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domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009

8 more H1N1 deaths in India, toll rises to 298

Eight more influenza A (H1N1) deaths have been reported from India, taking the toll due to the pandemic in the country so far to 298, an official statement said today.

Of them four of the deaths were reported today--two in Karnataka and one each in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

Besides, two deaths that occurred in recent days in Andhra Pradesh and two in Gujarat have also been confirmed today as cases of swine flu after the receipt of the results of laboratory tests, the statement said.

Of the total deaths, Maharashtra accounts for 117, while 91 people have lost their lives in Karnataka, 31 each in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, 9 in Delhi, 4 each in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, 3 in Goa, 2 each in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and 1 each in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.

Meanwhile, as many as 189 fresh cases of the flu were reported from across the country, including 53 in Delhi, 46 in Maharashtra, 39 in Andhra Pradesh, 17 in Karnataka, 12 in Haryana, 7 in Kerala, 4 in Uttar Pradesh, 3 each in Tamil Nadu and Chandigarh, 2 each in Gujarat and Puducherry, and 1 in Jammu & Kashmir

With these, the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of the virus reported so far in India has risen to 9694, the statement added.


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