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quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010

Microsoft Bing gets odds in search engine market

BEIJING, June 24 (Xinhaunet) -- Microsoft's search engine Bing fianally got its odds in the search engine market with the launch of a new entertainment site, according to media reports Thursday.

Bing has long lagged behind Google and Yahoo in the search engine market. But now it's about finding ways to persuade people to switch, said Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's senior vice-president of online.

"We have caught up now," Mehdi said during an interview.

Microsoft is not trying to mimic Google's features inside of Bing. Microsoft is billing its new entertainment tab as more of a portal than a search engine. The Entertainment site is divided into four distinct sections -- Music, Gaming, Movies, and TV -- each of which is chock full of videos, MP3 files, and point-and-click games.

"Our goal is not competitively focused because if you follow the competitor, you go down the same path that they did," Mehdi said.

In a recent blog post, Mehdi predicted the iPhone would help increase Bing's market share. "Needless to say, we are excited that Bing will be included as an option in Safari because it will make it easier for you to search and get the benefits of Bing."



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