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segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010

Exporter of the Year? I?

Power - Denize Bacoccini
This is Money - 19/07/2010

Neither he believed. Despite the outcry against the real valued, Henrique Meirelles received award for exporter of the year.

Days ago, Meirelles received the award from the Association of Exporters Gauchos. In the justification for the choice, they explained that the most important is not the exchange, but stability. This week, with the Monetary Policy Committee resumes debate on inflation risks.

Forest Code

On the road

For Congressman Aldo Rebelo, recess is not rest. He has divided his time between the campaign to renew the mandate for PCdo B Sao Paulo and the defense of the new forest code, he reported. In the last two weeks, Aldo was in Mato Grosso, Paraná, Pará, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

House District

Close race

The impeachment and resignation of deputies and the bad reputation of the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District did not diminish the courage of candidates to a vaguinha House. The District Council is the busiest, with 838 candidates vying for 24 seats. The average 35 candidates per seat is three times higher than in other states.


The law does not scored

For almost two decades, the Quota Law, which reserve places for disabled people, even in the absence of skid training. Even in Sao Paulo, which is the most advanced state in question was only filled half the seats available.


New family in August

The Mint begins printing on August 6 the new royal family. The plan was that the ballots from $ 100 and $ 50 to enter into service in the first half, but there was delay in delivery of new presses at the Mint. Now, do not know when the notes begin to circulate.

Scene Plateau

People in the playpen

The first rally Rousseff in Brasilia on Tuesday, was a failure of the public, but a successful platform. Queued, candidates allied base filled the stage. In the audience, little people, with selection prior to entering the playpen in front of the stage, but a number of Lula's government ministers and advisers. Dilma spoke less than ten minutes and not excited. But already started training in improvisation.


After Rousseff, Marina Silva, who is now going to Wall Street. Invited by Bovespa, the candidate of PV gives a lecture on Thursday to an audience of 600 investors interested in hearing proposals for the Brazilian economy.

Goes in full swing the arm of Army civil works. Eye on the needs for the World Cup, the Army negotiated reforms of airports in Goiania and Victoria. Are two of the most problematic of the country's military already touch the works of five other airports.



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