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domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Quatro homens armados invadem casa de Silvio Santos em São Paulo

Quatro homens armados invadiram por volta das 22h de sábado a casa do apresentador Silvio Santos no bairro do Morumbi, em São Paulo. Objetos foram roubados, mas ninguém foi ferido. O apresentador não estava em casa.
O caso foi registrado no 89º Distrito Policial, que fica no bairro do Morumbi, em São Paulo. Os homens renderam o segurança durante a invasão. Um genro e a filha de Silvio Santos estavam na casa.
Em 22 de agosto de 2001, a filha do apresentador Patrícia Abravanel foi sequestrada quando se preparava para sair da casa no Morumbi. Ela foi dominada e levada em seu próprio carro, um Passat alemão blindado, e libertada somente sete dias depois após pagamento do resgate. Uma semana depois, um dos sequestradores volto a casa e também fez Silvio Santos refém.

Silvio Santos

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Silvio Santos

Silvio Santos
Born Senor Abravanel
December 12, 1930(1930-12-12)
Nationality Brazilian
Occupation TV host
Known for Brazilian media personality
Silvio Santos (real name Senor Abravanel, born on December 12, 1930) is a Brazilian TV show host and billionaire[1] entrepreneur. He is the owner of SBT, the second largest television network in the country.



[edit] Biography

Santos was born in Rio de Janeiro, in the Lapa region. He is of Sephardi Jewish descent and was born to a Turkish mother and a Greek father.[2] Despite his humble beginnings, working as a street vendor, he had a strong affinity for artistic endeavors and took up jobs on the radio, circus and television.
He became one of the major TV hosts in Brazil. His greatest achievement was founding SBT in 1981, where he still fronts various shows. Santos' business conglomerate today also includes banks, retailers, cosmetics manufacturers, agribusiness ventures and hotels. He is the single biggest taxpayer natural person in Brazil.[3] Additionally, Santos is known as a benefactor of the Jewish community.
He has influenced Brazilian television in many ways, particularly by producing local versions of popular international formats such as Celebrity Big Brother, Candid Camera, The Biggest Loser, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, Deal or No Deal, the RTL Idols franchise, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.
The Abravanel family (also spelled Abarbanel or Abrabanel) is one of the oldest and most distinguished Jewish families of the Iberian peninsula; they trace their origins from the biblical King David. Parts of this family, including Silvio Santos' branch, moved to Salonika around 1492 to escape religious persecution of Jews in Iberia. Silvio Santos is a descendant of Portuguese statesman and philosopher Isaac Abrabanel.[4], he is his 15th grandson. He is also a descendant of the prestigious Jewish family Ibn Yahya, as well as a descendant of Joseph Karo, illustrious Jewish law commentator from Toledo, Spain.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ In reais.
  2. ^ http://www.colegiosaofrancisco.com.br/alfa/silvio-santos/silvio-santos-5.php
  3. ^ Página do Silvio Santos (Portuguese)
  4. ^ O Baú do Silvio (Portuguese)

[edit] References

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