcia Almeida se desesperou ao ver tudo destruído.
Explosão deixou 3 mortos e pelo menos 13 feridos nesta manhã.

Carolina Lauriano Do G1 RJ
Comente agora
Márcia Almeida (Foto: Carolina Lauriano/G1)Dona de sorveteria é amparada
(Foto: Carolina Lauriano/G1)
Aos prantos, Márcia Almeida, dona de uma sorveteria atingida pela explosão que aconteceu no Centro do Rio na manhã desta quinta-feira (13) se desesperou ao chegar à loja para trabalhar e ver tudo destruído. A explosão deixou três mortos e pelo menos 13 feridos.

“Eu ouvi no rádio, vindo pra cá, mas não sabia que era a minha loja. Tudo acabou, meu Deus”, disse ela que é proprietária do imóvel há 1 ano.

A explosão aconteceu na lanchonete Filé Carioca, que fica num prédio de onze andares na Praça Tiradentes, perto da Rua da Carioca. A sorveteria fica ao lado do local atingido.
O local fica a cerca de 30 metros de um posto da Polícia Militar.
Pelo menos 40 bombeiros do quartel Central estão no local para atender as vítimas. Segundo o coronel Hélio Oliveira, assessor de comunicação dos bombeiros, há pelo menos 13 feridos, sendo três em estado grave. As vítimas foram levadas para o Hospital Souza Aguiar, também no Centro.
mapa do local da explosão (Foto: Arte / G1)Mapa do local da explosão (Foto: Arte / G1)
“É um cenário de guerra. Parece que a gente está no Iraque. É uma coisa espantosa, inacreditável. Pessoas foram arremessadas a cinco metros”, disse o cabo Dielson da Silva Evangelista, que está no local.

Procurada pelo G1, a assessoria da Light informou que o fornecimento de energia é normal e que não tem qualquer responsabilidade no incidente. Já a Companhia Distribuidora de Gás do Rio (CEG) disse que enviou um equipe ao local para apurar se a explosão foi causada por algum vazamento de gás da sua rede ou por botijão de gás.
O Centro de Operações da Prefeitura do Rio informa que as ruas da Carioca, Assembleia,  Visconde de Rio Branco e República do Paraguai, altura da Evaristo da Veiga, estão interditadas ao trânsito. Equipes da Prefeitura, como agentes da CET-Rio, Guarda Municipal e Comlurb, além de Bombeiros e Policiais Militares estão no local, que está isolado.
Como alternativa, os motoristas que circulam pelo Centro podem utilizar as avenidas Rio Branco, Almirante Barro, República do Chile, além das ruas do Lavradio, Senado, Vinte de abril e Avenida Mem de Sá.

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